Radio Aids to Marine Navigation 2007

The main purpose of this publication is to present information in a convenient form on radio communications and radio navigational aids services provided in Canada by the Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Also included are radio facilities of other government agencies that contribute to the safety of ships in Canadian waters.

It is published in two volumes, one for the Atlantic Coast, Gulf and St. Lawrence River to Montreal, Eastern Arctic (including Hudson Bay and Strait) the Great Lakes (including St. Lawrence River to Montreal), and Lake Winnipeg the other for the Pacific Coast, Western Arctic and the Athabasca-Mackenzie Watershed area.

Issues are published in April each year. Amendments to the publication, if necessary between issues, will be made known by radio broadcasts (Notices to Shipping) and/or in section III of the monthly edition of “Notices to Mariners” .

Every ship station fitted on a Canadian ship or on a non-Canadian ship engaged in the coasting trade of Canada, pursuant to the Ship Station (Radio) Regulations 1999, and all ships in waters under Canadian Jurisdiction, pursuant to the Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations, 1995, are required to carry the most recent applicable edition of Radio Aids to Marine Navigation.

Any enquiries as to the contents of this publication should be directed to the nearest regional office as indicated at the end of Part 1 of this publication or by e-mail at .

This publication is available from authorized Canadian Hydrographic Services (CHS) Charts Dealers. Due to the complexity of the manual, the HTML format is under construction. Should you have a need for an other electronic format than Adobe PDF, please send us an e-mail at .


Atlantic, St. Lawrence, Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg and Eastern Arctic

Atlantic, St. Lawrence, Great Lakes, Lake Winnipeg and Eastern Arctic
HTML Version
  (250KB) Index
Part 1 (900KB) Foreword
Part 2 (1400KB) Facilities Information
Part 3 (3500KB) Vessel Traffic Services (VTS)
Part 4 (2000KB) General
Part 5 (3000KB) Environment Canada Marine and
Ice Warning and Forecast Programs
Part 6 (1500KB) Loran C Navigation System

top of page

Pacific and Western Arctic

Pacific and Western Arctic
HTML Version
  (250KB) Index
Part 1 (600KB) Foreword  
Part 2 (700KB) Facilities Information 
Part 3 (2200KB) Vessel Traffic Services (VTS)  
Part 4 (1200KB) General  
Part 5 (2400KB) Environment Canada Marine and
Ice Warning and Forecast Programs 
Part 6 (350KB) Loran C Navigation System

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