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Issued under the authority of the Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada


Policy Bulletin 233

Policy Objectives | Authorities | Cross-References | Definitions | Principles | Roles and Responsibilities | Transfers | General Transfer Process | Information Sharing | Voluntary Transfers | Involuntary Transfers | Emergency Involuntary Transfers | Inter-Regional Transfers | Approval of Intra-Regional Transfers | Transfers to and from the Special Handling Unit (SHU) | Transfers to and from a Section 81 Healing Lodge | Transfers to a CSC Regional Health/Psychiatric Centre | Interjursidictional Transfers | Transfers for Judicial Review | Transfers for Attendance at Other Judicial Proceedings | National Parole Board Notification | High Profile Offenders | Documentation Accompanying Transferred Offenders | Translation of Transfer Documentation | Notification of Location ]

Annex A - Transfer of Offenders - Delegation of Authority

Annex B - Transfer of Offenders - Offender's Notification of Decision

Annex C - Content Guidelines - Assessment for Decision for Transfers



1. To transfer offenders to meet their individual security requirements and program needs while ensuring public safety and the protection of offender rights.

2. To ensure public safety by transferring offenders to an environment most suitable to addressing their risks and needs.


3. Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA):

s. 16(1 ) – Exchange of Service Agreements

s. 28 and 29 – Placement and Transfer of Inmates

s. 81 – Agreements with Aboriginal Communities

Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations (CCRR):

s. 11 to 16 – Placement and Transfers

s. 97 – Access to Legal Counsel



4. Subsection 27(3) of the CCRA

CD 006 - Classification of Institutions

CD 081 - Offender Complaints and Grievances

CD 084 - Inmates' Access to Legal Assistance and the Police

CD 541 - Interjurisdictional Agreements

CD 550 - Inmate Accommodation

CD 551 - Special Handling Unit

CD 700 - Correctional Interventions

CD 701 - Information Sharing

CD 704 - International Transfers

CD 850 - Mental Health Services


5. Emergency transfers: transfers only used on an involuntary basis when there is immediate risk to the public, staff or offenders that cannot be managed within the current site.

6. High profile offender: offenders whose offence involved the death of or serious harm to other person(s) and received significant public attention or offenders whose offence was non-violent but generated significant media attention and/or a significant number of victims (e.g., a large scale multi-million dollar fraud).

7. Involuntary transfers: transfers initiated by CSC for reasons stated in section 28 of the CCRA.

8. Population Management Committee: Committee responsible for the coordination of inter-regional and international transfers and for resolving disputes related to transfers. Membership of the Committee is determined by the Senior Deputy Commissioner.

9. Special Handling Unit (SHU) National Advisory Committee is authorized to make recommendations to the Senior Deputy Commissioner or his or her alternate as designated by the Commissioner. Its membership includes a Senior Advisor, who is a manager from National Headquarters; the SHU's Case Management Coordinator as Permanent Secretary; at least two institutional heads of maximum-security institutions from two different regions, and a person external to the CSC appointed pursuant to paragraph 4(f) of the CCRA.

10. Voluntary transfers: transfers initiated by the offender who is requesting to be moved to another penitentiary.

11. Alternative service delivery arrangements: include agreements made under the provisions of subsection 16(1) and section 81 of the CCRA.


12. Transfers must be carried out in a fair, efficient and secure manner while meeting the requirements and rights of the offender and ensuring the protection of the public.

13. Offenders are placed and transferred to the least restrictive security level as appropriate for the safety of the public, staff members and offenders and the security of the penitentiary. Additional considerations for transfer include: accessibility to the person's home community and family, a compatible cultural and linguistic environment, and the availability of appropriate programs and services and the person's willingness to participate in those programs.

14. The principles of the duty to act fairly and of fundamental justice to provide an offender the opportunity to respond in an informed manner to the notice of transfer must be strictly adhered to.

15. The offender is provided with all information used in making the decision about the transfer, unless it is necessary to withhold information to protect the safety of any person, the security of a penitentiary or the conduct of any lawful investigation.


16. The Regional Deputy Commissioner will designate a person at Regional Headquarters who can be contacted in the case of emergency transfers and inter-regional transfers.

17. The Institutional Head will ensure that offenders are advised in writing of the applicable grievance procedures related to transfers (CD 081 - Offender Complaints and Grievances).

18. The Institutional Head will ensure that a person(s) is assigned to receive the incoming transfer notifications.

19. The person reviewing the incoming transfer notifications will be the contact person for case conferences on behalf of either the sending or proposed receiving institution.

20. Institutional Heads will ensure that offenders are notified of the final transfer decision and associated reasons within the timeframes outlined in Annex B, Transfer of Offenders - Offender's Notification of Decision.

