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Women's Program

Funding Guidelines - 2007-2008


The Women's Program (WP) of Status of Women Canada (SWC) was created in 1973 in response to a recommendation of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. The Commission called for the creation of a federal mechanism of support for the direct participation of Canadian women in the efforts to advance women's equality. In 1995, as a result of the federal government's consolidation of women's programs, the Women's Program was transferred to Status of Women Canada.

Program Mandate

The mandate of the WP is to facilitate women's participation in Canadian society by addressing their economic, social and cultural situation through Canadian organizations. The WP fulfills this mandate by providing financial and non-financial (technical) assistance to organizations to carry out projects at a local, regional and national level in key areas, such as women's economic status and violence against women and girls, in an accountable and transparent framework. 

Program Objective and Outcomes

The overall objective of the Women's Program is to achieve the full participation of women in the economic, social and cultural life of Canada. To achieve this objective, the Program is delivered in an accountable and transparent framework through two components, each with specific objectives and outcomes. The WP outcomes are the expected results or changes that will directly result in the achievement of the WP objective.

Women's Community Fund
  • The Women's Community Fund is a grant and contribution fund of
    $12.3 million to support projects at a local, regional and national level. The objective of this component is to address the economic, social and cultural situation of women through projects that directly support women in their communities.The expected short-term outcome of this component is the: "increased direct impact on the economic, social and cultural situation of women through funded projects".
Women's Partnership Fund
  • The Women's Partnership Fund is contribution funding of $3.0 million for collaborative projects that involve non-governmental organizations in partnership with public institutions and other levels of government. The objective of this component is to build partnerships between SWC, eligible non-governmental recipients and public institutions in addressing the economic, social and cultural situation of women. The expected short-term outcome of this component is: "increased engagement by other federal departments, levels of government, NGOs and the private sector through partnership projects that directly impact the economic, social and cultural situation of women".

The short term outcomes of the two components contribute to the achievement of the following intermediate and long-term program outcomes:


  • Increased opportunities for women to participate fully in the economic, social and cultural life of Canadian society.


  • Strengthen the full participation of women in the economic, social and cultural life of Canada.


The grants and contributions budget of the WP for 2007-2008 is $15.3 million. By using funding priorities, SWC ensures that the WP resources are invested where the need is the greatest and where there is a clear potential to make a concrete and direct impact. This means that, while all proposals will receive due consideration, priority will be given to those that fall within the 2007-08 funding priorities.  

SWC supports projects that encourage action to bring about the advancement of all women in Canada.

The following issues have been identified as WP priorities in 2007-2008.

  • women's economic security and prosperity
  • women's health (non-medical/clinical)
  • women's safety
  • eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against women

Applicants are required to meet the general WP eligibility criteria as described below. In addition, applicants must also meet the specific requirements of the Fund to which their funding request is submitted.

Eligible Applicants

Incorporated not-for-profit and for-profit Canadian organizations.

N.B. - An organization that is not incorporated and wishes to apply to the Women's Program for funding can partner with an incorporated organization which agrees to apply to the Women's Program and take financial and administrative responsibility for the project on their behalf.

To be eligible for Women's Program funding, an organization's mandate and objectives must reflect:
  • Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which stipulates, "(1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability" and "(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups, including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability"; and

  • That it functions democratically and demonstrates responsible governance.
Eligible Projects

Funding is provided for projects that:

  • Contribute to the achievement of the WP objective;
  • Occur within a specific timeframe;
  • Articulate demonstrable outcomes with a thorough and precise plan;
  • Involve women who are affected by the issue in all aspects of the project
    (e.g. planning, implementation, and evaluation); and,
  • Identify other sources of financial and/or "in-kind" support, which are confirmed in written form.
Eligible Expenditures

Eligible expenditures must be directly related to the project. They include:

  • Travel costs within Canada;
  • Travel costs outside of Canada for U.N. or the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) -related activities;
  • Salaries and benefits;
  • Honoraria/professional fees;
  • Facility rental and utilities;
  • Office equipment and furniture (up to a maximum of $10,000 per project);
  • Materials and supplies;
  • Publicity and promotion; and,
  • Audit and evaluation.

SWC will use Treasury Board Secretariat guidelines to determine the maximum amounts for travel and per diem-related costs. Maximum salaries, honoraria and rents should be in line with local norms. WP staff will look at a number of factors including the Consumer Price Index to establish thresholds for these categories.

