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Telecom Decisions 2003




2003-1 2003-01-17 In this decision, the Commission directs Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Communications Inc., TELUS Communications Inc., and Saskatchewan Telecommunications to apply, in their respective operating territories, the winback rules prescribed for Bell Canada in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-37, 27 June 2002. Reference: 8638-C12-65/02
2003-2   2003-01-23 In Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002, the Commission stated that it would explore a large construction charges instalment payment plan for the provision of residential telephone service in high-cost serving areas for charges to the customer greater than $10,000. In this decision, the Commission approves such a plan for Bell Canada, TELUS Communications Inc. and Aliant Telecom Inc. Reference: 8638-C12-63/02
2003-3 2003-01-31 Edsonet v. TELUS Communications Inc. – Digital subscriber line services in Edson, Alberta. The Commission denies Edsonet's request
2003-4 2003-01-31 TELUS Communications Inc. – Fibre Use and Management Agreement. The Commission approves, on an interim basis, a Fibre Use and Management Agreement between TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) and Axia SuperNet Ltd.
2003-5 2003-02-04 The Commission denies an application by Mr. Neville Cox to review and vary Suspension of service and multi-element plan service charges, Order CRTC 2000-1060, 28 November 2000. Reference: 8662-C109-01/02
2003-6 2003-02-14 The Commission approves deferring the relief date for area code 514 from 7 February 2004 to 24 September 2005, and other changes related to relief activities. Reference: 8698-C12-10/00 and 8662-A53-01/01
2003-7 2003-02-21 The Commission approves a consensus report submitted by the Co-location Working Group of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee with a change to paragraph 4.4, and directs that the national co-location equipment list be retained and updated on an annual basis. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
2003-8 2003-02-28 The Commission approves the revised procedures for the operation of the revenue-based contribution regime. Reference: 8695-C53-01/02
2003-9 2003-02-28 The Commission directs Northwestel Inc. to provide telephone service to the community of Fort Fitzgerald, Alberta. Reference: 8624-S55-01/02
2003-10 2003-02-28 The Commission approves deferring the phase one relief date for area codes 613 and 819 from the fourth quarter of 2004 to the fourth quarter of 2006, and suspending phase two relief for area code 613 indefinitely. Reference: 8698-C12-16/01
2003-11 2003-03-18 The Commission finalizes the assignment of tariffed services to the service baskets established in Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002. Reference: 8638-C12-64/02
2003-11-1 2003-05-23 Erratum: Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-11, Appendix 1. The Commission is issuing corrections to Appendix 1 of Follow up to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34 – Service basket assignment, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003 11, 18 March 2003. Reference: 8638 C12 64/02.
2003-12-1 2003-11-19  The Commission is issuing corrections to the second sentence of paragraph 54 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-12, 18 March 2003. Reference: 8638-C12-62/02.
2003-12 2003-03-18 The Commission approves revised rates for co-location floor space, Bell Canada's line-side wireless access service (WAS) telephone number rate and wireless service provider enhanced provincial 9-1-1 network access service. This decision also initiates proceedings to review the costs and rates for the Direct Connection service and line-side WAS for Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Communications Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, and TELUS Communications Inc. Reference:  8638-C12-62/02
2003-13 2003-03-18 The Commission approves revised rates for Category I Competitor Services for Bell Canada, Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Communications Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS Communications Inc., pursuant to the directives set out in Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002. Reference: Bell Canada TNs 6690/A and 747, Aliant Telecom TNs 33/A and 38/A, MTS TN 484, SaskTel TN 32, TCI TN 60, former TCI TNs 500/A/B and former TCBC TNs 4181/A/B
2003-13-1 2003-05-23 Erratum: Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-13, Attachment 1. The Commission is issuing corrections to Attachment 1 of Rates for Competitor Services, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-13, 18 March 2003. Reference: Bell Canada TNs 6690, 6690A and 747; Aliant Telecom TNs 38, 38A, 33 and 33A; MTS TN 484; SaskTel TN 32; TCI TNs 60, 500 and 500A; TCBC TNs 4181 and 4181A
2003-13-2 203-06-27 Erratum: Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-13-1, Attachment 1. The Commission is issuing corrections to some of the rates that were set out in Rates for competitor services, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-13-1, 23 May 2003. Reference: Bell Canada TNs 6690, 6690A and 747; Aliant Telecom TNs 33, 33A, 38 and 38A; MTS TN 484; SaskTel TN 32; TCI TNs 60, 500, 500A and 500B; TCBC TNs 4181, 4181A and 4181B
