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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Identity Preserved Contract Program

Grow select varieties
Harvest the benefits

The CWB Identity Preserved Contract Program (IPCP) is designed to develop domestic and international markets for new varieties of western Canadian wheat, durum and barley. Farmers receive incentives for production contracts that allow the CWB to test- market new varieties among customers. The program provides a supply of new, high-quality varieties to customers, so that milling and end-use performance can be tested, leading to increased market potential. IPCPs also allow the CWB to supply customers with specific qualities of more commercial varieties.

Incentives to farmers vary by program. They can include guaranteed acceptance and delivery within the crop year of all production that qualifies for the 2006-07 program, escalating on-farm storage payments, contract premiums and protein premiums.

Why are certain varieties eligible?

A variety becomes eligible for the CWB IPCP program for one of three reasons:

Market testing: A variety has been developed to meet certain market needs.
The IPCP allows the CWB to assess how well the variety meets customer requirements and how best to place it in the market to maximize returns to farmers.

Quality differences: A variety has been developed that has significantly different quality characteristics from other varieties in the class.
The Canada Western Red Winter Select wheat program is one example where varieties with high milling quality are separated from the others in the class.

Market pull: A variety has been developed that fits a niche marketing opportunity.
The AC Navigator durum program is an example. Due to its unique characteristics, customers are willing to pay premiums for this specific variety, which covers the cost of segregation and satisfies customer demand.