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Job Search Tips

There are different ways to find work in Canada. Job search tips, help with your résumé, and a listing of jobs available across Canada can be found on the Job Bank website.

People will help you in your job search at a local settlement agency or an employment resource centre. They have resources, information and contacts in the community to help you find a rewarding job.

Here are some tips to help you find work.

Start your search

Look up job listings in the classified advertisements section under “Help Wanted” and “Careers” in newspapers and professional and trade magazines.

Look for job listings at community centres, go to job fairs and search the Internet.

Start making a career plan

Take advantage of the free online services for newcomers that include learning to use Canadian labour market information, writing a résumé and marketing yourself to potential employers.

The Government of Canada has tips on job search techniques to help you find the career you want.

Build your network

Use your personal network to get a job. Most available jobs are not advertised. Tell relatives, friends and new acquaintances that you are interested in finding work in your field.

Getting experience

Volunteering is an excellent way of gaining valuable Canadian work experience. It will expand your network, and the people you work with can serve as references in your job search. Look in the Yellow Pages of your local telephone directory under “volunteer.” Most communities in Canada have volunteer organizations that can connect you to opportunities for volunteer work.

Get help in your settlement

Immigrant-serving agencies provide settlement services in many languages to help newcomers to Canada adjust to their new life. They can help you find a job and help with all your needs as you settle into your new community.

Brush up on your English or French

Communication skills in English or French will be one of your greatest assets. English and French are the official languages of Canada. The Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada Program provides free basic French- and English-language courses to adult permanent residents, refugees and protected persons.

Consider going back to school

Formal training in a field you are interested in will help you find work. Consider going back to school to obtain a diploma or certificate, to upgrade your education, or to complete training programs.

Canadian citizens and permanent residents may be eligible to apply for a student loan or bursary. Eligibility depends on the type of course you want to take and in what province or territory you are living.

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