Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes CGFC Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes CGFC - Canadian Forces Grievance Board CFGB
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  Canadian Forces Grievance Board - Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes

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A/SLt - Acting Sub-Lieutenant
Adm - Admiral
ADM - Assistant Deputy Minister
ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution
AIRCRA - Aircrew Allowance
AS - Able Seaman

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BGen - Brigadier-General

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C&P; - Counselling & Probation
Capt - Captain
Capt(N) - Captain (Navy)
CASAIRCRA - Casual Aircrew Allowance
Cdr - Commander
CDS - Chief of the Defence Staff
CF - Canadian Forces
CFAO - Canadian Forces Administrative Orders
CFB - Canadian Forces Base
CFGA - Canadian Forces Grievance Adjudicator
CFGB - Canadian Forces Grievance Board
CFLA - Canadian Forces Legal Advisor
CFS - Canadian Forces Station
CFSU - Canadian Forces Support Unit
CHRC - Canadian Human Rights Commission
CIC - Cadet Instructor Cadre
Cmdre - Commodore
CMJ - Chief Military Judge
CMP - Conflict Management Program
CO - Commanding Officer
Col - Colonel
Cpl - Corporal
CPO 1 - Chief Petty Officer 1st class
CPO 2 - Chief Petty Officer 2nd class
CRB - Career Review Board
CWO - Chief Warrant Officer

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D-NET - Department of National Defence Internet Web site
DAOD - Defence Administrative Orders and Directives
DGCFGA - Director General Canadian Forces Grievance Authority
DGO - Designation of Grievance Officer
DLS - Director Legal Services
DND - Department of National Defence
DRC - Dispute Resolution Centres

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FOA - Field Operations Allowance
FRP - Forces Reduction Program

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GAP - Grievance Advisory Panel
Gen - General

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HEA - Home Equity Assistance
HEAP - Home Equity Assistance Plan
HLTA - Home Leave Travel Allowance
HR-Mil - Human Resources-Military

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IA - Initial Authority
IE - Intermediate Engagement
IPC - Incentive Pay Category
IPR - Intended Place of Residence
IRPP - Integrated Relocation Pilot Program

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JAG - Judge Advocate General

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LCdr - Lieutenant-Commander
LCol - Lieutenant-Colonel
LGen - Lieutenant-General
LS - Leading Seaman
LT - Lieutenant
Lt(N) - Lieutenant (Navy)

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Maj - Major
MARPAC - Maritime Forces Pacific
MCpl - Master Corporal
MGen - Major-General
MIRD - Mortgage Interest Rate Differential
MPCC - Military Police Complaints Commission
MS - Master Seaman
MWO - Master Warrant Officer

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NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NCdt - Naval Cadet
NCM - Non-commissioned member
NDA - National Defence Act
NDHQ - National Defence Headquarters
NORAD - North American Aerospace Defence Command

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OCdt - Officer Cadet
OCTP - Officer Candidate Training Plan
OS - Ordinary Seaman

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PA - Posting Allowance
PER - Performance Evaluation Report
PMQ - Permanent Married Quarter
PNA - Preliminary Neutral Assesment
PO 1 - Petty Officer 1st class
PO 2 - Petty Officer 2nd class
PRK - Photo Refractive Keratectomy
PTA - Pilot Terminable Allowance
Pte - Private
Pte (Recruit) - Private Recruit

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QR&O; - Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces

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RAdm - Rear-Admiral
RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

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SE - Short Engagement
Sgt - Sergeant
SHAPE - Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SISIP - Service Income Security Insurance Plan
SLt - Sub-Lieutenant

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TBS - Treasury Board Secretariat
TSAT - Tri-Service Act Team

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VAdm - Vice-Admiral

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WO - Warrant Officer

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