Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Frequently Asked Questions by Topic

Frequently Asked Questions are available by various topics which can be selected from the drop-down menu below or by scrolling down this page.


Aboriginal Peoples

  1. Where can I find the First Nation Profiles?

  2. Where can I find employment programs and job banks for Aboriginal people?

  3. Where can I find a list of national Aboriginal organizations?

  4. Where can I find Aboriginal-specific programs and services on economic development and related topics?

  5. Where can I find information about Indian Status?

  6. Where can I find information about Internet connectivity in Canadian Aboriginal communities?

Canada and the World

  1. What is Canada doing to address threats to individuals' rights around the world?

  2. What is Canada's role in international peace operations?

  3. Where are Canadian Forces personnel deployed around the world?

Canadian Business

  1. Consult the FAQ page within Canada Business.


  1. Where can I find information about programs and services for children?

  2. Are you concerned about the safety of your child's car restraint?

Consumer Information

  1. Are you concerned about the safety of your child's car restraint?

  2. Do you think you pay too much interest on your credit card? Would you like to get a different card, but aren't sure which is suitable for you?

  3. Do you want to see how you can save some money? Do you want to calculate your monthly financial institution service charges and compare them with those you would pay at other institutions?

  4. Would you like more information on the latest food recall?

  5. Would you like to learn how to complain about services or products in an effective manner?

Culture, Heritage and Recreation

  1. I am hoping to locate information about my ancestors. Where can I find help?

  2. I want to find information on youth exchanges. Where can I find it?

  3. Where can I find information on the National Anthem: "O Canada"?

  4. What is Multiculturalism?


  1. How large is the federal debt?

  2. What is monetary policy and who determines it?

  3. Where can I find information on the latest economic indicators?

  4. Where can I find out about trends in Canadian industry?

  5. Why is international trade important to Canada?

Environment, Natural Resources, Fisheries, and Agriculture

  1. Where can I find information about environmental assessments?

  2. Where can I find out about sustainable development in Canada?

  3. Where can I find weather forecasts?

  4. Where can I learn about Canada's agricultural production?

Financial Benefits

  1. How do I apply for a Canada Student Loan?

  2. How do I apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) card?

  3. How do I apply for Employment Insurance (EI)?

  4. How do I apply for the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement pension or other benefits under the CPP?

  5. What is a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)?


  1. How can I improve my health and help prevent disease?

  2. How can I quit smoking?

  3. How do I reduce my risk of getting type 2 diabetes?

  4. What kinds of foods will contribute to better health?

  5. Where can I find advisories for food, drugs, medical devices, natural health products and consumer products?

  6. For additional questions, consult the FAQ page within the Canada Health Network.

Identification Cards

  1. How do I apply for government identification cards and other personal documents?

  2. What should I do after losing my wallet?

Jobs, Workers, Training, and Careers

  1. How do I decide on a career?

  2. How do I find a job?

  3. How do I find out about ways to improve my skills?

  4. How do I find labour standards that affect me?

  5. How do I find local labour market information?

  6. For additional questions, consult the FAQ page for Jobs, Workers, Training, and Careers.

Newcomers to Canada

  1. Where can I find information about living in Canada and adapting to Canadian life?

  2. How do I become a Canadian citizen?

  3. Where can I take English or French language courses?

  4. What documents do I need to travel outside of Canada?

  5. How can I find a job in Canada?

  6. For additional questions, consult the FAQ page for Newcomers to Canada.


  1. Consult the FAQ page within Non-Canadians.

Persons With Disabilities

  1. How do I find information on Government of Canada programs and services for persons with disabilities?

  2. Does the Government of Canada provide persons with disabilities with any assistive services when voting in federal elections?

  3. How do I receive assistance to make my home accessible to persons with disabilities?

  4. I recently had difficulty travelling because of my disability. Is it possible to file a complaint?

  5. Where can I find information on disability tax benefits?

Public Safety

  1. Can I register my firearms using the Internet?

  2. I just received what I think is an investment scam/fraud letter in my
    e-mail. What should I do? Where should I send the information?

  3. Where can I find background information on Canada's counter-terrorism arrangements?

  4. Where can I find information on public safety in Canada?

  5. For additional questions, consult the FAQ page for Public Safety.

Rural and Remote Services

  1. Where can I discuss rural issues with other rural Canadians?

  2. How do I find out about upcoming rural events?

  3. How do I learn about programs, services and funding available to rural Canadians?

  4. How do I learn more about health care in rural Canada?

  5. For additional questions, consult the FAQ page for Rural and Remote Services.

Science and Technology

  1. What assistance programs exist for science and technology research?

  2. Where can I find information about biotechnology?

  3. Where can I get information on earthquakes?


  1. How does the Government of Canada define a senior citizen?

  2. How do I apply for the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement pension or other benefits under the CPP?

  3. How do I register a change of address for my income tax, Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan and Veterans pension?

  4. How can I apply for a Government of Canada Senior Citizen's ID card?

  5. What programs are available for seniors on fixed incomes who need to make improvements in their homes?

  6. Are there financial benefits available to low-income senior couples who have been involuntarily separated?

  7. For additional questions, consult the FAQ page within Seniors On-line.


  1. How do I check my refund status?

  2. How do I change my tax and benefits return?

  3. How do I file a tax and benefits return?

  4. How do I change my address information?

Travel at Home and Abroad

  1. As a Canadian citizen, what do I need to know before I travel abroad?

  2. How can I plan to visit some of Canada's National Parks and Historic Sites?

  3. What can I bring back into Canada from my travels?

  4. What should I do if I lose my passport while travelling abroad?


  1. What student loan programs are available to me?

  2. I lost my wallet! How do I replace all my ID?

  3. Help! How do I fill out my income tax form?

  4. How do I get a passport?

  5. For additional questions, consult the FAQ page for Youth.