21. The Institutional Head will ensure that offenders are provided access to legal counsel without delay when required (CD 084 - Inmates' Access to Legal Assistance and the Police).

22. The Institutional Head will ensure the "High Profile Offender" flag is set in OMS for any offender who meets the definition outlined above.

23. The Institutional Head will implement a process to ensure that the process regarding the review of high profile offenders is followed when a high profile offender is being considered for a transfer to another institution.

24. Institutional Heads of sending institutions will ensure that all outstanding reports that will be required within 30 days of transfer of an offender will be completed by the sending institution staff.


25. Every movement between institutions requires a transfer warrant, with the exception of:

  1. temporary placements at another institution which are governed by a Memorandum of Understanding; or
  2. section 81 Healing Lodges which may be processed with a letter of withdrawal of support instead of a transfer warrant.

26. The authority regarding the transfer decision and the issuance of a transfer warrant is delegated as outlined in the attached Annex A, Transfer of Offenders - Delegation of Authority.

27. Timeframes for transfers are identified in Annex A.

28. Normally, offenders transferred to regional health/treatment centres will return to their parent institution after completion of assessment or treatment.

29. Upon completion of an assessment or treatment program at a treatment centre, offenders may apply to transfer to another institution (other than the parent institution). Consultation with the offender's Parole Officer/Primary Worker from the parent institution is required. If the offender has been at the treatment centre for 60 days or less, the parent institution is responsible for completing the casework.

30. Refer to CD 704 - International Transfers and the International Transfer of Offenders Act for international transfers.


31. The documentation to be considered by the decision maker regarding the transfer of an offender includes, but is not limited to the following (excludes initial or post-suspension placements):

  1. the offender's application (voluntary transfer only);
  2. Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation (CSC/SCC 0893e) (where applicable);
  3. the offender's written response or a summary of the offender's oral response (in cases of involuntary transfers);
  4. relevant copies of observation reports, institutional charges, logbook entries and Casework Records, and segregation review documentation, if applicable;
  5. Correctional Plan Progress Report (if required) and the Assessment for Decision (including a gist of the Preventive Security information);
  6. Correctional Plan/Criminal Profile Report;
  7. Transfer Referral Decision Sheet;
  8. Medical and Health Care Services Administrative Summary (if related to the transfer);
  9. information to confirm community support when community support is the reason for transfer;
  10. other, if applicable (e.g. psychological assessments, Aboriginal Liaison Officer (ALO) or Elder Assessment/comments and victim notification);
  11. when applicable, the response from the Aboriginal community regarding their ability and willingness to accept an offender under section 81 of the CCRA.

32. The appropriate decision maker will render their decision within the timeframes identified in Annex A.

33. The Institutional Head of the sending institution will ensure that within 24 hours prior to effecting a transfer, communication has occurred between the sending and receiving institutions to confirm that there is no new information regarding risk and needs that would impact on the viability of the transfer.


34. Offenders will be provided with confidential and preventive security information to the fullest extent possible when it impacts on an application for a voluntary transfer or is to be considered in an involuntary transfer recommendation. Refer Annex B - How to Prepare a Gist, in CD 701.


35. The Assessment for Decision for voluntary transfers will normally be completed within 30 calendar days of the offender's application.

36. The exception will be where a Community Assessment (CA) is required when the reason for transfer is to gain access to community support.

37. Institutional Parole Officer/Primary Worker reviews the transfer application, considering:

  1. the degree and kind of custody and control necessary for the safety of the public, the safety of that person and other persons in the penitentiary, and the security of the penitentiary;
  2. If there are any issues of shared accommodation/double bunking and the inmate's suitability and manageability in that situation;
  3. accessibility to the person's home community and family, a compatible cultural environment, and a compatible linguistic environment;
  4. the availability of appropriate programs and services and the person's willingness to participate in those programs;
  5. the offender's progress towards meeting the objectives set out in his or her Correctional Plan;
  6. the offender's security classification; and
  7. the up-to-date Community Assessment (CA) that confirms the presence and level of support when the purpose of a transfer is to gain access to community support.

38. The institutional Parole Officer/Primary Worker interviews the offender to:

  1. evaluate performance against the objectives identified in the Correctional Plan;
  2. advise him or her of the programs and services available at the proposed institution;
  3. explain any behavioural expectations associated with a transfer to a different security level, as outlined in CD 006 - Classification of Institutions;
  4. counsel the offender that failure to fully participate in programming, when that is the purpose of the transfer, may result in a discharge from the program and return to his or her parent institution.

