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Women's Program

Information Guide - Women's Partnership Fund - 2007-2008


The mandate of the Women's Program (WP) is to facilitate women's participation in Canadian society by addressing their economic, social and cultural situation through Canadian organizations. To fulfill its mandate, the Program provides financial and non-financial (technical) assistance to organizations to carry out projects designed to directly benefit women in their communities. The WP funding is, therefore, an important investment to bring about real and demonstrable change in the lives of women. 

The WP objective is to achieve the full participation of women in the economic, social and cultural life of Canada. The WP uses its grants and contributions to facilitate the achievement of this objective.


SWC supports projects that encourage action to bring about the advancement of all women in Canada.

The following issues have been identified as priorities for the 2007-2008 Second Call for Proposals:

  • women's economic security and prosperity
  • women's health (non-medical/clinical)
  • women's safety
  • eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against women
WP Renewal
  • In September 2006, the WP Terms and Conditions were renewed for five years, to 2011. The renewal process provided opportunities to streamline the mandate, objectives, outcomes, as well as the eligibility criteria for recipients, activities and associated costs.
Reinvestment of Efficiency Savings
  • In March 2007, the Government of Canada announced the investment of an additional $5 million in the WP, with $4.5 million in grants and contributions, effective in the 2007-08 fiscal year. The new resources have increased the grant and contribution level from $10.8 million to $15.3 million, representing an increase of 42%. The WP Terms and Conditions were subsequently modified to reflect the creation of the following two components:
Women's Community Fund
  • The Women's Community Fund is a grant and contribution fund of $12.3 million to support projects at a local, regional and national level. The objective of this component is to address the economic, social and cultural situation of women through projects that directly support women in their communities.The expected short-term outcome of this component is: "increased direct impact on the economic, social and cultural situation of women through funded projects".
Women's Partnership Fund
  • The Women's Partnership Fund is contribution funding of $3.0 million for collaborative projects that involve non-governmental organizations in partnership with public institutions and other levels of government. The objective of this component is to build partnerships between SWC, eligible non-governmental recipients and public institutions in addressing the economic, social and cultural situation of women. The expected short-term outcome of this component is: "increased engagement by other federal departments, levels of government, NGOs and the private sector through partnership projects that directly impact the economic, social and cultural situation of women".

  • Applications to the Women's Partnership Fund can be submitted to SWC throughout the fiscal year. These applications are to be developed through a collaborative process involving SWC, the applicant group and the other funding partner(s).

  • To initiate the process, prospective applicants must submit a preliminary proposal outlining key elements of the proposed partnership (see preliminary proposal form).

  • Proposals that are national in scope must be submitted to the SWC office in Ottawa. A project is considered national if it involves the active participation of women and other partners in its development and implementation, in at least three regions of the country. All other proposals should be submitted to the nearest SWC regional office (see List of SWC Regional Offices).

  • The preliminary proposal form contains detailed instructions on information to be included, such as an indication of how the proposed project will address the priorities and objectives of the respective partners.

  • The form and associated annexes can be printed or saved from the SWC website (, completed and duly signed as per WP requirements. The form must be completed and submitted by mail, as original signatures are required. Please also include an electronic version of the application form and budget sheet(s) on CD or floppy disk. All required documents must be submitted at the time of application.

  • Prior to preparing a preliminary proposal, applicants are encouraged to read the WP Funding Guidelines (available at and familiarize themselves with the eligibility requirements.

  • Preliminary proposals must include written confirmation of the prospective partner's intention to provide matching funds.

    • Potential partners include other federal departments/agencies and other levels of government. Funded projects may also receive support from sources other than the public sector.

    • Matching funds are normally on a 1:1 ratio to the funds requested from the Women's Partnership Fund.

    • Up to 25% of the matching funds can be in the form of "in-kind" contributions.
  • Assessment for Eligibility: All preliminary proposals will undergo a comprehensive review process in order to determine whether they meet the eligibility requirements for recipient organizations, proposed activities and associated costs. Proposals that fail to meet the WP eligibility requirements will not be considered further.

  • Project Assessment Factors: All proposals that meet the eligibility requirements will be assessed on the extent to which they address the project assessment factors (see Project Assessment Factors for further details).
  • The results of the preliminary proposal assessment will be provided to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women for her approval.

  • Applicants will be advised, if their preliminary proposal has been selected, to proceed to the full proposal stage. SWC will work with the applicant and funding partner(s) to develop the full proposal. The number of projects selected for funding will be based upon the availability of funds.

  • Approved projects will receive funding in the form of a contribution.  Recipients will sign a contribution agreement, a legal contract outlining the respective responsibilities of SWC and of the recipient. SWC reserves the right to audit recipients of contribution funding.

  • Projects may be short-term (up to a maximum of 18 months) or multi-year, (up to a maximum of 36 months). Given that funding priorities are time limited, short-term projects that can be completed within the timelines of identified priorities will be given priority.

  • The scope of a project can be local, regional or national. Applicants are required to have written confirmation of all other funding sources. The WP provides up to a maximum of $500,000 per fiscal year to approved projects.
  • A contribution is a conditional transfer payment for a specified purpose pursuant to a contribution agreement that is subject to being accounted for and audited. Recipients must continue to meet the specific terms and conditions of the contribution agreement prior to payments being made. Payments are linked to satisfactory interim and final reports.

  • Information outlining specific reporting requirements will be provided in the contribution agreement which will be signed following notification of project approval.

Preliminary Proposal Form, including:

Last Updated: 2007-11-01
Last Reviewed: 2007-11-01
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