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Telecom Decisions 2004




2004-1 2004-01-08 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating single-line inside wire services provided by People's Telephone Company of Forest Inc. Customers without a jack-ended demarcation device will not be required to pay for diagnostic, repair or maintenance services to their inside wiring when reporting transmission problems. Reference: 8640-P1-01/02
2004-2 2004-01-16 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating additional high capacity digital data interexchange private line services on routes for which competitors of several incumbent local exchange carriers now offer, or provide, services at DS-3 or greater bandwidth. Reference: 8638-S1-01/98
2004-3 2004-01-23 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating additional high capacity interexchange private line services on routes for which competitors of several incumbent local exchange carriers now offer, or provide, services at DS-3 or greater bandwidth. Reference: 8638-S1-01/98
2004-4 2003-01-27 The Commission grants, with modifications, Call-Net's request for an education program to inform the public of the availability and terms of local competition. The Commission also grants an extension from three months to 12 months of the no-contact restriction under the winback rules; and implements certain measures which may improve the loop provisioning process. The Commission denies Call-Net's request for rate changes to the rates charged by the incumbent local exchange carriers for local loops and loop-related services. Reference: 8622-C25-200306789
2004-5 2003-01-27 The Commission approves on an interim basis the introduction of Ethernet access service by Bell Canada that would also be available to Canadian carriers registered with the Commission or digital subscriber line service providers (competitors). The Commission also approves on an interim basis the introduction of Ethernet central office connecting link arrangements by Bell Canada for competitor use. The Commission further directs Bell Canada to provide, on an interim basis, an Ethernet interface service for competitor use. The Commission requires TELUS Communications Inc. to provide, on an interim basis, an Ethernet CO connecting link service for competitor use and to introduce, on an interim basis, an Ethernet interface service for competitor use. The Commission requires Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom), MTS Communications Inc. (MTS) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) to introduce, on an interim basis, Ethernet access service that would be available to competitors. The Commission further requires Aliant Telecom, MTS and SaskTel to introduce, on an interim basis, an Ethernet interface service and an Ethernet CO connecting link service for competitor use. Reference: 8622-A4-200304957, Bell Canada TNs  6726, 6726A and 6754 and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 65. [.pdf]
2004-5-1 2004-02-06 The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraph 22 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-5, 27 January 2004. Reference: 8622-A4-200304957, Bell Canada TNs 6726, 6726A and 6754, and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 65
2004-6 2004-02-05 The Commission directs Bell Canada to issue tariff revisions allowing for an exemption from the automatic directory assistance call completion charge for its customers with special needs. Reference: 8638-C12-200312439
2004-7 2004-02-05 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties pursuant to sections 24 (in part), 25, 29 and 31 and subsections 27(1), 27(5) and 27(6) of the Telecommunications Act in relation to the provision of current and future wide area networking services provided by TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. Reference: 8640-T69-200308595. (.pdf)
2004-8 2004-02-12 The Commission finds that Bell Canada provided appropriate compensation to customers that could be located who were overcharged for party-line terminal sets. The Commission also finds that Bell Canada made a reasonable effort to find overcharged customers that were not located. The Commission notes that Bell Canada must provide full refunds, with interest, to any of these customers that come forward or that the company locates in the future. Reference: 8661-P8-02/02
2004-9 2004-02-19 The Commission approves an application by Amtelecom Inc. to vary Decision CRTC 2001-756. Specifically, the Commission varies the pricing constraints that led to Telecom Order CRTC 2002-230 in which the Commission denied Amtelecom's rate increase for residential primary exchange service for individual line subscribers. Reference: 8662-A2-01/02. [.pdf]
2004-10 2004-02-19 The Commission approves MTS's Band F SIP subsidy of $0.20 per residential network access service. The Commission further directs MTS to reflect this amount in its 2004 subsidy calculations due 31 March 2004. Reference: 8661-M3-200317710
2004-11 2004-02-23 The Commission denies OPCOM Hospitality Solutions Inc.'s and the Alberta Hotel & Lodging Association's application requesting that hospitality and health entities be permitted to receive per-call compensation for toll-free traffic originated on their telephone infrastructure or, alternatively, for a declaratory ruling permitting hospitality and health services entities to block, re-route or otherwise dispose of calls originated on their telecommunications infrastructure. Reference: 8661-O25-01/02. (.pdf)
2004-12 2004-02-23 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating additional high capacity interexchange private line services on routes for which competitors of several incumbent local exchange carriers now offer, or provide, services at DS-3 or greater bandwidth. Reference: 8638-S1-01/98
2004-13 2004-02-26 The Commission denies a request by Société en commandite Télébec to increase its 2003 subsidy requirement by $0.9 million for the termination of the integrality adjustment related to its directory operation. Reference: 8695-T78 200314229. (.pdf)
2004-14 2004-03-01 The Commission denies an application by TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. (TELUS Québec) requesting that the Commission order Bell Canada to resume publishing in Bell Canada's White Pages telephone directory for Québec City at no charge the subscribers' listing for five TELUS Québec exchanges located near Québec City. Reference: 8622-T69-01/02
