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AECL Track Record – On Time, On Budget
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AECL Track Record – On Time, On Budget

AECL Has Proven Project Management Expertise – On Time, On Budget

  • AECL has been building reactors almost continuously for the past 30 years and has the strongest project management delivery capability of any nuclear vendor in the world.
  • QinshanA leader among nuclear vendors, AECL has designed, built and delivered six CANDU 6 reactors to international customers in the last decade.  All of these projects have been delivered on or ahead of schedule, and on budget. 
  • The first CANDU unit at China’s Qinshan project took only four and a half years from first concrete to in-service, making it a record for power reactors built in China. The Chinese government has praised it as the best nuclear project in the country’s history. 

AECL Track Record:

In Service Date




Cernavoda Unit 1, Romania

On budget, on schedule*


Wolsong Units 2, 3, and 4, South Korea

On budget, on schedule


Qinshan Phase III, Unit 1, China

Under budget, 6 weeks ahead of schedule


Qinshan Phase III, Unit 2, China

Under budget, 4 months ahead of schedule


Cernavoda, Unit 2, Romania

In service, October 5, 2007

* As per 1991 completion contract

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