39. Offenders serving a life sentence for first or second degree murder placed in a maximum security facility who are being considered for transfer to a medium security institution will require an updated psychological assessment or a full psychological assessment if the previous assessment is more than two years old. The focus of the second assessment will be on the progress that the offender has made since initial placement, in addition to addressing any outstanding risk/need factors

40. The Institutional Parole Officer/Primary Worker completes the Correctional Plan Progress Report (CPPR) (only if changes to ratings are required) and the Assessment for Decision (refer to Annex C).

41. Any dissenting opinions among staff participating in the assessment will be clearly identified.

42. The Unit Manager/Team Leader reviews transfer submissions and makes recommendations to the Institutional Head.

43. For all intra-regional transfers where the offender's security classification is the same as the security level of the receiving institution, a case conference with the designated person at that institution is required and must be documented in the Assessment for Decision (refer to content guidelines).

44. There may be reasons to accommodate an offender in a facility of a security level different than the offender's security classification. Any such instances will be clearly justified and documented.

45. If a transfer is denied, any subsequent review of a transfer application to the same institution does not have to be conducted more than once every six months unless there is new information to support a new application.


46. When an involuntary transfer is proposed, an offender will be advised, in writing, of his or her right to legal counsel without delay. "Without delay" means immediately unless there are compelling circumstances preventing immediate action and in those circumstances the delay cannot be more than 24 hours.

47. Advise the offender, using the Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation (CSC/SCC 0893e) (or letter of withdrawal of support in the case of transfers from a section 81 Healing Lodge), of the reasons for and destination of the proposed transfer.

48. The Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation (CSC/SCC 0893e) (or letter as above) will include details of the incident(s) or information which prompted the recommendation for transfer, including where it occurred, when it occurred, against whom it occurred, the extent of injury or damage which resulted, the evidence or proof of its occurrence, and any further relevant information which may elaborate on the incident(s).

49. The Institutional Head or designated staff member will meet with the offender to explain the reasons for the proposed transfer and give him or her an opportunity to respond to the transfer, in person or, if the offender prefers, in writing. Where the offender responds in person, document his or her response in the Offender Management System (OMS) in a "Casework Record - Rebuttal".

50. Provide the offender two working days to prepare a rebuttal to the proposed transfer. Institutional Heads can grant an extension of up to ten working days for the offender to submit the rebuttal. The Institutional Head will decide about the extension within one working day of receiving the request.

51. Forward the offender's response to the appropriate decision maker (refer to Annex A), along with a copy of the CPPR (if a new one is required) and Assessment for Decision. If the reasons for the transfer are detailed enough in the Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation, there is no need to repeat the same information in the body of the report. A reference to the Notice would be sufficient.

52. Should the destination institution change prior to transfer, a second notification must be provided and the offender is given opportunity to respond (in writing or in person) to the recommendation. The process and timeframes begin again.

53. The Assessment for Decision and the Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation (CSC/SCC 0893e) are provided to the offender to inform him or her of the reasons and destination of the proposed transfer.

54. Give the offender written notice of the final decision and the reasons for the decision, via the CSC Board Review/Decision Sheet, and provide him or her with copies of the CPPR and Assessment for Decision, at least two working days before the transfer, unless the offender consents to a shorter period or waives the two-day period on the Notice of Involuntary Transfer Decision. The preceding documents will be provided to the offender within five working days of the decision being made if the final decision is not to transfer the offender.


55. When an emergency involuntary transfer takes place, an offender will be advised, in writing, of his or her right to legal counsel without delay. "Without delay" means immediately unless there are compelling circumstances preventing immediate action and in those circumstances the delay cannot be more than 24 hours.

56. In accordance with subsection 13(2) of the CCRR, the Institutional Head of the receiving institution or a staff member designated by the Institutional Head will:

  1. meet with the offender within two working days of his or her placement in the receiving institution to explain the reasons for the transfer and provide him or her with the written Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation (CSC/SCC 0893e) (or letter of withdrawal of support in the case of transfers from a section 81 Healing Lodge), the Correctional Plan Progress Report (if prepared) and the Assessment for Decision as well as any other documents that will be used in the decision making process. Where sensitive information exists which cannot fully be shared, provide the offender with a gist (refer to CD 701 - Information Sharing);
  2. provide the offender two working days to respond to the proposed transfer, in person or in writing. Institutional Heads can grant an extension of up to ten working days for the offender to submit the rebuttal. The Institutional Head is expected to decide about the extension within one working day of receiving the request. When the offender responds in person, document his or her response in the OMS in a "Casework Record - Rebuttal";
  3. forward the offender's response to the appropriate decision maker (refer to Annex A);
  4. give the offender written notice of the final decision and the reasons for the decision, via the CSC Board Review/Decision Sheet, within five working days of the decision being made.

