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You are here: Home > Funding


Women's Program

Preliminary Proposal Form - Women's Partnership Fund

PROTECTED when completed

Please read the Funding Guidelines and the Partnership Fund Information Guide before completing the Preliminary Proposal Form. To complete the form you may:
  1. Print out the blank Acrobat/PDF version of the form and fill in the form by hand.


  2. Save the blank Acrobat/PDF version of the form to your computer and complete the form on your computer. You cannot save a completed copy of the form on your computer. You must fill in the form and print it out at one sitting.


  3. Save the blank MS Word version of the form to your computer and complete the form on your computer.

  4. Send the signed and dated Application Form (with other required documents) by mail to the nearest Status of Women Canada office.

1) Incorporated name of organization and other name if different

2) Former name of organization (if applicable)

3) In which official language do you wish to be served?

  __ English        __ French

4) Organization type:     __ Not-for-Profit        __ For-Profit

5) Scope of your organization (check one only)

__ Municipal__ Regional
__ Provincial/Territorial__ Inter-provincial/inter-territorial
__ National__ International

6) Federal or provincial incorporation number

Federal  No.                          Provincial No.

7) Year organization founded
8) Organization registered with Revenue Canada as a registered charity?

__ Yes   __ No

9) Does your organization have any outstanding debts to the Government of Canada?

__ Yes        __ No

If yes, indicate the amount owing and to what department/program

10) Previous funding from Women's Program?

__ Yes         Year(s)                 __ No

11) Project title

12) Brief description of project



13) Project duration

Start date

End date

14) Total project cost

Amount requested from the Women's Program

15) Name and title of person with legal signing authority (Chair, President, etc.)

__ Ms.    __ Mrs.    __ Mr.    __ Other (specify):



Daytime Telephone:

16) Name and title of person to be contacted for additional information about the application (if different from #15)

__ Ms.    __ Mrs.    __ Mr.    __ Other (specify):



Daytime Telephone:

17) Name and title of person who will take responsibility for managing this project (if different from #15 or #16)

__ Ms.    __ Mrs.    __ Mr.    __ Other (specify):



Daytime Telephone:


18) Organization's contact information

Organization's Street Address

Organization's Mailing Address (if different)



Fax no.:


19) Attach your organization's most recent annual report including financial statements, a list of Board members and addresses of the Board Chair and officers.

20) a. Has(ve) the partner(s) committed to providing matching funding?

__ Yes        __ No

b. Written documentation submitted confirming intent to provide
matching funding?

__ Yes        __ No

21) Information about matching funds

In total, how much have you received in matching funds?

$ ____________________

Cash amount received

$ ____________________

Value of "in-kind" contribution received

$ ____________________

22) Source of Matching Funds

Federal department or agency ___
Provincial Government ___
Territorial Government ___
Municipal government ___
Aboriginal Government ___
(Please specify:                                      )
Other ___
(Please specify:                                      )

23) Provide the following information regarding the organization(s) providing matching funds (if more than one source of funding include the information on a separate sheet)


Name and Title of Contact Person

Tel. No.



Please attach a preliminary proposal (maximum 6 pages, not including attachments) providing the following mandatory information (see attached glossary for definitions of key terms).

The Organization

(See Funding Guidelines for more specific information concerning eligibility requirements.)

  • Describe your organization's mandate, membership, objectives and main activities.
  • Describe how these support the Women's Program objective and reflect the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • Not-for-profit organizations: Describe the ways in which the organization functions democratically and demonstrates good governance.
  • For-profit organizations: Describe the primary business and corporate structure.
The Project
  • Describe the issue to be addressed, the primary group of women affected by the issue and how the need for the project was identified.
  • Identify the partner(s), describe how they have been involved to date and their expected roles throughout the project.
  • Describe how the project will involve the women most affected by the issue in the development and implementation of the project.
  • What is the goal of this project?
  • What are the project's objectives?
  • Describe how the proposed project is aligned with the Women's Program funding priorities and those of the partner(s).
  • Describe how this project will contribute to the Women's Program objective and outcomes as well as those of the partner(s) (see Funding Guidelines for detailed information concerning Women's Program objective and expected outcomes).
  • Describe the key activities to be carried out and the timelines.
  • What are the direct and measurable expected short term, intermediate and long term outcomes of the proposed project. The outcomes must show direct impact on women in their communities. (See attached Examples of Eligible Activities and Sample Outcome Statements.)

(See Funding Guidelines and attached Description of Budget Categories for more detailed information concerning eligible budget categories and funding levels.)
SWC does not provide funding to cover on-going administration costs or core funding. Matching funds are normally on a 1:1 ratio to the funds requested from the Women's Partnership Fund. Up to 25% of the matching funds can be in the form of "in-kind" contribution. Provide a preliminary budget for the project including the level of matching funds that are expected from all partners. Please use the attached Financial Information template.

