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1. 11 July 1995 P.N. 95-36 Local Interconnection and Network Component Unbundling
2. 26 July 1995 P.N. 95-37 Implementation of Regulatory Framework – Local Number Portability and Related Issues
3. 10 Nov. 1995 P.N. 95-48 Local Number Portability and Related Issues
4. 1 Aug. 1996 P.N. 96-28 Implementation of Regulatory Framework – Development of Carrier Interface and Other Procedures.
5. 19 July 1996 Letter Decision Various consensus items related to the 14 June 1996 LNP Reports
6. 25 Oct. 1996 Letter Decision Non-consensus items of the 14 June LNP Reports
  • Participation of Wireless Providers in LNP
  • Location Portability
  • Limits on Affiliation on the NPAC/SMS provider
  • Access by Competitors to Carrier SCPs
  • Mechanisms to Recover SMS costs
  • Location of the LNP Master Database
  • Cost Recovery – Carrier Specific Costs
7. 1 May 1997 Decision 97-8 Local Competition
8. 1 May 1997 Order 97-591 Responsibility for Carrier specific Costs
9. 5 Sep. 1997 Order 97-1243 LNP Funding
10. 29 Oct. 1997 Letter Decision Consensus items in the 2 Sept. 1997 CISC Reports
11. 19 Dec. 1997 Letter Decision Consensus Central Funds Master Agreement
12. 7 Jan. 1998 Order 98-1 NAS eligible for subsidy and whether carriers are required to operate as CLECs in all exchanges they serve
13. 26 Jan. 1998 Order 98-40 Interconnection Standards and CCS7
14. 29 Jan. 1998 Order 98-60 LNP Roll-out schedule

(Updated by Order 98-1267, 18 Dec. 1998)

15. 11 Feb. 1998 Letter Decision Canadian Number Administrator Shareholder agreement and Guidelines.
16. 6 April 1998 Letter Decision
17. 16 April 1998 Letter Decision Competitive Winback
18. 19 May 1998 Order 98-486 Transiting
Points of Interconnection
19. 20 May 1998 Letter Decision Disclosure of NAS-Related Information by Band
20. 19 June 1998 Letter Decision Interim Approval – CNA-USA
21. 24 July 1998 Letter Decision Consensus
22. 29 July 1998 Letter Decision Toll Termination arrangements (LNP dipping by trunk)
23. 6 Aug. 1998 Letter Decision Billing and Collection Requirements for LECs
24. 17 Aug. 1998 Letter Decision Central Fund Administration Agreement, re Audits
25. 30 Nov. 1998 Decision 98-22 (erratum) Final Rates for Unbundled Local Network Components
26. 8 Dec. 1998 Letter Decision Consensus
27. 11 Dec. 1998 Letter Decision Calling Party Name Conversion Facility
28. 16 Dec 1998 Letter Decision Central Fund Administration Agreement
29. 18 Dec. 1998 Order 98-1267 LNP Roll-Out Schedule for Priority 2 Exchanges
30. 8 Jan. 1999 Order 99-5 Porting Numbers by Non-LEC
31. 1 April 1999 Letter Decision Cable Wiring Working Group:
Rules Regarding Communication between the Customer and the Broadcasting Distribution Undertaking.
32. 8 April 1999 Letter Decision Consensus
33. 12 April 1999 Order 99-340 Responsibility for Performing the LNP Query for Carriers Using Line-Side Termination
34. 29 April 1999 Order 99-379 Equal Access by Resellers
35. 18 May 1999 Letter Decision Definition of End-Customer
36. 25 May 1999 Letter Decision Co-Location Group: Consensus
  • To permit co-location of digital loop carrier terminals
  • To permit particular power sources to be used by co-locating carriers in incumbent telephone companies’ central offices
  • To accept a consultation process for co-location design
  • To accept the National Co-Location Equipment List as agreed to this point
  • To accept National Equipment List Revision Process
  • To accept consensus on vendors and permitted equipment
37. 6 August 1999 Decision 99-10 Location of Demarcation Point
38. 8 Sept. 1999 Letter Decision Consensus
39. 15 Sept. 1999 Decision 99-12 Microcell - Application for Mandated Wireless Number Portability
40. 24 Sept 1999 Letter Decision Passing traffic through co-located equipment
41. 25 Nov. 1999 Order 99-1107 Connecting to a telephone company via a co-located third party.
42. 18 Jan. 2000 Lettre Decision Consensus
43. 1 February 2000 Lettre Decision Application of Consumer Safeguards to Resellers
44. 1 March Order 2000-164 Geographical diversity of shared cost facilities
45. 4 April 2000 Letter Decision Consensus
46. 10 April 2000 Lettre Decision Commission Decision regarding CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee dispute on issues related to Daily Local Service Request Cutoff Time on "Day 0" of the Service Intervals (BODI003).
47. 10 April 2000 Letter Decision Consensus
48. 16 May 2000 Letter Decision Consensus
49. 5 June 2000 Letter Decision Commission Decision regarding Eastlink /Norigen Part VII
50. 27 June 2000 Letter Decision Demarcation point for copper facilities in multi-dwelling units (MDUs)
51.. 27 October 2000 Order  2000-983 Commission decision regarding digital subscriber line service providers' access approved for unbundled loops and co-location
52. 31 October 2000 Letter Decision Commission Decision regarding CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee Dispute on ILEC Service Intervals associated with the Provision of New Unbundled Loops (Type A&B) (BODI011a)
53. 15 November 2000 Letter Decision Consensus
54. 27 November 2000 Letter Decision Co-Location Group: Consensus
55. 2 March 2001  