57. The Institutional Head of the sending institution will issue and sign the Transfer Warrant. When the offender is being transferred from a section 81 Healing Lodge, the Director of the Healing Lodge will issue a letter withdrawing support to the offender. This letter will be used in place of a transfer warrant.

58. The Institutional Head will ensure that the designated individual at Regional Headquarters and the receiving institution are notified prior to (or at the first possible opportunity) transferring an offender.

59. The Institutional Head will ensure that a case conference between institutions takes place prior to the offender's transfer or as soon as possible thereafter.

60. When an inmate is being transferred on an emergency basis to an institution where the majority official language is different from that of the sending institution, the Institutional Head of the sending institution will ensure that verbal contact is made with the receiving institution prior to transfer to ensure that Health Care and Security personnel are advised in advance about specific concerns (e.g., epilepsy, gang affiliation, etc.). The results of the contact will be recorded by the sending institution in a Casework Record.


61. Inter-regional transfers are usually initiated:

  1. to provide the offender access to his or her home community, a compatible environment or to facilitate a confirmed release plan. In such cases, an up-to-date Community Assessment confirming positive community support must be available;
  2. to facilitate the offender's achievement of objectives outlined in his or her Correctional Plan;
  3. to alleviate the segregated status of offenders where all alternatives to segregation in the sending region have been exhausted. In cases where the offender has been in segregation for 120 days or more and is willing to enter the general population in an institution in another region, regardless of whether or not he or she has any community support, an inter-regional transfer will normally be approved. In such cases, the Assessment for Decision must provide a detailed account of the alternative measures taken before recommending an inter-regional transfer.

62. The Parole Officer/Primary Worker will advise offenders applying for an inter-regional transfer that:

  1. although they may indicate a preference, it is up to the receiving region to determine the placement institution once the inter-regional transfer has been approved; and
  2. refusal or failure to integrate into the general population at the receiving institution may result in his or her transfer to another institution and/or region

63. When the receiving region proposes a transfer to an institution other than the one requested by the offender, they will request the offender to submit a transfer application to the suggested facility. If the offender agrees, a new application is forwarded. If the offender disagrees with the proposed institution, the receiving region will make a decision.

64. If the receiving region does not agree with the proposed transfer, provide written reasons for the decision to the sending region and to the offender.

65. All contacts within and between the region(s) and coordination of the transfer documentation are the responsibility of the Regional Transfer Officer (RTO).

66. Inform the RTO that the following reports are included for his or her review:

  1. the Correctional Plan Progress Report (CPPR);
  2. the Assessment for Decision; and
  3. any further relevant information, including the recommendation of the Institutional Head of the sending institution.

67. The RTO of the sending region will review the documentation and will provide a recommendation to the decision maker. If approved, the documentation is to be forwarded to the receiving institution. If not approved, the offender is to be informed in writing.

68. The RTO of the receiving region will review the transfer documentation, consult the proposed receiving institution, assess the request as it relates to community support and program availability and provide the decision maker with a written assessment.

69. If the receiving region approves the transfer, the RTO will notify the RTO of the sending region of the decision. The RTO will then notify the institution, which will notify the inmate.

70. Offenders will be advised in writing on a letter of notification of the decision and reasons as per the timeframes outlined in Annex B. When the transfer is involuntary, and the offender has submitted a rebuttal, the letter will indicate that the rebuttal's content was considered by the decision maker.

71. When an inter-regional transfer is approved, the RTO of the sending region will place the offender's name on the inter-regional transfer list as required, and the transfer is effected as soon as possible.

72. The Institutional Heads of both the sending and the receiving institutions will confirm to the regional transfer officer that no new information exists regarding risk and needs that would preclude the transfer being completed.


73. When the transfer has been approved, the Institutional Head or the designate of the sending institution will advise the Institutional Head or the designate of the receiving institution that a decision has been made to transfer the offender to their facility.

74. Following approval, transfer the offender as soon as possible, with the exception of non-emergency involuntary transfers where the offender must be provided with the written notice of the final decision at least two days (48 hours) before the transfer can be effected (unless the offender waives).


75. In the case of transfers to the SHU, the decision to transfer is made by the Regional Deputy Commissioner of the sending region. As such, where an offender responds to the transfer to the SHU, his response will be forwarded to the regional decision maker of the sending region.

76. Transfer requests from the SHU are reviewed three times per year by the SHU Advisory Committee.

77. The Senior Deputy Commissioner has the authority to determine when and to what institution an offender will be transferred from the SHU.