2003-14 2003-03-18 The Commission approves, on a final basis, with some exceptions, applications filed by Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) and by Bell Canada, on behalf of Aliant Telecom, proposing rate changes pursuant to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002. The Commission also approves, with some exceptions, the remainder of Aliant Telecom's rates on a final basis. Reference: Aliant Telecom TNs 36/A and Bell Canada TNs 744/A (National Services Tariff)
2003-15 2003-03-18 The Commission approves, in part, applications filed by Bell Canada, proposing rate changes pursuant to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002 and directs Bell Canada to file further rate changes so as to meet its 2002 price cap commitment. The Commission also approves, with some exceptions, the remainder of Bell Canada's rates on a final basis. Reference: TNs 6689 and 746 (National Services Tariff)
2003-15-1 2003-04-15 Erratum. The Commission is issuing corrections to certain paragraphs of Bell Canada 2002 Annual price cap filing, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-15, 18 March 2003. Reference: TN 6689 and TN 746 (National Services Tariff)
2003-16 2003-03-18 The Commission approves, on a final basis, with some exceptions that are given interim approval, applications filed by MTS Communications Inc. (MTS) and by Bell Canada, on behalf of MTS, proposing rate changes pursuant to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002. The Commission also approves, with some exceptions, the remainder of MTS' rates on a final basis. Reference: TN 483 and Bell Canada TN  745 (National Services Tariff)
2003-17 2003-03-18 The Commission approves, in part, applications filed by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) proposing rate changes pursuant to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002. The Commission also approves, with some exceptions, the remainder of SaskTel's rates on a final basis. Reference: TNs 31/A and 40
2003-18 2003-03-18 The Commission approves, on a final basis, with some exceptions that are given interim approval, applications filed by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), proposing rate changes pursuant to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002. The Commission also approves, with some exceptions, the remainder of TCI's rates on a final basis. Reference: TCI TNs 59, 62, former TCI TNs 495, 496, 497, 499/A and 499B and 508 and former TCBC TNs 4180, 4183 and 4184/A/B
2003-19   2003-03-20 The Commission approves Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.'s (Primus Canada) application to initiate a proceeding to review the primary inter-exchange carrier (PIC) processing rates. The Commission denies Primus Canada's request to adopt, on an interim basis, Bell Canada's PIC processing rates for all incumbent local exchange carriers. Reference: 8661-P11-01/02
2003-20   2003-03-26 The Commission approves revisions to Saskatchewan Telecommunications' (SaskTel's) tariff for Provincial Enhanced 9-1-1 Service. The Commission also approves, with modifications, SaskTel's standard 9-1-1 agreement and standard agreement for the provision of manual access to the Automatic Location Identification database. Reference: TN 23, 8340-S22-0831/00 and 8340-S22-0831/01
2003-21 2003-04-04 The Commission approves an application by O.N.Telcom to vary Decision CRTC 2001-756 dated 14 December 2001 and denies their request to alter the terms and conditions of Decision CRTC 2001-583 dated 13 September 2001. Reference: 8662-O4-02/02
2003-22 2003-04-07 The Commission approves, on a final basis, tariff item 447, Use of TCI Inter-exchange Dark Fibre (Alberta only), of TELUS Communications Inc.'s Special Facilities Tariff. Reference: 8340-T42-0883/00
2003-23   2003-04-10 The Commission finds that Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) contravened sections 25(1) and 27(1) and (2) of the Telecommunications Act (the Act). The Commission considers that Aliant Telecom's actions in this instance are non-compliant and anti-competitive and undermine fair and sustainable competition in its territory. The Commission is thus taking measures to address Aliant Telecom's behaviour and with a view to ensuring that it complies with its tariffs and the Act. Reference: 8622-G7-03/02
2003-24   2003-04-17 The Commission finds that Aliant Telecom Inc.'s (Aliant Telecom) Late Payment Charges (LPCs), with no minimum LPC, provide adequate compensation for late payments. The Commission directs Aliant Telecom to remove the minimum LPC for customers in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Reference: 8638-C12-75/02
2003-25 2003-04-25 The Commission approves an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) to withdraw V.H.F. marine public radiotelephone service from certain stations that are primarily located in the southern coastal regions of British Columbia. Reference: TCBC TN 4187
2003-26 2003-04-28 The Commission denies an application by Microcell Telecommunications Inc. (Microcell) on behalf of itself and its affiliated companies, including Microcell Solutions Inc. (collectively, Microcell) requesting that the Commission order Rogers Wireless Inc. and Bell Mobility Inc. to cease and desist from certain specific conduct in the wireless marketplace that Microcell alleged was contrary to section 27(2) of the Telecommunications Act. Reference: 8622-M16-01/02
2003-27 2003-05-07