2004-15 2004-03-03 The Commission denies Millennium Global Telecom Inc.'s (Millennium) request that the portion of its calling card revenues related to the unused portion of calling cards sold in Canada and the small unusable portion of calling cards sold in Canada be considered Canadian non-telecommunications revenues for purposes of the contribution regime. The Commission also denies Millennium's request to increase its inter-carrier payments for contribution purposes above the level reported in its financial statements. Reference: 8695-M34-200309502. [.pdf]
2004-16 2004-03-05 The Commission denies TELUS Communications Inc.'s request to delay any requirement for a reconciliation of accounts that might be necessary as a result of Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-54, 13 August 2003. Reference: 8661-T66-200312588
2004-17 2004-03-12 The Commission denies the Ontario Sewer and Watermain Construction Association's request for mandatory standards when telephone and cable system operators respond to excavators' requests for the location of their underground facilities. Reference: 8622-O28-01/02
2004-18 2004-03-18 The Commission directs Bell Canada to issue rebates for co location power retroactive adjustments to eligible co locators in its territory, for the period from 29 November 2000 to 11 September 2002. Reference: 8661-F18-200310219, 8740-B2-6653/02. (.pdf)
2004-19 2004-03-22 2004-19 The Commission denies Call-Net Enterprises Inc.'s application requesting that the incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) file a tariff that would provide the competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) an option to obtain four-hour mean time to repair (MTTR) service on a leased local loop. In specific circumstances where spare loops similar in nature to the defective loop(s) exist, the Commission directs the ILECs to offer the CLECs an option of seven-hour MTTR on leased loops from the start of the co-ordinated testing between the ILEC and the CLEC technicians. Reference: 8622-C25-14/02. (.pdf)
2004-20 2004-03-23 The Commission sets out the reasons for its dispositions in Optical fibre service arrangements, Telecom Orders CRTC 2003-482, 2003-483 and 2003-484, all of which were issued on 28 November 2003, and also disposes of a Part VII application from Câble-Axion Digitel inc. v. Bell Canada. Reference: TNs 6734, 6740, 6740A, 6757, 6761, 6762 and 8622-C73-200314469. [.pdf]
2004-21 2004-03-29 The Commission finds that Aliant Telecom Inc.'s value packages are bundles that require tariff approval. The Commission directs the company to immediately cease offering any bundles that include tariff services, such as its value packages, unless and until such time as the Commission may grant tariff approval. Reference: 8622-E17-200308123. (pdf)
2004-22 2004-04-02 Rogers Communications Inc. and Call-Net Enterprises Inc. v. Bell   Canada – Allegation of non-compliance with bundling rules. Reference: 8661-R2-200317679
2004-23 2004-04-02 Shaw Communications G.P. v. TELUS Communications Inc. – Violation of bundling safeguards. Reference: 8622-S9-200312710
2004-24 2004-04-02 Cybersurf Corp. v. Shaw Cablesystems G.P. – Enforcement of Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-87. Reference: 8622-C122-200400656
2004-25 2004-04-15 The Commission denies a request by Société en commandite Télébec for additional contribution relating to the year 2001. Reference: 8695-T78-200317885
2004-26 2004-04-19 The Commission approves $547,570 of additional subsidy for Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) for 2003 and directs the Central Fund Administrator to remit $547,570 of additional subsidy to SaskTel for the year 2003. Reference: 8695-S22-200317877. (pdf)
2004-27 2004-04-22 The Commission directs all Canadian carriers, as a condition of providing telecommunications services, to include in their service contracts or other arrangements with resellers the requirements that these resellers abide by the confidentiality provisions approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-33, and amended in Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-33-1, and previous determinations. These confidentiality provisions apply, effective the date of this decision, to all existing contracts and other service arrangements between Canadian carriers and resellers, regardless of whether the provisions were included in the service contracts or other arrangements entered into by those resellers. Reference: 8638-C12-200308363
2004-28 2004-05-05 IMCAIP against certain incumbent cable and telephone carriers - Provision of higher-speed access and retail Internet services including Lite service. In IMCAIP's request for mandatory resale of retail Lite Internet service, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-47, 14 July 2003, the Commission addressed part of the relief requested in the 12 November 2002 application of the Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (IMCAIP). The balance of IMCAIP's requested relief is addressed in this decision. Reference: 8622-C51-03/02. [.pdf]
2004-29 2004-05-06 Access to TELUS Communications Inc.'s support structures in the City of Kamloops. Reference: 8690-C121-200306127. [.pdf]
2004-30 2004-05-07 The Commission denies an application by Raftview Communications Ltd. dated 27 August 2003, requesting that the Commission direct TELUS Communications Inc. to cease and desist from offering toll-free dial-up Internet service to local exchanges where it does not locate its servers and technical Internet staff. Reference: 8622-R23-200400482
2004-31 2004-05-11 The Commission determines that, in accordance with the incumbent local exchange carriers' (ILECs) approved Terms of Service, the ILECs are not permitted to suspend or terminate (disconnect), or threaten to disconnect, a customer's tariffed services if that customer has made partial payments sufficient to cover that customer's outstanding arrears for tariffed services, whether or not there remain outstanding arrears for non-tariffed services. Reference: 8638-C12-46/01. (pdf)
2004-32 2004-05-14 The Commission (a) finds that services that constitute the Provincial Data Network and that are provided by MTS Communications Inc. (MTS) to the Government of Manitoba (Manitoba) under three separate agreements are not wide area network services in respect of which the Commission has forborne; (b) finds that the arrangements provided by MTS pursuant to the Network Services Agreement and Access Services Agreement respectively are each Type 2 customer-specific arrangements; and (c) directs MTS to file separate tariffs in respect of each such agreement. MTS is also directed to file a separate tariff if it is providing, or intends to provide, service to an entity that does not come within the definition of a single customer as it applies to Manitoba or to show cause why such a tariff is not required. Reference: 8622-W28-01/02