  • For a multi-year project (more than 18 months), complete a budget for each year of the project timeline as well as a cumulative budget for the entire project.
  • Include "in-kind" contributions from your organization and others for the project, valued at reasonable commercial market values.

Provide the name, title, organization and phone number of at least two references that we can consult about this project and your organization.

I am the legal signing authority for this organization. I affirm that this application and the attached documents are accurate and complete. I agree that once funding is provided, any change to the proposal will require approval of Status of Women Canada. I agree to publicly acknowledge funding and assistance of the Department and that Status of Women Canada can make public relevant information relating to this funding application. I also agree to submit reporting as required by Status of Women Canada. I understand that, following the appropriate review process, the information provided in this application may be accessible under the Access to Information Act, and that this application can be shared with other potential funders for consultation purposes. I also agree to respect the spirit and intent of the Official Languages Act and other various acts governing the programs of Status of Women Canada.

Signature of legal signing authority


Print name in block letters

Print title in block letters


Goal: The project goal answers the question, "what is it that you ultimately expect your project to contribute to achieving, recognizing that a goal may take years to accomplish?" For example, "to contribute to reducing rates of violence against women in rural communities in Eastern Canada". 

Objective: The objective(s) reflect what is expected to be achieved by project end, not how it is planned to be achieved. It should answer the question, "what will have changed by the end of the project?" An example is, "to increase the capacity of at-risk-women in rural communities X, Y, and Z to better identify and respond to issues of gender-based violence within their families, communities, and workplaces".

Input: The financial and non-financial (human, organizational, material) resources used to implement activities. Examples of inputs include: funds, personnel, time, effort, equipment, supplies, etc.

Activity: Specific, key actions taken which use inputs to produce outputs. Examples of activities include: capacity-building workshops, resource development, networking, etc. Each activity should yield a corresponding output. 

Output: Immediate products, goods or services stemming directly from the activities of a project. For example, pamphlets, reports, training sessions, tools, codes of practice, protocols, etc. Each activity should have a corresponding output.

Outcome: Is a result, a describable or measurable change that a project is designed to produce. Results should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. There are short-term, medium-term, and long-term outcomes.

Indicator: A qualitative (descriptive) or quantitative (numerical) means of measuring an outcome(s), that helps gauge the achievement(s) of a project. Indicators provide the information/evidence/proof to demonstrate that a result has been achieved. For example, "level of understanding among information session participants about violence against women".


Travel - Ground or air transportation for salaried or contract staff, volunteers and resource people are eligible for activities related to the project. The cost of meals and accommodation during travel time are also eligible. Travel expenses should be reasonable, based on the most economical option available and be consistent with provincial/territorial rates.

Salaries & Benefits - Salaries can be paid for work directly related to the project. When salaries are paid, benefits are an eligible expense. Salaries and benefits for members of a Board of Directors or other decision-making body are not an eligible expense. Salary levels should be in line with local rates for similar types of work.

Honoraria/Professional Fees - Includes costs for the professional services of an individual (not members of the applicant organization) who has expertise relevant to, and necessary for, carrying out the project.

Facilities - Costs related to the portion of office and meeting space related to the project activities. Also includes costs related to utilities such as electricity and heating.

Office Equipment - Costs of leasing or buying office equipment like computers, printers, fax machines and photocopiers when they are necessary to carry out the project. Costs related to Internet and telephone costs pertaining to the project. The cost of purchasing computer hardware, office furniture and other office equipment is an eligible expense up to a maximum of $10,000 per project. Such capital costs must be for reasonable items necessary to complete the project and must represent items not already owned by the organization.

Materials & Supplies - Costs related to office supplies and other materials needed to carry out the project such as postage, paper, photocopying or printing, resource materials, computer software, printer cartridges, fax cartridges, etc.

Publicity & Promotion - Costs related to producing and printing brochures, newsletters, purchasing ads, posters, etc. related to project activities and to promote the project. Costs related to ongoing publications by the organization are usually not eligible unless an issue of the publication is specifically dedicated to the project.

Contributions-in-Kind - An estimated value of ALL services or products that will be donated to the project by your organization or others. Include the volunteer hours that will be contributed to the project.

Other - Eligible costs not included in other budget items and that pertain to some of the following: Costs of child care for women to attend and/or participate in project activities such as workshops, meetings, etc., catering costs related to key project activities.

Project Assessment Factors: Partnership Fund

The Organization's:

  • Eligibility

  • Capacity

  • Whether the applicant organization's mandate and objectives support the Women's Program objective and reflect the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • Whether the organization functions democratically and practices responsible governance.
  • Whether the organization is financially and administratively stable and can manage human resources.
  • Whether the funding history with the Women's Program or other funding sources demonstrates accountability for funds and successful completion of projects.
  • The organization's knowledge of the issue, its ability to implement the project, carry out the evaluation and report on the outcomes.
  • The extent to which the organization leverages resources and builds partnerships through its work with public institutions and other stakeholders.