Follow up proceeding to Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56 – Foregone toll revenue compensation for expanded local calling areas. The Commission establishes that compensation to toll service providers for expanded local calling areas will be equal to three years worth of foregone toll revenues. Reference: 8638-C12-68/02

2003-28 2003-05-07

Microcell Telecommunications Inc. - Application to review and vary Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56. The Commission permits competitive local exchange carriers to opt out, on a one time basis, from both collecting and contributing funds associated with the compensation plan designed to compensate long distance service providers for foregone toll revenue resulting from the expansion of a local calling area. Reference: 8662-M16-03/02

2003-29 2003-05-09 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating additional high capacity and digital data services interexchange private line services on routes for which competitors of several incumbent local exchange carriers now offer, or provide, services at DS 3 or greater bandwidth. Reference: 8640-T42-04/02 and 8638-S1-01/98
2003-30 2003-05-12 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items. The Commission approves the following three consensus reports: (1) Updating Network Management Guidelines (BPRE039a and NMGV2.0), dated 16 January 2003; (2) Amendments to the Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG) - Partial Migrations (BPRE021b), dated 16 January 2003; (3) and Relief Planning Committee Recommendation to Implement Temporary Special Central Office Code Assignment Practices for NPAs 613 and 819 (613/819RE04A), dated 14 February 2003. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
2003-31 2003-05-14 The Commission directs the incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) to apply the residential variable-rate per-loop service order charge to unbundled loop orders for residential customers located in multi-dwelling units. The Commission also revises the variable-rate per-loop service order charge rates of each ILEC. Reference: 8622-C25-15/02
2003-32 2003-05-26 The Commission approves an ex parte Part VII application by Canadian LNP Consortium Inc. Reference: 8621 C39 200305450
2003-33 2003-05-30 Confidentiality provisions of Canadian carriers. The Commission finds that implied consent is not an appropriate type of consent for the disclosure of confidential customer information. The Commission does, however, find it appropriate to provide for other forms of express consent beyond the current written consent requirement. Additionally, the Commission directs all Canadian carriers to show cause why, as a condition of providing service to all resellers not currently covered by confidentiality requirements, they should not include in their service contracts with such resellers the requirement that these resellers abide by the same confidentiality requirements as the carriers. Reference: 8665-C12-14/01 and 8665-B20-01/00. (.pdf)
2003-33-1 2003-07-11 Erratum: Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-33-1. The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraph 49 of Confidentiality provisions of Canadian carriers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-33, 30 May 2003. Reference: 8665-C12-14/01 and 8665-B20-01/00
2003-34 2003-05-30 The Commission approves an application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) on behalf of Action Réseau Consommateur, the Consumers' Association of Canada, the Fédération des associations coopératives d'économie familiale du Québec, and the National Anti Poverty Organization to review and vary Action Réseau Consommateur et al. application for costs – Price cap review proceeding, Telecom Costs Order CRTC 2002-2, 1 March 2002, and Action Réseau Consommateur, the Consumers' Association of Canada, Fédération des associations coopératives d'économie familiale du Québec, and the National Anti Poverty Organization application for costs – Public Notice CRTC 2000-124, Telecom Costs Order CRTC 2002-9, 21 June 2002. Reference: 8662-P8-04/02
2003-35 2003-06-04 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items. The Commission approves the following consensus report: Mergers, Acquisitions, and IXC Disconnections (BPRE031c), 11 December 2002. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
2003-36 2003-06-05 Applicability of interim quality of service rate adjustment mechanisms and related matters. The Commission concludes that it is appropriate for Saskatchewan Telecommunications to be subject to the same interim quality of service rate adjustment mechanisms as those applicable to other incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs). Reference: 8660-C12-07/02 and 8663-S22-01/99
2003-37 2003-06-12 TELUS Communications Inc.'s application for a new process for forbearance from interexchange private line services. The Commission denies the application by TELUS Communications Inc. for a new process for granting forbearance for interexchange private line routes. Reference: 8640 T42 03/02
2003-38 2003-06-17 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating single-line inside wiring services provided by Saskatchewan Telecommunications. Customers without a jack-ended demarcation device will not be required to pay for diagnostic, repair or maintenance services to their inside wiring when reporting transmission problems. Reference: 8640-S22-02/02
2003-39 2003-06-20 Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding. The Commission approves Northwestel's revised service improvement plan of $71.1 million and finds the company's proposed capital plan of $159 million for 2002 to 2005 to be reasonable. The Commission also approves Northwestel's toll-free Internet access plan and part of its Call Management Services plan. As a result of its determinations in this decision, the Commission approves, on a final basis, 2002 supplemental funding for Northwestel in the amount of $13.4 million. The Commission also approves a revised interim 2003 supplemental funding amount of $13.4 million for the company. Reference: 8695-C12-19/02
2003-40 2003-06-20 The Commission directs the Société en commandite Télébec and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. to amend their respective tariffs to implement a rate of $2.00 for residential subscribers of Unlisted Number Service. Reference: 8638-C12-74/02
2003-41 2003-06-20