Commission approves CLG consensus items CLRE013A and CLRE014A – Proposal for clarification of TELUS security clearance practice and Pre-selection site tours for co-locators
56. 30 March 2001 Decision 2001-204 Commission decision regarding approval of the Coalition for Better co-location (CBC) Part VII application for expedited relief with respect to the current co-location regime :
  • Removes the requirement for escorted access in all co-location arrangements;
  • Allows ICs to install, maintain and repair their equipment in all co-location arrangements; and
  • Allows ICs access to Type 2 co-location at their request
57. 10 May 2001 Letter Decision

Co-Location Group (CLG) consensus item CLRE015B with respect to power provisioning arrangements

58. 11 May 2001 Order 2001-378 CRTC reduces co-location space restrictions – AT&T Canada complaint – Commission allows a Type 1 co-locator which has exhausted the 20 square meter maximum to acquire additional Type 1 space, where available, in increments of one square meter.
59. 25 May 2001 Decision 2001-287 Commission approves CLG consensus item CLRE017 concerning sub-licensing of co-location space
60. 18 June 2001 Decision 2001-361 Commission approves CLG consensus item CLRE012 with respect to improvements to co-location invoice detail
61. 21 June 2001 Order 2001-490 Canadian LNP Consortium Inc.'s Amended and Restated Unanimous Shareholders Agreement.
62. 20 August 2001 Decision 2001-511 Commission approves CLG consensus item CLRE019B concerning the co-location common cost rebate process
63. 20 August 2001 Decision 2001-512 Commission approves CLG consensus item CLRE018c concerning assignment of co-location sites
64. 26 September 2001 Decision 2001-608 Request to withdraw « joint and several » liability clause from consensus report on sub-licensing of co-location space
65. 28 September 2001 PN 2001-102 Pulic Notice CRTC 2001-102
The Commission seeks comments on the adoption of the Model Tariff (Version 16) by CLECs
66. 5 October 2001 Decision 2001-637 Commission approves CLG consensus item CLRE022A concerning the definition of co-location power cost components
67. 10 October 2001 Decision 2001-640 Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local competition, 1 May 1997: Follow-Up Process – CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items
68. 22 October 2001 Decision 2001-661 Commission approves CLG consensus items CLRE020C and CLRE021C concerning co-location ordering intervals – equipment applications and revised service categories and delivery timelines
69. 26 October 2001 Order 2001-780 Part VII application from Coalition for Better Co-location for general relief with respect to the co-location regime:
  • Lifts the prohibition on switching and routing functions from equipment co-located by interconnecting carriers that is necessary for interconnection or access to unbundled network components.
  • Equipment can be co-located unless it is on a list of ineligible equipment
  • Adjacent co-location should be negotiated as an alternative to the current types of co-location, where feasible where central office space is exhausted
  • Certain information relevant to co-location space in central offices shal be made publicly available
70. 30 October 2001 Decision 2001-667 Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local competition, 1 May 1997: Follow-Up Process – CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items
71. 21 November 2001 Order 2001-838 Recommendations regarding the repair and maintenance of connecting links
72. 7 December 2001 Decision 2001-748 Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local competition, dated 1 May 1997: Follow-up process - CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items
73. 2 February 2002 Order 2002-63 CRTC approves co-location consensus report CLRE027A
74. 8 March 2002 Decision 2002-14 ILEC service intervals for provision of unbundled local loops to CLECs
75. 13 March 2002 Decision 2002-15 Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local competition, dated 1 May 1997: Follow-up process - CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items
76. 10 April 2002 Decision 2002-18 Revision requested to Canadian numbering plan area relief planning guidelines
77. 22 April 2002 Decision 2002-25 Area code 519 relief plan
78. 22 April 2002 Decision 2002-26 Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local competition, dated 1 May 1997: Follow-up process - CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items / Comité directeur du CRTC sur l'interconnexion - Points de consensus Référence : 8621-C12-01/00.
79. 8 May 2002 Decision 2002-31 Amended and Restated Unanimous CPCC Shareholders' Agreement
80. 31 May 2002 Decision 2002-35 Changes to the annual contribution reporting requirements
81. 10 July 2002 Decision 2002-39 Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local competition, dated 1 May 1997: Follow-up process - CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items / Comité directeur du CRTC sur l'interconnexion - Points de consensus Référence : 8621-C12-01/00.
82. 26 July 2002 Decision 2002-42 Password-protected account transfers between LECs where passwords are invalid or missing
83. 7 August 2002 Decision 2002-45  Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8  Local competition, dated 1 May 1997: Follow-up process - CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items
84. 3 September 2002 Decision 2002-54 Telecom Decision 2002-54, Model tariff for the interconnection services of competitive local exchange carriers
85. 11 September 2002 Decision 2002-55 Interim approval of single-tier co-location power rates
86. 8 October 2002 Decision 2002-62 Terms, conditions and rates for loop selection service
87. 15 October 2002 Decision 2002-64 Amendment to the National Contribution Fund Administration Agreement and approval of the French-language version of the agreement
88. 18 October 2002 Decision 2002-64-1 Corrections to Telecom Decision 2002-64 concerning the French translation of the National Contribution Fund Administration Agreement
89. 24 October 2002 Decision 2002-66 Part VII application from the Coalition for Better Co-location for relief regarding the location of remote switching facilities
90. 1 November 2002 Decision 2002-68 Clarification of directives with regard to service intervals for the provision of unbundled loops
91. 22 November 2002 Decision 2002-71 Final 2002 revenue-percent charge and related matters
92. 6 December 2002 Public Notice 2002-7 Preliminary views on unresolved issues (raised by the Cable High Speed Access CISC working group) regarding use of cable modems for third-party Internet access