The Project's:

  • Alignment

  • Expected Results

  • Feasibility/Effectiveness

  • The extent to which the proposed project is aligned with government of Canada/SWC funding priorities.
  • Whether the proposed project addresses one or more of the priority issues identified for 2007-2008.
  • How the proposed project will contribute to the improvement of women's economic, social and cultural situation.
  • Whether the proposal identifies clear, realistic and measurable outcomes to be achieved through the project and demonstrates clearly how these outcomes will impact women directly.
  • The feasibility and effectiveness of the project in terms of the proposed activities, expected outcomes, timelines and potential risks.
  • The level and nature of collaboration among the partners to date.
  • The level and nature of collaboration among the partners that is expected to occur throughout the project.
  • The extent to which women affected by the issue are directly involved in all aspects of the project.

Project Budget

  • The level of funding requested from Women's Program.
  • The level of matching funds that have been committed by one or more partners.
  • The eligibility of the items and activities for which the organization is requesting funding from Women's Program.
  • Whether the project budget is realistic in view of the proposed activities and expected outcomes.
  • Whether the amounts requested in all budgets lines are consistent with local norms.

Broad Areas of Activity Specific Activities Outcome Statements

Activities that equip women to be able to participate more effectively in the economic, social and cultural life of their communities

  • outreach
  • peer support groups
  • mentoring
  • information workshops
  • training
  • resource development
  • At least 100 women are enabled to address personal barriers that negatively impact their economic, social and cultural situation.
  • Approximately 400 women have developed the knowledge and ability to access the resources, programs and services that will enhance their education and employment opportunities;
  • At least 35 women have entered training programs or will be employed in non-traditional occupations;
  • Approximately 100 women have increased their knowledge enabling them to take action to prevent violence against them;
  • Approximately 40 abused women will have increased their ability to access existing resources, programs and services
  • A minimum of 15 women have increased leadership skills and enhanced participation in their communities, families and key institutions.

Activities that enhance existing programs and services or that test new and innovative approaches to providing programs and services that are aimed at eliminating barriers to women's participation in the economic, social and cultural life of their communities

In collaboration with women, community partners, government and workplaces:

  • develop and share best practices;
  • assist women in identifying barriers to their participation;
  • establish partnerships with decision-makers;
  • develop and test models and pilot projects;
  • carry out feasibility studies;
  • develop culturally appropriate tools, workshops and other public education resources and approaches to educate communities concerning violence against women and girls;
  • engage participants in implementing solutions to equality challenges
  • Ten women's CED organizations have increased their ability to access capital from public and private lending institutions;
  • Culturally appropriate programs in six communities that address family violence have been developed, demonstrated and evaluated;
  • At least 40 women (abused or at risk) have participated in developing tools, resources and services in the area of violence against women by providing their knowledge;
  • Three pilots involving targeted women's participation have tested the effectiveness of a new approach to program/service delivery and the models have been improved and implemented;
  • These models have been shared with 10 organizations that plan to use them.


1st Year  ____         2nd Year  ____         3rd Year  ____        Cumulative  ____

PLEASE NOTE: For a multi-year project (more than 18 months), complete a budget for each year of the project as well as a cumulative budget for the entire project.

Budget Items Total Expenses Amount requested Detailed description for each budget item requested
Travel $ $  
Salaries and benefits $ $  
Honoraria and professional fees $ $  
Facilities $ $  
Office equipment $ $  
Materials and supplies $ $  
Publicity and promotion $ $  
Other (specify) $ $  


Sources of revenue   Amount  
Financial contribution requested from Status of Women Canada          $
Financial contribution from applicant organization $
In-kind contribution from applicant organization $

Financial contribution from other federal programs (provide details)


Financial contribution from provincial programs (provide details)


Financial contribution from municipal programs (provide details)


Financial contribution from private or corporate donation (provide details)


In-kind contributions from external sources (provide details)


Other (provide details)


List of Status of Women Canada Regional Offices

West, Northwest Territories and Yukon
Status of Women Canada
Suite 1001, Highfield Place
10010 - 106 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T5J 3L8
Toll free: 1-866-966-3640
Local: 780-495-3839
Fax: 780-495-2315

National and Ontario
Status of Women Canada
123 Slater Street
10th Floor
Ottawa, ON
K1P 1H9
Toll free: 1-866-902-2719
Local: 613-995-7835
Fax: 613-947-0761

Quebec and Nunavut
Status of Women Canada
1564 St. Denis Street
Montréal, Québec
H2X 3K2
Toll free: 1-888-645-4141
Local: 514-283-3150
Fax: 514-283-3449

Status of Women Canada
109 - 1045 Main Street
Moncton, New Brunswick
E1C 1H1
Toll free: 1-877-851-3644
Local: 506-851-3644
Fax: 506-851-3610

Last Updated: 2007-06-04
Last Reviewed: 2007-06-04
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