The Commission denies an application by Aliant Telecom Inc. requesting that the Commission find that late payment charges (LPCs) are not a telecommunications service or, in the alternative, if LPCs are found to be a telecommunications service, that the Commission forbear from regulating LPCs. Reference: 8622 A53 01/02

2003-42 2003-06-27 The Commission denies Bell Canada's application to review and vary that part Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34 relating to the capital cost criteria for provision of service to unserved premises as part of its service improvement plan. Reference: 8662-B2-06/02
2003-43 2003-06-27 The Commission approves Bell Canada's revised service improvement plan of $127.8 million. Reference: 8638-C12-72/02
2003-44 2003-06-27 The Commission approves an application by the Canadian Payphone Association requesting an integrated Pay Telephone Access Lines tariff for TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) and directs TCI to file a proposed amalgamated PAL tariff within 30 days of the date of this decision. Reference: 8650-C66-02/02
2003-45 2003-06-30 Provision of telecommunications services to customers in multi dwelling units – Further to Seeking public input on access to multi dwelling units, in building wiring and riser space, Public Notice CRTC 2000-124, 25 August 2000, as amended by Public Notices 2000-124-1 and 2000-124-2, the Commission establishes the conditions and principles for the provision of telecommunications services to customers located in multi dwelling units (MDUs), including guidelines that will assist building owners and local exchange carriers (LECs) in negotiating just and expedient conditions of access to MDUs. This decision also addresses a number of related matters, including the terms and conditions of access to MDUs via the LECs' facilities. Reference: 8644-C12-03/00. [.pdf]
2003-46 2003-07-10 The Commission approves the withdrawal of the 800/888 Carrier Access: Multi Carrier Selection Capability development charge per query, effective 1 June 2002, for Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., and TELUS Communications Inc. Reference: Aliant Telecom TN 57, Bell Canada TN 6708, MTS TN 492, TCI TN 505 and TCBC TN 4188
2003-47 2003-07-14 The Commission determines that the mandatory resale condition established in Application concerning access by Internet service providers to incumbent cable carriers' telecommunications facilities, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-11, 14 September 1999 (Decision 99-11), applies to Lite Internet services (IS). Accordingly, the mandated 25% discount established in Decision 99-11 applies to retail Lite IS, effective the date of this decision, until such time as access to the underlying telecommunications facilities used to provide retail Lite IS is provided pursuant to approved tariffs. Reference: 8622-C51-03/02
2003-47-1 2003-07-17 The Commission is issuing corrections to the last sentence of paragraph 7 of the French version of IMCAIP's request for mandatory resale of retail Lite Internet service, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-47, 14 July 2003. Reference: 8622-C51-03/02
2003-48 2003-07-18 The Commission establishes service intervals for services the incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) provide to competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs). The Commission also initiates a proceeding to determine whether or not service intervals are appropriate for other services the ILECs provide to CLECs, and if so, what service intervals should apply. Reference: 8638-C12-78/02
2003-49 2003-07-21 The Commission directs Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS Communications Inc. (the incumbent local exchange carriers or the ILECs) to provide retail digital subscriber line Internet services to competitive local exchange carriers' residential local telephone service customers, whose telephone service is provided via local loops leased from the ILECs. Reference: 8622-C25-200300666 [.pdf]
2003-50 2003-07-24 The Commission denies an application by Aliant Telecom Inc. for proposed tariff revisions that would add a volume discount rate to its Centrex services in the city of Halifax. Reference: TNs 39, 39A and 39B
2003-51 2003-07-24