78. Transfers from the SHU will normally be completed within 30 days of the decision being made.

79. Transfers under Exchange of Service Agreements with provinces and territories or under section 81 agreements with Aboriginal communities shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the respective agreement. Where an agreement is silent, decision-making authority will be in accordance with Annex A of this policy.


80. Offenders must meet the following criteria to transfer to a section 81 facility:

  1. be able to be classified as minimum security; or
  2. in rare cases, be classified as medium security.

81. Offenders interested in transferring to a section 81 Healing Lodge are required to send a letter to the Director of the Healing Lodge requesting acceptance prior to submitting their transfer application. This letter will contain:

  1. reasons the offender wants to transfer;
  2. commitment to engage in healing and to working with Elders and staff at the Healing Lodge within a traditional Aboriginal spiritual and cultural environment;
  3. programs completed to date and how the programs have impacted the offender;
  4. activities the offender has been involved in that contributes to his or her spiritual growth;
  5. how he or she has demonstrated a genuine desire for change, as well as a commitment to follow the healing plan contained within the Correctional Plan; and
  6. indication that the offender is fully prepared to comply with the expectations of the Healing Lodge and the community.

82. To return an offender from a section 81 Healing Lodge, the Director writes a letter of withdrawal of support which serves the same purpose as a transfer warrant until a transfer warrant can be issued. The Institutional Head will accept the return of an offender from a section 81 Healing Lodge.

83. Either before or as soon as possible thereafter, the District Director (or delegate) will issue a transfer warrant from the community to a CSC institution.


84. Prior to a transfer to a regional health/psychiatric centre to participate in a program or an assessment or to receive health care services, the offender will be clearly informed that upon completion of the program or assessment or the provision of the required health services, he or she will normally be returned to his or her parent institution. Furthermore, the offender will be advised that failure to fully participate in programming, in cases where that is the purpose of the transfer, may result in a discharge from the program and return to his or her parent institution. In some cases, it may be necessary to temporarily house an offender in another institution for a short period of time before returning him or her to the parent institution. Every movement between institutions requires a transfer warrant.

85. Should the regional health/psychiatric centre, following consultation with the parent institution, wish to transfer the offender to an institution other than the parent institution; the procedures and timeframes associated with the type of transfer will apply.

86. In accordance with section 14 of the CCRR, where an offender has been transferred to the psychiatric or treatment centre for assessment purposes and after the assessment, a recommendation is made to keep the offender in that centre, the head of that centre or a staff member designated by the Institutional Head will:

  1. give the offender written notice of the recommendation including the reasons for the recommendation;
  2. give the offender two working days or longer as is appropriate to prepare a response to the proposed placement;
  3. meet with the offender to explain the reasons for the recommendation and give him or her an opportunity to respond to the recommendation, in person or, if the offender prefers, in writing. In cases where the offender responds in person, his or her response must be documented in the Offender Management System in a "Casework Record - Rebuttal";
  4. forward the offender's response to the clinical director or the Institutional Head of the centre; and
  5. give the offender written notice of the final decision and the reasons for the decision within two working days of the decision being made.


87. Refer to CD 541 - Interjurisdictional Agreements and applicable Exchange of Services Agreements. The procedures for a transfer to a provincial facility are also outlined in CD 541 - Interjurisdictional Agreements.


88. For the purposes of a Judicial Review hearing, an offender will be voluntarily transferred to an institution which is in close proximity to the jurisdiction where his or her hearing will be held provided that:

  1. the offender has indicated, in writing, an intention to apply for Judicial Review within approximately one year of the judicial review eligibility date;
  2. the transfer is voluntary; and
  3. the transfer occurs far enough in advance of the offender's anticipated Judicial Review to ensure proper preparation for his or her case with legal counsel.

89. Offenders must apply to return to the sending institution upon the completion of the Judicial Review.

90. The institution where the offender is accommodated is responsible for completing the required casework.


91. In the absence of a court order, the Institutional Head may authorize the transfer of an offender to another penitentiary or to a provincial correctional facility where the transfer is necessary to facilitate the offender's attendance at a judicial proceeding.


92. Offender transfers will normally not be effected within two months prior to a scheduled panel hearing by the National Parole Board. If a transfer is unavoidable, the sending institution will immediately notify the Board of the transfer and maintain responsibility for the casework in relation to Board decision-making.