1. Unresolved Questions Concerning Acceptance of Cable Modems - Cable Access (High Speed) Working Group Report 

2. Report on Third Party ISP Access to Major Canadian Cable Systems - Imagineering Telecom Inc.
- HSOD013e.doc

93. 12 December 2002 Decision 2002-77 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee consensus items

1. Modification of the Canadian central office code (NXX) assignment guidelines
- CNRE026A.doc

2. Revised consolidated Canadian central office code (NXX) assignement guidelines (COCA GL)
- TIF Report 28 (10Oct2002 COCA GL) CNRE028A.doc

3. Alternative means of authorisation on transfer of passwords
- BPRE034b.doc
- Schedule H Revisions (2002-08-01).doc

4. Forecast CLEC loop requirement report prepared for ILECs
- BPRE011a.doc
- Loop Forecast Template .xls

94. 23 December 2002 Decision 2002-78 Interim reduced rates for CDNA Service and issues raised by parties in response to the interim CDNA tariffs issued by the ILECs

95. 14 February 2003 Decision 2003-6 Deferral of the relief date for area code 514 and other changes related to relief activities.

- 514RE05A.doc

96. 21 February 2003 Decision 2003-7 National co-location equipment list

- CLRE030D.doc

97. 28 February 2003 Decision 2003-10

Deferral of phase one relief date for area codes 613 and 819 and suspension of phase two relief for area code 613.

- 819 TIF Report #3 (Final version)

98. 12 May 2003 Decision 2003-30 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items
  • BPWG - Update to the Network management guidelines to resolve late loading of NXXs in carrier switch issues
    - BPRE039a.doc
    - NMGV2.0.doc
  • BPWG - Amendments to the CLOG
    - BPRE021b.doc
  • NPA 613/819 relief planning committee - Temporary special CO code assignment practices
    - 613_819RE04A.doc
99. 4 June 2003 Decision 2003-35 Mergers, Acquisitions, and IXC Disconnections

- BPRE031c.doc

100. 9 June 2003 Letter Decision Directives to CLECs for revision of rates for interconnection services (effective June 1, 2002)
101. 30 June 2003 Decision 2003-45 Provision of telecommunications services to customers in multi-dwelling units
102 13 August 2003 Decision 2003-55 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items

- CNRE032A.doc - 157KB - Guidelines for the assignement of CIC codes to switchless resellers

