Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
About the Act
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Aquatic Species at Risk
Consultations Central and Arctic region


Documents open for public comment are listed on the Species At Risk Public Registry. In addition, past consultations are kept in the archive 

Current Public Consultations :

Recovery Strategy for Gravel Chub (Erimystax x-punctatus) in Canada
Comment period: 2007-7-24 to 2007-9-22

Recovery Strategy for the Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) in Canada
Comment period: 2007-7-24 to 2007-9-22

Past Public Consultations:

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) recently sought public opinion and input in the Central and Arctic region on the following species at risk:

  • Northern Wolffish
  • Spotted Wolffish
  • Atlantic Wolffish
  • Atlantic Walrus
  • American Eel
  • Atlantic salmon
  • Rainbow mussel
  • Mapleleaf mussel (Saskatchewan-Nelson population)
  • Mapleleaf mussel (Great Lakes-Western St. Lawrence population)
  • River redhorse
  • Deepwater sculpin (Great Lakes-Western St. Lawrence population)
  • Wavyrayed lampmussel
  • Narwhal (special concern)
  • Bowhead whale (Hudson Bay/Foxe Basin population, threatened)
  • Bowhead whale (Davis Strait/Baffin Bay population, threatened)
  • Kiyi (Upper Great Lakes population, special concern)
  • Shortnose cisco (endangered)
  • Black redhorse (threatened)
  • Bowhead whale (Bering/Chukchi/Beaufort population, special concern).
  • Eastslope sculpin (St. Mary and Milk Rivers populations, threatened)
  • Grass pickerel (special concern)
  • Lake Winnipeg physa snail
  • Channel darter
  • Atlantic cod (Arctic population),
  • Round pigtoeround pigtoe
  • Shortjaw cisco
  • Three populations of beluga whales (Cumberland Sound, Eastern High Arctic/Baffin Bay and Western Hudson Bay)
  • Kidneyshell
  • Round hickorynut
  • Pugnose shiner
  • Northern madtom

Please check back regularly for updates.