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PM salutes generosity of Canadians aiding Afghanistan

16 February 2007
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today paid tribute to Canadian corporate and grassroots donors whose generosity is bringing better health and hope for tens of thousands of children and adults in the developing world. His remarks were made at the official opening of the Health Partners International of Canada (HPIC) medical aid distribution centre in Mississauga, Ontario.

Speaking against a backdrop of pallets stacked with pharmaceutical and medical supplies destined for developing countries, the Prime Minister said: “Consider some of the people involved in this endeavour. They include CEOs and senior executives from major corporations who normally are fierce competitors. Yet they have come together in a noble common cause.”

“And then there are smaller donors, the small businesses, church congregations, community groups and individuals. They may not have as much to give, but the ocean of suffering in the developing world has touched their hearts, so they give what they can,” he added.

During the last two decades, HPIC has delivered over $200 million worth of medical aid to people in 116 countries around the world. This year, HPIC has announced that it will concentrate on Afghanistan and is currently building several shipments of medical aid destined for the country.
“HPIC and its donors made a major contribution to this mission in 2004,” noted Prime Minister Harper. “Their even larger contributions this year will complement the efforts of our troops, diplomats, aid workers and civilian police at a critical time.”

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