- CNRE030A.doc - 28KB - Guidelines for the assignement of IMSIs for WSPs and wireless CLECs

- CNRE031A.doc - 24KB - Checkpoints and additional procedures to monitor suspension and reactivation of relief planning activities

103. 29 September 2003 Decision 2003-66 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items

- CNTF034A.doc - 72 KB -Modifications to the COCA guidelines to facilitate reporting reserved and held numbers

- CNRE035A.doc - 164KB - Guidelines for assignemnt of SIDs in Canada

- 519RE03A.doc - 41KB - Delays to RIP for NPA 519

104. 30 October 2003 Decision 2003-72 Finalization of interim competition-related Quality of Service indicators and standards
105. 26 November 2003 Decision 2003-80 CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items. The Commission approves the consensus report entitled Update to Model PIC/CARE Handbook. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
106. 31 May 2004 Decision 2004-36

CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items

- CLRE013A.doc -79 KB - Security clearance practices to allow co-locating parties access to their co-located equipment in TELUS central offices

- CLRE014A.doc - 32 KB - Procedures to allow co-locating parties to view a prospective co-location site in advance of its delivery

- BPRE037a.doc - 146 KB - ITMGV3-0.doc - 350 KB - Version 3.0 of the ITMG

- BPRE046a.doc - 67 KB - Work that ILEC technicains should perform on behalf of CLECs when provisioing residential unbundled loops

107. 12 July 2004 Decision 2004-45
  • CNRE036A.doc - 212 KB - Need to publish Multi-OCN Canadian Central Office (CO) Codes with Oddball characteristics in the Local Exchange Routing Guide
  • CNRE038A.doc - 35 KB - et CSCNAdmGL.doc - 89 KB - Revised Adjunct to the CISC Administrative Guidelines
  • CNRE039A.doc - 34 KB - et
    C_NRUFGLV2.doc - 676 KB - Revised C-NRUF Guidelines
108. 2004-08-18 2004-55 The Commission approves a relief implementation plan for area codes 613 and 819, as proposed by the Numbering Plan Area 613/819 Relief Planning Committee. Reference: 8698-C12-16/01. [.pdf ]
109. 2004-09-14 2004-60

CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus items. The Commission approves several consensus reports. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00

  • CNRE041A.doc - 40 KB - Revisions to Section 3.7 of the Canadian Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Guidelines, 24 June 2004
  • CNRE042A.doc - 35 KB - Canadian Adjunct to INC 900 NXX Code Assignment Guidelines, 24 June 2004
  • CNRE044A.doc - 36 KB - CDMA Use of MNC – Canadian International Mobile Station Identity (IMSI) Assignment Guidelines, 24 June 2004
  • BPRE038a.doc - 167 KB - Insulation and Labelling of Unbundled Loops Carrying High Voltage, 17 June 2004
  • BPRE041a.doc - 106 KB - Electronic File Transfer, 4 June 2004
  • BPRE044a.doc - 170 KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG) – Loop Demarcation points in MDUs, 18 June 2004
110. 2004-09-27 2004-61 The Commission addresses three recommendations put forth by the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee Numbering Plan Area 514 Relief Planning Committee. Reference: 8698-C12-10/00. [.pdf]
111. 2004-09-29 2004-61-1 Erratum – Relief plan for area code 514. Reference: 8698-C12-10/00
112. 2004-09-27 2004-62 The Commission approves recommendations for relief of area code 519, as proposed by the Numbering Plan Area 519 Relief Planning Committee. Reference: 8698-C12-17/01. [.pdf]
113. 2005-02-21 2005-7

The Commission approves the following consensus reports:

  • 514RIP.doc - 380 KB - Revisions to the NPA 514 relief implementation plan, 1 November 2004
  • CNRE046A.doc - 73 KB - Need for service agreement with CNA before numbering resources can be assigned, 1 November 2004
  • CNRE0048A.doc - 44 KB - Reference documents describing Canadian numbering and dialling plans, 14 December 2004
  • BPRE032a.doc - 455KB - Revisions to the Network operations guidelines for co-location version 2, 15 December 2004
  • ESRE034.doc - 101 KB - Processes for CLECs to advise E9-1-1 service providers when they are assigned new or additional NPA-NXXs, 27 February 2004
  • CNRE037A.doc - 63 KB - Opening of NPA 710 in Canada, 17 September 2003
114. 2005-03-03 2005-9

Introduction of 10-digit local dialing in area code 450, coincident with 10-digit local dialing in are code 514 scheduled for October 2006