93. If it is determined that the proposed transfer is likely to generate significant public interest:

  1. the Institutional Head will ensure that the Regional Administrators, Reintegration and Correctional Programs and Communications, are advised of the upcoming transfer of the high profile offender and that they are consulted about the preparation of a strategy and action plan regarding the transfer.
  2. the Parole Officer/Primary Worker will complete a Memo to File in OMS titled "HIGH PROF" at least two weeks prior to the offender's transfer, under normal circumstances, signed by the Institutional Head that includes at a minimum the following:
    1. the offender's name and FPS,
    2. a short summary of the case, including offence history,
    3. public interest in the case from the time of arrest to present,
    4. a short summary of the offender's classification history,
    5. a short summary of key assessments (psychological/psychiatric),
    6. concerns of probable interested parties and stakeholders (victims, police, community groups, individuals, etc.) and actions taken or anticipated to prepare community (any sensitive information should be documented in a Protected Information Report), and
    7. any community dynamics that could impact the situation.

94. The Institutional Head will ensure that an e-mail is distributed to the following persons alerting them to the completion of the Memo to File:

  • Institutional Head of the receiving institution

Regional Headquarters

  • Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Operations
  • Regional Administrator, Reintegration and Correctional Programs
  • Regional Administrator, Communications

National Headquarters

  • Deputy Commissioner for Women, where applicable
  • Executive Director, Executive Services
  • Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs
  • Assistant Commissioner, Communications and Citizen Engagement
  • Director General, Aboriginal Initiatives Branch, where applicable
  • Director General, Offender Programs and Reintegration
  • National Director, Media Relations.


95. In emergency situations, the Transfer Warrant, Health Care, Psychology and Preventive Security files will accompany the offender. The remaining offender files are to be transmitted to the receiving Institution the next working day.

96. Where the circumstances warrant, the sending institution will notify the receiving institution of any potential problems (such as medical or security concerns).

97. When a federal offender is transferred to a provincial/territorial institution, copies of the following minimum documentation, where completed, will accompany the offender:

  1. Case Documentation Checklist;
  2. Penitentiary Placement Report / Offender Intake Assessment;
  3. police report(s) for all current offences;
  4. Post-Sentence Community Assessment Report;
  5. Criminal Profile Report;
  6. Correctional Plan;
  7. sentence calculation;
  8. any Preventive Security information;
  9. medical and psychological reports;
  10. victim file;
  11. FPS Summary; and
  12. all trial related reports and documentation.

98. When transferring an offender to the care and custody of an Aboriginal community referred to in section 81 of the CCRA, the appropriate CSC files are transferred to the nearest area parole office. The specific documents sent to the Aboriginal community are identified in the section 81 agreement signed by the Commissioner and the appropriate representative of the community.


99. The transfer of an offender will not normally occur until all transfer documentation (any report outlined in paragraph 97, including any other report not on the list, which is provided to the decision maker) has been translated into the majority official language of the receiving institution. An exception may be made in the case of transfers for emergency purposes; however, translation must be completed immediately following the transfer.

100. The sending institution is responsible for ensuring that the relevant documents are translated.


101. Every offender may inform, by telephone, his or her lawyer or an individual identified on his or her authorized call list of the transfer to another institution. If the offender is incapable of making the communication himself or herself and requests notification be made, the information will be communicated to the designated person by institutional authorities. Where the offender is capable of doing so, the request will be submitted in writing.


Original signed by
Keith Coulter






Penitentiary Placement

  • Warrant of Committal
  • Suspended or revoked offenders
  • Persons with a suspended Long-Term Supervision Order
  • Offenders readmitted after escape or being unlawfully at large

Head of the sending institution which operates the Intake Unit or the Post-Suspension Unit


Where required, the District Director has the authority for penitentiary placements and security classifications.


Offender must be given reasons for the proposed placement in writing at least two working days prior to the final decision and transfer to the assigned penitentiary. This is to allow the offender to respond to the proposed placement.

Where offenders are being admitted to a federal facility from a provincial facility, offenders will be notified as soon as practical.


(voluntary and involuntary, including emergency)


Head of the sending institution

Note : In the case of emergency transfers, where possible, Regional Headquarters must be notified of the transfer before it is effected. In cases where it is not possible to reach the regional authorities, Regional Headquarters must be notified at the first opportunity. In addition, the sending institution will notify the receiving institution of the transfer before it is effected.



As soon as possible within 60 calendar days of offender's request being submitted.


  1. In cases where the offender does not rebut, as soon as possible within 30 calendar days of the time the offender is provided with the Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation .
  2. In cases where the offender rebuts, within 30 calendar days of the provision of the Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation or within 10 working days of the date of the rebuttal, whichever period is longer.



(voluntary and involuntary, including emergency)

Regional Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Deputy Commissioner or Regional Administrator, Reintegration, of the receiving region


Note : In cases where the sending region is not in favour of the inter-regional transfer, a decision is rendered at that time and the case is not forwarded to the proposed receiving region.


Note : Emergency transfers may be effected after consultation between Regional Headquarters at both the sending and receiving regions.