2004-33 2004-05-21 The Commission denies TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc.'s application to use the deferral account to offset the loss of income caused by a rate increase that the company chose not to make retroactive. Reference: 8678-T69-200318057
2004-34 2004-05-21 FCI Broadband's request to lift restrictions on the provision of retail digital subscriber line Internet services to business customers ? The Commission directs Bell Canada, Aliant Telecom Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS Communications Inc., upon request, to provide their respective retail digital subscriber line (DSL) Internet service to any business competitive local exchange carrier primary exchange service customer who is being served by a local loop leased from any of them and who would otherwise qualify for the service. The Commission further directs those companies to issue amended DSL access line tariffs removing the restriction that their DSL access services are only available to competitive service providers in association with an end customer's incumbent local exchange carrier provided business PES. Reference: 8622-F18-200312819. (.pdf)
2004-35 2004-05-21 The Commission implements changes to the regulation of telemarketers with more specific identification procedures, constraints on the use of predictive dialling devices and mandatory reinforcement of do not call lists for all telemarketers. The Commission also requires the tracking and reporting of complaints and establishes a multi faceted awareness program for both consumers and telemarketers. The Commission recognizes the merits of expanded enforcement but finds that additional regulatory action is contingent on increased powers being provided through legislative change. Reference: 8665-C12-13/01
2004-36 2004-05-31 RTC Interconnection Steering Committee - Consensus items. The Commission approves several consensus reports. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
2004-37 2004-06-04 The Commission makes its determinations on the issues set out in Cable modems for third-party Internet access , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-7 , 6 December 2002. Further, the Commission directs the cable carriers defined within to file proposed tariffs for second-level testing, for Commission approval, within 30 days of this decision. Reference: 8643-C12-08/02
2004-38 2004-06-09 Application from Call-Net seeking relief from TCI's alleged non compliance with bundling rules. The Commission directs TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) either to file a tariff with an imputation test for the services provided to Petro-Canada Corporation pursuant to a Master Services Agreement within 60 days, or to cease and desist providing those services to Petro-Canada within 60 days. The Commission finds that the services provided by TCI to each of Crystal Glass, BC Ferries Corporation and the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia do not constitute a bundle within the Commission's definition. Reference: 8661-C25-06/02. (.pdf)
2004-39 2004-06-10 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating additional high capacity/DDS interexchange private line services on routes for which competitors of several incumbent local exchange carriers now offer, or provide, such services at DS-3 or greater bandwidth. Reference: 8638-S1-01/98
2004-40 2004-06-17 The Commission denies the proposal by Société en commandite Télébec to use the National Contribution Fund to financially compensate it for the creation of an expanded local calling area for Cree communities in the James Bay region.  Reference: 8661-T78-200316960 [.pdf]
2004-41 2004-06-18 The Commission changes the co-location tariffs and central office license agreements of all local exchange carriers that offer co-location service. Reference: 8740-T42-0485/02, 8740-T46-4170/02 and 8638-C12-200317934
2004-42 2004-06-22 The Commission determines the amount of money that Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications Inc. must transfer into the deferral account as financial adjustments for (i) the reduction to the contribution revenue-percent charge, and (ii) the one-time start-up costs associated with local competition and local number portability already recovered. Reference: 8678-C12-13/02. (pdf)
2004-43 2004-06-30 The Commission denies First Media Group Inc.'s (FMG) proposal to provision 900 network services to interested 900 content service providers by reselling the underlying network elements and services of 900 service carriers and local exchange carriers (LECs). The Commission also denies FMG's request to issue a public notice to further consider mandatory unbundling of network elements and services for 900 service carriers and LECs. Reference: 8622-F15-01/02. (.pdf)
2004-44 2004-07-07 Bragg Communications Inc. carrying on business as EastLink v. Aliant Telecom Inc. – Allegation of non-compliance with bundling rules. Reference: 8622-E17-200403650
2004-45 2004-07-12 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee - Consensus items. The Commission approves several consensus reports. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
2004-46 2004-07-14 The Commission modifies the regulatory framework for the interconnection of local exchange carriers. Reference: 8643-C25-01/99, 8643-C12-07/01 and  Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6597. (.pdf)
2004-47 2004-07-15 The Commission establishes a notification process applicable to Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, Limited Partnership (collectively, Bell Canada et al.) and TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. (collectively, TCI) in instances where the last pay telephone in a community is scheduled for removal. The Commission finds that Bell Canada et al. and TCI are unjustly discriminating against deaf consumers in the provision of pay telephone service contrary to subsection 27(2) of the Telecommunications Act. The Commission directs Bell   Canada et al. and TCI to implement a teletypewriter upgrade program for certain pay telephones. Reference: 8650-C90-01/01 and 8665-C12-18/02
2004-48 2004/07/16 The Commission approves TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc.'s request to make its rates in the residential optional local services in the high-cost serving areas sub-basket and in the single and multi-line business local exchange services basket interim, effective 1 August 2004. Reference: 8678-C12-200404749
2004-49 2004-07-22 The Commission finds that a limited form of Reverse Search Directory Assistance (RSDA) service is appropriate and establishes a framework, including safeguards, for the provision of RSDA service by incumbent local exchange carriers. Reference: 8651-C12-01/01 and Bell Canada Tariff Notices 6508 and 6508A. (. pdf )
2004-50 2004-07-22

