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CMHC for Aboriginal November 2007

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2007 Canadian Housing Observer

Emergency Repair Program (ERP)

The Emergency Repair Program assists low-income homeowners or occupants in rural areas to make emergency repairs required for the continued safe occupancy of their houses.

Who is eligible?

Homeowners/occupants in rural areas whose incomes are at or below the established ceilings based on household size and area if:

  • the existing units they occupy are their principal places of residence and;
  • they require urgent repairs to make them fit for human habitation.

Eligible Repairs

Only those repairs urgently required to make your house safe are eligible for assistance. Included are repairs to:

  • heating systems;
  • chimneys;
  • doors and windows;
  • foundations;
  • roofs, walls, floors and ceilings;
  • vents, louvres;
  • plumbing;
  • electrical systems.

There is no requirement that these repairs bring the house up to minimum property standards.

Funds are for buying and shipping materials and for contracted labour.

What assistance is available?

The financial assistance is in the form of a contribution, which does not have to be repaid. The total contribution depends on the cost of the repairs and area of the country:

Southern areas of Canada
Northern areas
Far northern areas

Other CMHC programs are available to assist eligible Canadians with repairs to substandard housing, accessibility modifications and adaptations for persons with disabilities and seniors.

In some areas of Canada, funding for these or similar programs is provided jointly by the Government of Canada, and the provincial or territorial government. In these areas, the provincial or territorial housing agency may be responsible for delivery of the programs. Program variations may also exist in these areas.

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