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Bioenergy Development Program

Program description and purpose

To assist Canadian industry in the research and development (R&D) and commercialization of bioenergy technologies that can serve as reliable, cost-effective and environmentally responsible alternatives to conventional energy production.

What is bioenergy?

Bioenergy Development Program - At a Glance Bioenergy, supplied from the combustion of biomass, provides 6% of Canada's primary energy demand. Biomass may be converted into solid, liquid or gaseous energy sources. This allows a wide range of applications: wood can be burned directly to produce heat and/or electricity, converted biochemically to produce liquid fuel; and finally, pyrolized to produce oils and high value chemicals. Whereas combustion technology is highly evolved, biochemical and thermo-chemical conversion technology is beginning to show potential.

Who can use the program?

Canadian-owned firms, other federal, provincial or territorial agencies, universities, municipalities or research institutes located in Canada, or individuals who can demonstrate the ability to advance the development of one of the bioenergy technologies identified above and ensure its commercialization.

What does it do?

The program provides assistance to clients through cost-shared R&D conducted both internally and externally. Clients may be requested to make royalty payments to the Crown upon successful commercialization of the technology.

Program activities include participation in demonstration projects, feasibility studies, process analysis, verification, testing and improvement, standards development, technical and economic analysis, emissions reductions, modeling, conference and workshop support, information dissemination, IEA collaboration, and committees.

Who funds and delivers it?

The program is funded in part by the Program on Energy Research and Development (PERD), and the Technology Early Action Measures (TEAM). It is delivered by the CANMET Energy Technology Centre-Ottawa, a major research arm of the federal government of Canada.

What do I have to do?

Please contact the appropriate technical officer listed below, prior to submitting a proposal:

S&T Director
Brian Farnand
Tel: (613) 996-7977
Fax: (613) 996-9416

Combustion Energy Technology
John Burnett
Tel: (613) 947-4111
Fax: (613) 996-9416

Thermochemical Conversion
Ed Hogan
Tel: (613) 996-6226
Fax: (613) 996-9416

Fuels Handling
Sebnem Madrali
Tel: (613) 996-3182
Fax: (613) 996-9416

Anaerobic Digestion
Jody Barclay
Tel: (613) 996-9760
Fax: (613) 996-9416

General Contact Information
Bioenergy Development Program
CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Ottawa
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street, 13th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0E4

Related Web sites

Canadian Renewable Energy Network (CANREN)
Canadian Biomass Innovation Network (CBIN)
U.S. Oak Ridge National Laboratory - The Bioenergy Cycle

Additional Keywords

Bioenergy, biodiesel, biofuels, bioproducts, biomass, bio-oil, ethanol, plant matter, energy from waste and residues, wood, vegetable oils, pyrolysis and liquefaction, seeds, biogas, anaerobic digestion, co2, carbon dioxide, organic, bacteria, wood chips, saw dust, bark, pellets, combustion, corn, methane, landfill gas, grain, E10, E85, supercetane, animal tallow, tall oil, alternative fuels, waste recovery, feedstocks.


devon ottawa varennes
gold line
Last Updated: 2007-09-04