The Commission applies the determinations made in Decision 2002-76, with respect to the location and operation of Bell Canada's Carrier Services Group (CSG), to other large incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs). The Commission determines that such ILECs must be the operators of the CSG for their tariffed services, and that no employee of any of the other large ILECs' affiliates can have any responsibility for the ILEC's CSG operations. The Commission also confirms its preliminary view set out in Decision 2002-76 that a Canadian carrier subject to common control with an ILEC (affiliated carrier) will be required to comply with section 25 and other applicable provisions of the Telecommunications Act whenever the affiliated ILEC would be required to do so. When examining a proposed tariff filed by an affiliated carrier, the Commission will apply the same criteria, with respect to the imputation test and the bundling rules, as it would apply if the tariff were filed by the affiliated ILEC. Reference: 8638-C12-79/02. (. pdf )

2004-51 2004-07-28 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating electronic messaging and information services provided by Saskatchewan Telecommunications. Reference: 8640-S22-200318552
2004-52 2004-07-29 The Commission approves the Canadian Numbering Administrator's proposal to reclaim stranded central office code 330 in area code 819, which will resolve the local dialing plan conflict that exists in the Moose Creek, Ottawa/Hull and Cornwall exchange areas. Reference: 8698-C130-200405508. (.pdf)
2004-53 2004-07-30 The Commission makes interim service rates for Société en commandite Télébec for all capped services, effective 1 August 2004. Reference: 8678-C12-200404749
2004-54 2004-08-05 The Commission denies an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications for forbearance from regulation of voice messaging services. Reference: 8640-S22-200318560
2004-55 2004-08-18 The Commission approves a relief implementation plan for area codes 613 and 819, as proposed by the Numbering Plan Area 613/819 Relief Planning Committee. Reference: 8698-C12-16/01. [ .pdf ]
2004-56 2004-08-26 The Commission grants an application by West Coast TelTech Ltd. and by A&A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd. to review and vary Follow-up proceeding to Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56 – Foregone toll revenue compensation for expanded local calling areas, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-27, 7 May 2003 (Decision 2003-27). The Commission does not consider it necessary to review and vary Framework for the expansion of local calling areas, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56, 12 September 2002 (Decision 2002-56). The above determination renders moot the application by the applicants to stay Decision 2002-56 and Decision 2003-27
2004-57 2004-08-31