As soon as possible within 60 calendar days of offender's request being submitted.


  1. In cases where the offender does not rebut, as soon as possible within 45 calendar days of the time the offender is provided with the Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation
  2. In cases where the offender rebuts, within 45 calendar days of the provision of the Notice of Involuntary Transfer Recommendation or within 15 working days of the date of the rebuttal, whichever period is longer.


To the Special Handling Unit for assessment purposes or on an emergency basis

Regional Deputy Commissioner of the sending region or the person acting in the incumbent's absence

Head of sending institution recommends the transfer.

The timeframes for involuntary or emergency transfers apply.


CD 551 - Special Handling Unit

Placement to the Special Handling Unit after assessment

Senior Deputy Commissioner or designate

SHU Advisory Committee recommends placement after assessment.

Up to four months to complete the assessment and 30 days to make a decision.

Transfer out of the Special Handling Unit

Senior Deputy Commissioner, on the recommendation of the SHU Advisory Committee.

Timeframes for voluntary or involuntary intra or inter-regional transfers apply.

To and from a healing lodge in an aboriginal community who has an agreement with the Minister, or a person authorized by the Minister of Public Safety

As outlined in the specific section 81 Agreements.

The timeframes for voluntary transfers apply, excluding time attributable to the aboriginal community's consideration of the request.

To and from a psychiatric/treatment centre, or mental health unit, for assessment purposes ( CSC -operated facilities)

Clinical Director or head of the institution where the unit is located, depending on the case

Head of sending institution recommends the transfer.

Depending on the nature of the transfer, the timeframes for voluntary, involuntary or emergency transfers apply.




Placement to the psychiatric/treatment centre or mental health unit, after assessment

Clinical Director or head of the institution where the unit is located, depending on the case

Mental Health Team or psychologist recommends placement after assessment.

Up to three months to complete the assessment and up to 30 calendar days thereafter to make a decision.

Transfer to and from a provincial correctional facility or a hospital, in accordance with an agreement entered into under subsection 16(1) of the CCRA and any applicable regulations.

Clinical Director or head of the institution where the unit is located, depending on the case

Head of sending institution recommends the transfer.

Depending on the nature of the transfer, the timeframes for voluntary, involuntary or emergency transfers apply.

Transfers to hospitals will comply with the relevant provincial mental health legislation.

To and from CSC Aboriginal Healing Lodge

Head of the Receiving Healing Lodge for intra-regional transfers

Head of sending institution recommends the transfer.

When the transfer involves an inter-regional transfer, the RDC or delegate is the decision maker; however, decisions regarding placements to a Healing Lodge are made by the Director of the Healing Lodge.

Depending on the nature of the transfer, the timeframes for voluntary, involuntary or emergency transfers apply.

International transfer

(into and out of Canada )

Minister of Public Safety

For transfers into Canada - normally six to nine months for a decision from the Minister of Public Safety.

For transfers out of Canada - normally three months for a decision from the Minister of Public Safety.

*Timeframes start when the supporting documentation has been received.

** In the Quebec region, the head of the Regional Reception Centre also has the delegated authority to sign warrants for intra-regional transfers.





Voluntary transfer

Within 60 days after the submission of the transfer application, including the reasons if the decision is to deny the request.

Involuntary transfer

  • At least two days before the transfer if the final decision is to transfer the offender, unless he or she consents to a shorter period.
  • Within five working days after the decision if the final decision is not to transfer the offender.

Emergency transfer

Within five working days after the final decision, including the reasons for the decision.

Placement to the Special Handling Unit or a psychiatric/treatment centre/mental health unit after assessment

Within two working days after the final decision, including the reasons for the decision.




Case Status

  • Reason for transfer
  • Type of transfer
    • initial or post-suspension placement
    • voluntary/involuntary/ emergency
    • inter-regional/intra-regional


The placement or transfer of an offender may take place for one or more of the following reasons (list is not exhaustive):

  • to respond to reassessed security requirements;
  • to provide access to the home community, a compatible cultural or linguistic environment or required programming;
  • to provide access to relevant programs and services, including health care, taking into account the offender's willingness to participate in those programs and services;
  • to provide a safe environment to the offender;
  • to provide better access to programs and services in the offender's preferred official language;
  • for assessment purposes;
  • for court proceedings;
  • to transfer the offender to an aboriginal correctional facility established under section 81 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act ;
  • to separate offenders identified as co-convicted and under current sentence for an offence resulting in death or serious harm whose association or whose influence on each other may be detrimental to the rehabilitation and safe reintegration of one or more offenders, or to the safety and security of the institution.

When the purpose of a transfer is to gain access to community support, information to confirm the presence and level of support is required.