The Commission denies an application by MTS Communications Inc. for proposed tariff revisions that would add a volume discount rate to its Centrex PLUS Service. Reference: TN 496

2003-52 2003-08-01 The Commission directs Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Bragg Communications Inc. carrying on business as EastLink, Shaw Communications Inc., Rogers Cable Inc. and Vidéotron Télécom ltée to respond to two Commission supplemental interrogatories by 2 September 2003. Reference: 8661-C12-10/02, 8638-C12-61/02, 8740-B2-6621/01, 8740-T66-0063/02 and 8740-T66-0079/02
2003-53 2003-08-12 Conditions of service for wireless competitive local exchange carriers and for emergency services offered by wireless service providers. Reference: 8669-M16-01/01 and 8669-C12-01/01
2003-53-1 2003-09-25 The Commission is issuing a revised Appendix B to Conditions of service for wireless competitive local exchange carriers and for emergency services offered by wireless service providers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-53, 12 August 2003. Reference: 8669-M16-01/01 and 8669-C12-01/01.
2003-54 2003-08-13 Part VII application by Shaw Communications Inc. requesting a proceeding to consider the rates for Type B, C and D conduit provided by TELUS Communications Inc. The Commission varies that part of Order CRTC 2000-13, 18 January 2000, in which it approved the elimination of the distinct rates for TELUS Communications Inc.'s (TCI) Type B, C and D conduit and directs TCI to issue revised tariff pages reinstating the definitions and rates for Type B, C and D conduit given final approval in Telecom Decision CRTC 95-13, 22 June 1995, effective 17 February 2000. Reference: 8661-S9-01/01
2003-55 2003-08-13

 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items. The Commission approves the following consensus reports: CSCN TIF 50 Carrier Identification Codes (CIC) for Switchless Resellers (CNRE032A), 16 April 2003; Canadian International Mobile Station Identity (IMSI) Assignment Guidelines (CNRE030A), 26 February 2003, and Reactivation of NPA Relief Planning Activities (CNRE031A), 10 March 2003. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00