The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties pursuant to sections 24 (in part), 25, 29 and 31 and subsections 27(1), 27(5) and 27(6) of the Telecommunications Act in relation to the provision of current and future wide area networking services provided by NorthernTel, Limited Partnership and O.N.Telcom. Reference: 8640-N51-200403452. [ .pdf ]

2004-58 2004-08-31 The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties pursuant to sections 24 (in part), 25, 29 and 31 and subsections 27(1), 27(5) and 27(6) of the Telecommunications Act in relation to the provision of current and future wide area networking services provided by Société en commandite Télébec. Reference: 8640-T78-200402090. [ .pdf]
2004-59 2004-09-09 The Commission denies TELUS Communications Inc.'s application to revise its tariff for competitive payphone toll free tracking report service in order to clarify that the monthly rate applies on a provincial basis. Reference: TN 120
2004-60 2004-09-14 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items. The Commission approves several consensus reports. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
2004-61 2004-09-27 The Commission addresses three recommendations put forth by the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee Numbering Plan Area 514 Relief Planning Committee. Reference: 8698-C12-10/00. [.pdf]
2004-61-1 2004-09-29 Erratum – Relief plan for area code 514. Reference: 8698-C12-10/00
2004-62 2004-09-27 The Commission approves recommendations for relief of area code 519, as proposed by the Numbering Plan Area 519 Relief Planning Committee. Reference: 8698-C12-17/01. [.pdf]
2004-63 2004-09-28

The Commission approves, with one exception, the Canadian Marketing Association's (CMA's) application to stay Review of telemarketing rules, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-35, 21 May 2004, pending the disposition of the CMA's application to review and vary that Decision. The stay applies to all requirements set out in Decision 2004-35 except the requirement that telecommunications service providers track and report complaint statistics; this requirement becomes effective 1 January 2005. Reference: 8662-C131-200408543. [.pdf]