115. 2005-04-19 2005-24

BPRE050a.doc - 117 KB - Consensus on procedures for completing Co-location Link Changes

116. 2005-05-16 2005-30

The Commission approves the following consensus reports:

  • 519RIP.doc - 914 KB - Revised NPA 519 Relief implementation plan, 29 October 2004.
  • BPRE011b.doc - 251 KB - Service Intervals , 24 March 2005.  Applicable service intervals for LSR ordered services.
117. 2005-05-27 2005-31 Approval of OSS report dated 16 May 2005
118. 2005-07-15 2005-41 CNRE050A.doc - 34 KB - Procedures for Central Office (CO) Code holders to identify telephone numbers that are categorized by Telcordia as portable but are not
119. 2005-09-22 2005-56 NTRE033.doc - 55 KB - Procedures to prevent looping of signaling messages due to unsynchronized updates of number portability global title translation nodes
120. 2005-10-06 2005-58

OSRE003a.doc - 103 KB - Approval of first quarterly report on development of CLEC access to ILEC OSS

OSRE004a.doc - 218 KB - Resolution of non-consensus re: need for an address query in the CLEC access to ILEC OSS

121. 2005-10-20 2005-61

ESRE039D.doc - 66 KB - Minimum requirements for customer notification regarding the availability, characteristics, and limitations of the 9-1-1/E9-1-1 service offered with VoIP service

122. 2005-11-01 2005-65 BPRE051a.doc - 117 KB - Updates to Master agreemtns and guidelines to reflect approved methods for customer authorization
123. 2005-12-20  2005-73 ESRE041.doc - 126 KB - 9-1-1/E9-1-1 service by VoIP service providers
124. 2006-01-26  2006-4 

CNRE052A.doc - 93 KB - Authorized Representative to sign numbering resource requests

CNRE053A.doc - 158 KB - Modified CSCN administrative guidelines

OSRE003b.doc - 231 KB - OSS update report

BPRE045a.doc - 236 KB - ITMGV40.doc - 523 ko - ITMG  version 4.0

125. 2006-03-16 2006-12  NTRE036.doc - 75 KB - Message Relay in a VoIP environment
126. 2006-03-16  2006-13 NTRE035B.doc - 107 KB - IP-to-IP interconnection
127. 2006-05-11 2006-26

Some TSPs get relief from certain NPA relief network announcement requirements

128. 2006-05-18 2006-29 BPRE056a.doc - 126 KB - Changes to the customer transfer processes and related documentation in order to incorporate wireless-related porting
129. 2006-06-19  2006-38 BPRE041b.doc - 203 KB - CDIGv3.0.doc - 556 KB - Canadian Data Interchange Guidelines V3.0
130. 2006-06-29   2006-40 BPRE057a.doc - 122 KB - Consistent procedures to calculate and report retail quality of service results
131. 2006-06-30 2006-41 CNRE051A.doc - 317 KB - NPA 600 NXX code assignment guidelines
132. 2006-07-20 2006-43 BPRE044b.doc - 375 KB - - 143 KB - CLOG V5.2
BPRE054a.doc - 140 KB - ITMGV50.doc - 518 KB ITMG V5.0
133. 2006-08-23 2006-51 CNRE060A.doc - 470 KB - Administration of MIN Block Identifiers
134. 2006-09-21 2006-60 ESRE0042.doc - 3000 KB - Interim solution to provide 9-1-1 service functionality when local VoIP service was offered on a nomadic or fixed/non-native basis
135. 2006-09-28 2006-65 CNRE057A.doc - 966 KB - Canadian Adjunct to INC NPA Allocation Plan and Assignment Guidelines
136. 2006-09-28 2006-66 CNRE056A.doc - 497 KB - Canadian Adjunct to INC Personal PCS N00 NXX Code Assignement Guidelines
137. 2006-11-22  2006-74

CNRE061A.doc - 6KB - Update to Canadian COCA guidelines to accomodate WNP

NTOD0005.pdf - 93 KB - Rollout schedule for additonal exchanges to be opened for WNP

BPRE062a.doc - 435 KB - Process to port telephone numbers to WSPs

138. 2006-12-12 2006-76 BPRE063a.doc - 116 KB - BCARGV1.5.doc - 150 KB - Modifications to BCS agreement to restrict billing of 900 calls
139. 2007-01-09 2007-1

NTRE038D.doc - 62 KB - Mechanism for TPIA users to track the IP addresses used by their customers

CNRE063A.doc - 152 KB - Changes to processes for GTT point code notification to allow WNP

Date Modified: 2007-01-16


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