2003-56 2003-08-22 Follow-up to Implementation of price regulation for Télébec and TELUS Québec, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-43 – Service basket assignment. The Commission finalizes the assignment of tariffed services to the service baskets established in Implementation of price regulation for Télébec and TELUS Québec, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-43, 31 July 2002. Reference: 8638-C12-70/02
2003-56-1 2004-04-08 The Commission is issuing corrections to appendices 1 and 2 in Follow-up to Implementation of price regulation for Télébec and TELUS Québec, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-43 - Service basket assignment, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-56, 22 August 2003. Reference: 8638-C12-70/02.
2003-57 2003-08-22 Société en commandite Télébec and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. 2002 annual price cap filings. The Commission approves, with changes, applications filed by TELUS Communications Québec Inc. (TELUS Québec), proposing rate changes pursuant to Implementation of price regulation for Télébec and TELUS Québec, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-43, 31 July 2002 and directs TELUS Québec to file further rate changes so as to meet its 2002 price cap commitment. The Commission approves the remainder of TELUS Québec's rates on a final basis. The Commission also approves Société en commandite Télébec's rates on a final basis. Reference: 8678-C12-14/02 and TELUS Québec Tariff Notices 333 and 337/A
2003-57-1 2004-04-08 The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraphs 41 and 47 of Société en commandite Télébec and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. 2002 annual price cap filings, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-57, 22 August 2003. Reference: 8678-C12-14/02 and TELUS Québec Tariff Notices 333, 337 and 337A.
2003-58 2003-08-22 Xit Télécom v. TELUS Québec Provision of fibre optic private networks. Reference: 8622-X4-200304387. (.pdf)
2003-59 2003-08-22 Xit Télécom v. Bell Canada Provision of fibre optic private networks. Reference: 8622-X4-200304379. (.pdf)
2003-60 2003-08-29 Part VII application by Call-Net Enterprises Inc. with respect to the Interim Competitor Digital Network Access service. The Commission directs all ILECs to adopt the pro-rated approach to determine the charges used to migrate an existing CDNA-eligible circuit and associated link from the Digital Network Access service tariff to the interim CDNA service tariff. The Commission further finds that, where a new CDNA-eligible facility is required, the circuit must be installed in a segregated fashion. Reference: 8661-C25-200304858
2003-61 2003-09-10 The Commission directs TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) to file proposed tariff revisions allowing for an exemption from the automatic directory assistance call completion (ADACC) charge for its customers with special needs. The Commission also orders Bell Canada and Thunder Bay Telephone to show cause, within 30 days of the date of this decision, as to why they should not be required to implement an exemption for the ADACC charge under terms similar to those specified by the Commission for TCI. Reference: 8665-A73-200303040
2003-62 2003-09-19 The Commission determines that MTS Communications Inc. (MTS) is responsible for the costs of the conditioning equipment, and its installation and maintenance, necessary to provide digital Centrex service to an Allstream Corp. customer following an MTS-initiated network reconfiguration. The Commission also initiates a follow-up proceeding to consider procedures for the implementation of network reconfigurations that affect competitors, and the responsibility of affected carriers for the costs incurred as a result of a network reconfiguration. Reference: 8622-A4-20/02. [.pdf]
2003-63 2003-09-23 Review of Bell Canada's customer specific arrangements filed pursuant to Telecom Decision 2002-76. The Commission finds that the tariffs accompanying the customer specific arrangements (CSAs) filed by Bell Canada pursuant to the Commission's direction in Regulatory safeguards with respect to incumbent affiliates, bundling by Bell Canada and related matters, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-76, do not meet the Commission's requirements in regard to the rates, terms and conditions that should be publicly available in the tariffs. The Commission sets out the criteria in regard to the level of detail that Bell Canada must provide in the tariffs accompanying CSAs and directs Bell Canada to resubmit the proposed tariffs for approval. Reference: TNs 751, 752, 754, 754A, 755, 755A, 756, 757, 758, 758A, 759, 760, 762, 762A, 764, 765, 767, 769, 769A, 770, 771, 772, 774, 780, 781, 786, 787, 788, 789, 6732, 6733, 6734, 6735, 6736, 6736A, 6740, 6740A and 8638-C12-80/02. (.pdf)
2003-64 2003-09-25  The Commission approves a revised service improvement plan of $21.4 million for TELUS Communications Inc. to be completed by 2006. Reference: 8638-C12-73/02
2003-65 2003-09-29 The Commission approves the application filed by Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel) to remove the prohibitions against Northwestel jointly marketing its services with those of its wireless affiliate, Northwestel Mobility Inc. In addition, the Commission provides its preliminary views on having Northwestel comply with the Commission's bundling and affiliate rules and with its views with respect to the regulation of Canadian carriers under common control with an incumbent local exchange carrier. A show cause process is established to assess the appropriateness of implementing the Commission's preliminary views. Reference: 8622-N1-200301359