2004-64 2004-09-30 Northwestel Inc. – Supplemental funding requirement for 2003. The Commission extends the roll-out period of Northwestel Inc.'s (Northwestel) service improvement plan to 2005, and finds that the company's proposed capital plan of $159.3 million for 2003 to 2006 is reasonable. As a result of its determinations in this Decision, the Commission approves, on a final basis, supplemental funding for Northwestel in the amount of $8.9 million for 2003. The Commission initiates a follow-up proceeding to determine a repayment schedule for remitting to the Central Fund Administrator the excess 2003 funding. The Commission also approves a revised interim 2004 supplemental funding amount of $8.9 million for the company. Reference: 8695-C12-200307414. [.pdf]
2004-64-1 2004-10-18 Erratum - Northwestel Inc. - Supplemental funding requirement for 2003. Reference: 8695-C12-200307414. ( pdf )
2004-69-2 2005-02-03 The Commission is issuing a correction to the reference line of Telecom Decisions CRTC 2004-69, 2 November 2004 and 2004-69-1, 24 November 2004.
2004-65 2004-10-04 Infolink Communications Inc. v. Bell Canada – Voicecasting service. Reference: 8670-B2-02/01
2004-66 2004-10-08

The Commission denies an application by Shaw Cablesystems G.P. requesting that the Commission place restrictions on promotions by TELUS Communications Inc. of its higher speed Internet services. Reference: 8622-S9-200312710 and 8622-S9-200319188

2004-67 2004-10-08 The Commission directs Société en commandite Télébec (Télébec) and TELUS Communications Inc. to provide all customers with monthly itemized billing statements within nine months of the date of this Decision. The Commission denies the request of Télébec to recover any costs associated with the introduction of monthly itemized billing statements. Reference: 8638 C12 76/02. (. pdf )
2004-68 2004-10-21 Follow-up to Telecom Decision 2003-76: Rogers Wireless Inc. vs. TELUS Communications Inc. - Toll termination arrangements. The Commission directs TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) to offer a new optional two-way trunk service to wireless service providers (WSPs). This new option would allow WSPs to combine toll termination traffic with local traffic on local trunks between the WSP's point of interconnection and TCI's local switch. Reference:  8638-C12-200317918
2004-69 2004-11-02 The Commission approves tariffs and agreements setting out the rates, terms and conditions for third party Internet access (TPIA) to allow Internet service providers to connect with and serve customers over the cable networks of the major cable companies, namely, Cogeco Cable Canada inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Communications Inc., and Vidéotron ltée. The rates are approved on an interim basis pending further consideration of the level of mark-up over costs appropriate for TPIA services and facilities provided by the cable companies. Reference:  Rogers TNs 11 and 11A, Cogeco TNs 7 and 8, Shaw TNs 4, 4A and 4B, and Vidéotron TN 8
2004-69-1 2004-11-24 The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraphs 52 and 60 of Point of interconnection and service charge rates, terms and conditions for third party Internet access using cable networks, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-69, 2 November 2004. Reference: Rogers TNs 11 and 11A, Cogeco TNs 7 and 8, Shaw TNs 4, 4A and 4B, and Vidéotron TN 8
2004-70 2004-11-04 The Commission approves MTS Allstream Inc.'s Wireless Service Provider Enhanced 9-1-1 (WSP E9-1-1) Service and the associated WSP E9-1-1 Service Agreement, subject to modifications. The Commission directs Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, and TELUS Communications Inc. to make certain modifications to their WSP E9-1-1 service agreements. Reference: TN 521
2004-71 2004-11-05 Assignment of 311 for non-emergency municipal government services. Reference: 8665-C126-200315699. ( pdf )
2004-72 2004-11-09 The Commission approves the Primary Inter-exchange carrier processing charges for the following incumbent local exchange carriers: Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, Aliant Telecom Inc. and TELUS Communications Inc. Reference: 8661-C12-200303306. [ .pdf ]
2004-73 2004-11-09

The Commission approves the request made by Bell Canada, on behalf of itself, Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Communications Inc. (now known as MTS Allstream Inc.)., Northwestel Inc., TELUS Communications Inc., and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. (the Companies), to reduce the frequency of (a) sponsoring the Statistics Canada Residential Telephone Service Survey and (b) reporting these survey results to the Commission from twice a year to once a year. Further, the Commission denies the Public Interest Advocacy Centre's request that any cost savings due to a decrease in the frequency of reporting under the affordability monitoring program be transferred to the Companies' deferral accounts. Reference: 8665-A53-200403345. [ .pdf ]

