CREAB Workshops Nov 3, Dec 6
The Canadian Police Research Center is studying the concept of establishing a Canadian Responder Equipment Advisory Board (CREAB). Loosely modelled after the U.S. InterAgency Board, a CREAB could act as a consultative resource and the basis of consolidated, two-way communications between First Responder organizations (police, fire and emergency medical services) and government departments, organizations, agencies, initiatives and programs. A CREAB would include representation from both the labour and management components of the three core emergency services as well as representatives from government, NGOs and industry. It would contribute toward identifying and prioritzing requirements for research and development, test and evaluation, standards and technology transition work.

The CREAB concept will be explored during two Conferences involving first responders this fall. Workshops will be held at the Calgary CollaBoRatioN Conference, November 3rd, 2007 and at another in Montreal (in partnership with the Canadian Textiles Institute, on December 6th, 2007. As the concept begins to solidify updated information will be made available on this site. This will include an invitation for interested first responders to participate in the foundatrional dialogue. Stay tuned! In the meantime, we invite you to visit and we hope to see you at one of the Workshops.
Posted By Site Admin on 2007-10-30 10:05:55.0 | Topic (General Announcements)