2003-66 2003-09-29 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee - Consensus items. The Commission approves the following consensus reports: CSCN TIF 44 Canadian COCA Guidelines Appendix re: Reserved & Held TNs, 18 June 2003; CSCN TIF 46 Report re: Canadian System Identifier (SID) Assignment Guideline, 18 June 2003; and Relief Planning Committee (RPC) Recommendation to Delay the Relief Date for NPA 519, 6 June 2003. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
2003-67 2003-10-02 The Commission approves applications by Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS Communications Inc. for proposed tariff revisions to reflect the Commission's modifications to the affiliate rule relating to affiliates of incumbent local exchange carriers in Telecom decision CRTC 2002-76, 12 December 2002. The Commission also directs Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., Société en commandite Télébec and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. to modify their tariffs to comply with Telecom Order CRTC 97-1176, 27 August 1997 within 10 days of the date of this decision. Reference: SaskTel TN 42 and TCI TN 82
2003-68 2003-10-10 The Commission approves MTS Communications Inc.'s (MTS) proposed service improvement plan (SIP) expenditures and roll out plan for 2005-2007, with some minor changes, denies Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak's (MKO) request that the Commission make its approval of the final three years of the SIP (2005-2007) contingent upon completion of the community consultation, finds that the CanTalk service would serve to improve communications and meet MKO's request for a native language calling centre, and directs MTS to set up forthwith an MTS Task Force headed up by a senior manager to address any MKO problems on a going forward basis. Reference: 8638-C12-58/01
2003-69 2003-10-17 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating single line inside wire services provided by TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS). Customers without a jack ended demarcation device will not be required to pay for diagnostic, maintenance or repair services to their inside wiring when reporting transmission problems. TELUS is directed to report to the Commission, within 90 days of the date of this decision, the number of subscribers that were incorrectly charged for diagnostic, maintenance or repair services, the total dollar amounts of the incorrect charges, and the date on which TELUS refunded the incorrectly charged amounts. Reference: 8640-T42-02/02
2003-70 2003-10-17 The Commission approves MTS Communications Inc.'s (MTS') proposed reclassification of 17 exchanges from Band D to Band F. The Commission also approves (a) revised monthly loop rates for MTS' Bands D and F; (b) a monthly residential primary exchange service cost rate for Band F; and (c) a subsidy amount per residential Network Access Service per month for Band F, on an interim basis. Reference: TNs 499 and 499A, 8661-M3-200303933
2003-71 2003-10-17 The Commission denies an application by MTS Communications Inc. for a stay of Allstream v. MTS – Sherbrook Central Office, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-62. Reference: 8638-C12-200314211 and 8622-A4-20/02
2003-72 2003-10-30 Finalization of interim competition-related Quality of Service indicators and standards. The Commission resolves several issues regarding the definition and implementation of certain competition-related Quality of Service (Q of S) indicators and gives final approval to ten Q of S indicators which were analyzed and reported on in report BPRE030a of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Business Process Working Group (BPWG), filed with the Commission on 2 December 2002 (the BPWG Report). Reference: 8621-C12-01/00, 8638-C12-48/01 and 8660-C12-06/01
2003-73 2003-10-31 TELUS Communications Inc. – Changes to co-location tariffs and central office license agreements. The Commission approves with modifications, Tariff Notices 485A and 4170A filed by TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc., respectively. In addition, the Commission establishes a 30-day show cause process to determine the appropriateness of applying the determinations made in this decision to other local exchange carriers (LECs) offering co-location services and a second 30-day show cause process to all LECs offering co-location services concerning the appropriateness of implementing the preliminary views expressed by the Commission in this decision. Reference: TNs TCI 485 and 485A, TCBC 4170 and 4170A
2003-74 2003-11-03 Application by Aliant Telecom Inc. regarding compliance with Telecom Order CRTC 99-434. The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating high capacity and digital data services interexchange private line (IXPL) services on routes for which competitors of several incumbent local exchange carriers offer, or provide, services at DS-3 or greater bandwidth. The Commission also determines that EastLink Limited does not have to report, as IXPL routes pursuant to Telecom Order CRTC 99-434, the arrangements with its affiliates to backhaul traffic between its switch in Halifax and the various exchanges where it provides local service. Reference: 8622-A53-02/02
2003-75 2003-11-04 The Commission directs Northwestel Inc. to remit the $2.8 million accumulated in its deferral account for 2002 to the Central Fund Administrator as a one time payment by 12 November 2003. Reference: 8638 C12-200311853
2003-76 2003-11-07 Rogers Wireless Inc. vs. TELUS Communications Inc. ? Toll termination arrangements. The Commission finds that TELUS Communications Inc.'s (TCI) toll termination trunk arrangements are not in breach of its tariffs, in contravention of section 25 of the Telecommunications Act, and Rogers Wireless Inc. is not entitled to any accounting or rebate in respect of the monies paid to TCI for one-way trunks. Reference: 8622-R11-200303603. (.pdf)
2003-77 2003-11-19