2004-74 2004-11-16

The Commission approves Aliant Telecom Inc.'s application to increase the capital cost of its service improvement plan (SIP) to $5.73 million for unserved premises. The Commission also approves the following related matters: (a) an increase to the company's annual SIP total subsidy requirement associated with its draw-down from the National Contribution Fund; and (b) an increase to its annual SIP draw-down from its deferral account. Reference: 8638-C12-81/02

2004-75 2004-11-16 The Commission approves Bell Canada's application to increase the capital cost range of the company's service improvement plan to $131.9 million to $159.9 million, and to extend the period of the company's roll-out plan to 2002-2006. Reference: 8638-C12-72/02
2004-76 2004-11-16 The Commission approves TELUS Communications Inc.'s application to increase the capital cost of its service improvement plan (SIP) to $23.5 million. The Commission also approves the following related matters: (a) an increase to the company's annual SIP total subsidy requirement associated with its draw-down from the National Contribution Fund; and (b) an annual SIP draw-down from its deferral account
2004-77 2004-11-18 The Commission approves with changes Société en commandite Télébec's (Télébec's) service improvement plan (SIP), and approves on an interim basis high cost serving area SIP funding for the company of $627,000 per year, and an exogenous factor adjustment of $483,500 to allow Télébec to recover its non high cost serving area SIP costs. The Commission also directs Télébec to provide toll free Internet access to the six localities in its territory that currently do not have such access and approves on an interim basis $200,000 per year in associated funding. Reference: 8638 C12 69/02 and TN 294. (. pdf )
2004-78 2004-11-18 The Commission approves TELUS Communications Inc.'s proposed service improvement plan for the territories previously served by TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. The Commission also approves, on an interim basis, annual funding of an additional $86,500 from the National Contribution Fund and $4,000 from the deferral account. Reference: 8638-C12-69/02 and TN 346. (. pdf )
2004-79 2004-12-06 The Commission denies a request by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the City of Edmonton and the City of Vancouver to intervene in two MTS Allstream Part VII applications filed against the City of Toronto and the City of Calgary. The Commission also denies a request by the City of Toronto and the City of Calgary to establish an alternative process, which would include an oral hearing, for making submissions with respect to the MTS Allstream applications. Reference: 8690-A4-01/01 and 8690-A4-04/02.
2004-80 2004-12-09 The Commission approves an application received from Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc. and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies), for forbearance from section 29 of the Telecommunications Act in respect of agreements or arrangements that the Companies might enter into with any other telecommunications common carrier in relation to forborne domestic toll services and forborne interexchange private line services. Reference: 8640-B2-200400226.
2004-81 2004-12-09 The Commission approves on a final basis, effective 1 January 2004, a 2004 contribution collection revenue-percent charge of 1.1 percent and the 2004 subsidy per residential network access service (NAS) for the territories of the large incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs). The Commission also approves on an interim basis, effective 1 January 2004, revised 2004 subsidy requirements for Société en commandite Télébec (Télébec) and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. (TCQ). The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 1 January 2005, a 2005 contribution collection revenue-percent charge of 1.1 percent, the subsidy per residential NAS for the territories of the large ILECs, 2005 subsidy requirements for TCQ and Télébec and continued supplemental funding for Northwestel Inc. Reference: 8638-C12-45/00, 8695-T69-200402537, 8695-T78-200402818 and 8695-C12-200402826. (. pdf )
2004-82 2004-12-13 The Commission approves Northwestel Inc.'s proposal and directs it to remit $3.741 million to the Central Fund Administrator by 15 December 2004 in order to repay the 2003 excess supplemental funding and to dispose of the revenue deferral account balance for 2003. Reference: 8695-C12-200307414.
2004-83 2004-12-21 Call-Net Enterprises Inc. v. Bell   Canada - Request for tariffs and tariff modifications with respect to work provided by Bell   Canada. Reference: 8661-C25-200409442.
2004-84 2004-12-21

The Commission forbears, with some conditions, from regulating cellular services provided by Prince Rupert City Telephones. Reference: TN 80. Eff. date = 04.01.05. ( pdf )

Date Modified: 2005-02-03


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