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The CBC Radio 3 Sessions Podcast: October 17, 2007

Posted by Tariq Hussain on Oct 17, 2007 | 1 comment | » Post a Comment

The music of Halifax band Wintersleep was going through my head today for a variety of reasons. First of course is that their new song Weighty Ghost is completely catchy (it should be called "Over-weighty Ghost because of all its hooks...). Second because we were recording a CBC Radio 3 Session with Holy Fuck today and though the band is Toronto based (Holy Fuck that is) there are some connections that tie them to Wintersleep and the east coast music scene - for one thing, musicians Mike Bigelow and Loel Campbell have been in both bands.

After the session with Holy Fuck today, I wished I would have asked the members of Wintersleep if they'd ever been to Frenchy's, a popular east coast thrift store chain (like Value Village) that I learned about. Alas, I knew nothing about it when Wintersleep was in our Vancouver studios a while back, though I'm sure the answer to that question would have been a resounding 'yes'. I mean, what hard working Canadian musician doesn't appreciate a good bargain?

However, I digress. I will tell you this much though, when the band was in our studios, we did manage to chat about some interesting aspects of their musical place on the east coast music scene not to mention the live in studio versions of their songs like Jaws of Life were pretty sweet.

So settle in folks - it's time for Halifax's Wintersleep on the CBC Radio 3 Sessions.

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it should be called "Over-weighty Ghost because of all its hooks...

Posted on Oct 17, 2007


posted by Mark MacArthur

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