The Commission forbears from the exercise of its powers and duties pursuant to section 29 of the Telecommunications Act in respect of agreements or arrangements that TELUS Communications Inc. might enter into relating to forborne domestic toll and forborne interexchange private line services. Reference: 8640-T42-05/02

2003-78 2003-11-20 The Commission consolidates the interim and final procedures established in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2003-8, Review of price floor safeguards for retail tariffed services and related issues. Reference: 8663-C12-200314600 and 8622‑R4-200308115
2003-79 2003-11-20 The Commission approves Aliant Telecom Inc.'s wireless service provider enhanced 9-1-1 (WSP E9-1-1) service tariff and the associated WSP E9-1-1 agreement, subject to modifications. The Commission also approves on a final basis the WSP E9-1-1 service tariffs of Bell Canada and TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), as well as the associated WSP E9-1-1 agreements, subject to modifications. Reference: Aliant Telecom TNs 53, 53A; 8340-A53-0882/00, 8340-A53-0882/01; Bell Canada TN 6629; TCBC TN 4120; 8340-T46-0718/00; former TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 327, 327A, 8340-T42-0725/00; TCI TNs 4141A, 41B; and 8340-T66-0851/00
2003-80 2003-11-26 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items. The Commission approves the consensus report entitled Update to Model PIC/CARE Handbook. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
2003-81 2003-12-02 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating mobile wireless services provided by Société en commandite Télébec and NorthernTel Limited Partnership. The Commission retains some powers with respect to the provision of mobile wireless voice services connected to the public switched telephone network. Reference: 8640-T78-01/02
2003-82 2003-12-04 The Commission considers that the provisions of the Telecommunications Act, including section 43, do not contemplate that the Commission could issue a broad direction requiring parties to bring all existing municipal access arrangements (MAAs) into conformity with a set of guidelines similar to those articulated in Decision CRTC 2001-23. The Commission is prepared to consider applications from Canadian carriers seeking to establish that municipal consent was not obtained on terms acceptable to the carrier with the onus on the Canadian carrier applying to the Commission to establish that the signed MAA does not represent proof that the Canadian carrier has obtained, on terms acceptable to it, the consent of the municipality to construct a transmission line. Reference: 8690-C12-03/01, 8690-A4-01/01 and 8690-A4-04/02
2003-83 2003-12-17 The Commission approves on an interim basis the revised Direct Connection (DC) rates proposed by Bell Canada , on behalf of itself and Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Communications Inc. and Saskatchewan Telecommunications. The Commission directs TELUS Communications Inc. to file within 30 days of this decision separate DC cost studies for TELUS-Alberta and TELUS-British Columbia, including detailed information on costs contained therein. The Commission also establishes further process to review the revised DC service costs and rates. Reference:  8638-C12-200304634
2003-84 2003-12-19 Final 2003 revenue-percent charge and related matters. Reference: 8638-C12-45/00, 8695-C12-200303967, 8695-C12-200304692 and 8740-M3-200303339
2003-85 2003-12-22 The Commission directs Bell Canada and TELUS Communications Inc. to notify flat rate business service customers with minimum contract period contracts, (i) 60 days before contract expiry, that the contract may be automatically renewed, and (ii) within 35 days following automatic renewal, that the contract has been renewed, and that the customer may terminate the contract without penalty within 30 days of the date of the renewal notice. Reference: 8638-C12-66/02
2003-86 2003-12-23 The Commission directs Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) to commence providing all customers with monthly itemized billing statements within six months of the date of this decision. The Commission denies the request of Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom to recover any costs associated with the introduction of monthly itemized billing statements. Reference: 8638-C12-60/02
2003-87 2003-12-23 The Commission imposes as a condition on the provision of higher-speed retail Internet service the requirement that Shaw Cablesystems G.P. provide a resale arrangement for higher-speed retail Internet service under the terms set out in this decision. Reference: 8622-C122-200307456. (.pdf)

Date Modified: 2004-04-08


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