Update of progress since the last CPPR

Update of offender progress if a Correctional Plan Progress Report was not prepared for this decision.

  • Results of the psychological risk assessment for offenders transferring from a maximum-security institution to a medium-security institution who are serving a life sentence for first or second degree murder

Ensure that the results of the current psychological risk assessment are included for consideration by the decision maker.

  • Comments regarding case conference with receiving institution

Conduct a case conference with the designated person at the receiving institution to confirm appropriateness of transfer to the specific institution (e.g. availability of appropriate programs / incompatibles). The date of the case conference and name of contact must be documented. For transfers to section 81 Healing Lodges, note the results of the case conference with the Director of the Healing Lodge.

  • Consultation with the Security Intelligence Officer

Consult with the Security Intelligence Officer and prepare a gist of any concerns about incompatibles and affiliations as well as any security concerns. If there are no concerns of this nature, a statement should be made to that effect.

Security Classification

The Security Reclassification Scale or Security Reclassification Scale for Women, including the overall classification (i.e. maximum, medium, minimum), should be entered here. A statement will be made under each of the three headings - institutional adjustment, escape risk and risk to the safety of the public - as well as an explanation of the rating, demonstrating that the requirements of section 18 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations are met.

For Aboriginal offenders (only)

Provide a description of the offender's social history. I dentify and analyze how the following factors have impacted on the offender's criminal behaviour and should be considered in the transfer decision:

  • effects of residential school system (offender as survivor or intergenerational effects from family's historical experiences);
  • sixties scoop;
  • family or community history of suicide;
  • family or community history of substance abuse;
  • family or community history of victimization;
  • family or community fragmentation;
  • level of connectivity with family/community;
  • level or lack of formal education;
  • experience in child welfare system;
  • experience with poverty;
  • loss of or struggle with cultural/spiritual identity;
  • exposure to, or affiliation with, gangs;
  • etc.


Other Information

In addition to the information above, the following information should also be covered in accordance to the purpose of the report.

Initial or post-suspension placement


In cases where the security level decision differs from the Custody Rating Scale result, the reasons for the override should be clearly explained. A statement will be made under each of the three headings - institutional adjustment, escape risk and risk to the safety of the public - as well as an explanation of the rating, demonstrating that the requirements of section 18 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations are met.

For voluntary transfer

Focus on current security requirements and program needs and relate these to the reasons for placement at the current institution. Discuss how transfer to another institution will assist the offender to achieve the objectives set out in the Correctional Plan.

For involuntary transfer the offender has been advised that refusal or failure to integrate into the general population at the receiving institution may result in his or her transfer to another institution and/or region.

Analyze the factors that have prompted the proposed transfer, including the details of the precipitating incident(s) (e.g., time, place, damage to property or physical injury, and weapons used) as well as behaviour patterns that may have contributed to the decision to recommend involuntary transfer. This analysis will ensure that the current incident(s) is (are) viewed by the decision maker in the broader context of the offender's overall performance throughout incarceration (i.e., context of the present incident(s) as it (they) relate(s) to previous institutional incidents, offence convictions or involuntary transfers).

Make reference to the existence of security information that relates to the present or previous incident(s) or to the existence of incompatibles at the present and proposed institutions. Provide a rationale when any of this information cannot be shared with the offender, or if only the “gist” of the information can be shared.

Indicate clearly what alternatives have been explored and why the involuntary transfer is the only reasonable alternative available.

Where the 11-month detention review has already taken place at the time of the completion of the case preparation for transfer, make reference to the Detention Review Board's decision and whether the circumstances surrounding the transfer to increased security warrant a review of this decision.

A copy of the Assessment for Decision will be provided to the offender.

For transfer to the SHU for assessment purposes or for an emergency transfer to the SHU for non-assessment purposes

Provide an analysis of the offender's behaviour to date as well as an assessment of the offender's potential for continued violent behaviour that poses serious risks to staff or offenders in a lesser security institution. The reason for the transfer to the Special Handling Unit as the only reasonable alternative should be clear.

Overall Assessment And Recommendation Regarding Transfer and Security Classification

When a transfer to an institution of a different security level is being considered, the Assessment for Decision must contain a recommendation for both the security classification and the transfer.

In the case of a transfer to a minimum security institution, the assessment must make reference to the detention criteria and the General Statistical Information on Recidivism Scale*. Due to the multi-level security status of women's institutions, the detention criteria will be included in all assessments of women offenders.

Specify how the transfer will assist the offender in dealing with any critical problem areas identified, including those in the Correctional Plan.

*GSIR is not applicable for Aboriginal offenders or women offenders.


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