Ineligible Applicants

The Women's Program does not provide funding to:

  • Individuals, unions or cooperatives;
  • Other federal departments/agencies;
  • Provincial, territorial, municipal and Aboriginal governments and their agencies;
  • School boards, hospitals and other organizations whose mandate was created by governments; and,
  • Universities and colleges, including university and college-governed institutes.
Ineligible Activities

The following activities are ineligible:

  • Activities that have already taken place;
  • Activities outside of Canada (with the exception of UN or CEDAW-related activities);
  • Capacity building for organizations unless related to a clearly articulated need in order to carry out a project that will result in an outcome that would improve  the situation of women directly;
  • Research and polling activities;
  • Domestic advocacy activities and lobbying of federal, provincial and municipal governments;
  • Provision of direct services that fall within the jurisdiction of other levels of government; with the exception of projects designed to test new approaches to service delivery, carry out feasibility studies or other strategies aimed at improving the delivery of services to women; and,
  • On-going activities, including on-going operation and administration.
Ineligible Expenditures
  • Capital expenditures (such as land, buildings, vehicles and other major
    capital costs);
  • Travel and other expenses incurred outside of Canada that are not UN and CEDAW-related activities; and,
  • Costs incurred before a funding decision is made.
  • The maximum financial support that can be provided to an eligible recipient is $500,000 per fiscal year. SWC generally provides funding to a maximum of 60% of the cost of any project. It does not provide funding to cover ongoing administration costs or core funding. Applicants are required to have written confirmation of all other funding sources.

  • The WP provides short-term funding, up to a maximum of 18 months and multi-year, up to a maximum of 36 months.

  • Funding is provided as a grant or a contribution.

    • A grant is a transfer payment made to a recipient and is not subject to being accounted for or audited, for which eligibility and entitlement may be verified, or for which the recipient may need to meet pre-conditions.

    • A contribution is a conditional transfer payment for a specified purpose pursuant to a contribution agreement that is subject to being accounted for and audited. Recipients must continue to meet the specific terms and conditions of the contribution agreement prior to payments being made. Payments are linked to satisfactory interim and final reports.

  • Applications to the Women's Community Fund will be accepted in response to a public call. Each call will provide detailed information regarding application forms, requirements, and guidelines. 
Application Requirements
  • Applicants are encouraged to consult all relevant program documents prior to preparing their applications.

  • All required documents must be submitted at the time of application to be eligible for consideration. The application form for the Women's Community Fund is available on the SWC website ( This form must be completed and submitted by mail, as original signatures are required. Please also include an electronic version of the application form, proposal, work plan, evaluation plan and budget sheet(s), on CD or floppy disk.

  • Proposals that are national in scope must be submitted to the SWC office in Ottawa. A project is considered national if it involves the active participation of women and other partners in its development and implementation, in at least three regions of the country. All other proposals should be submitted to the nearest SWC regional office (please see List of SWC Regional Offices).
  • To be considered eligible for funding from the Women's Program, applicants must demonstrate that they meet all the eligibility requirements and address the project assessment factors, including the funding priorities identified for 2007-08.

  • All proposals will undergo a rigorous, standard, internal review process.
  • All funding decisions are made by the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women.

  • Successful applications to the Women's Community Fund can receive a grant or a contribution.

  • As available funds are limited, not all qualified applications will receive funding.

  • Applications to the Women's Partnership Fund will be accepted on an on-going basis. These applications are to be developed through a collaborative process involving SWC, the applicant group and the other funding partner(s). Preliminary proposals will be required for initial assessment. Please see the Partnership Fund Information Guide for further details.
Application Requirements
  • Applicants are encouraged to consult all relevant program documents prior to preparing their preliminary proposals.

  • All required documents must be submitted at the time of application. The  Preliminary Proposal Form for the Women's Partnership Fund is available on the SWC website ( This form must be completed and submitted by mail, as original signatures are required. Please also include an electronic version of the application form and budget sheet(s) on CD or floppy disk.

  • Proposals that are national in scope must be submitted to the SWC office in Ottawa. A project is considered national if it involves the active participation of women and other partners in its development and implementation, in at least three regions of the country. All other proposals should be submitted to the nearest SWC regional office (see List of SWC Regional Offices).
  • All preliminary proposals will undergo a rigorous, standard, internal review process to determine whether applicants will be invited to submit a full funding proposal.

  • To be considered eligible for funding from the Women's Program, applicants must demonstrate that they meet all the eligibility requirements and address the project assessment factors, including the funding priorities identified for
  • Approval of preliminary proposals to the Women's Partnership Fund is made by the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women.

  • Under the Women's Partnership Fund, all funding is provided in the form of a contribution.

  • As available funds are limited, not all qualified applications will receive funding.
  • Reporting requirements differ based on whether funding is provided in the form of a grant or a contribution. Information outlining specific reporting requirements will be provided in writing, upon notification of project approval.


West, Northwest Territories and Yukon
Status of Women Canada
Suite 1001, Highfield Place
10010 - 106 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T5J 3L8
Toll free: 1-866-966-3640
Local: 780-495-3839
Fax: 780-495-2315

National and Ontario
Status of Women Canada
123 Slater Street
10th Floor
Ottawa, ON
K1P 1H9
Toll free: 1-866-902-2719
Local: 613-995-7835
Fax: 613-947-0761

Quebec and Nunavut
Status of Women Canada
1564 St. Denis Street
Montréal, Québec
H2X 3K2
Toll free: 1-888-645-4141
Local: 514-283-3150
Fax: 514-283-3449

Status of Women Canada
109 - 1045 Main Street
Moncton, New Brunswick
E1C 1H1
Toll free: 1-877-851-3644
Local: 506-851-3644
Fax: 506-851-3610

Last Updated: 2007-11-01
Last Reviewed: 2007-11-01
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