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The CBC Radio 3 Sessions Podcast: November 14, 2007

Posted by Tariq Hussain on Nov 14, 2007 | » Post a Comment

I distinctly remember the moment I met Teekay, front man for the Calgary band Dragon Fli Empire. I was combing through the racks of vintage at Divine Decadence when this guy comes up to me and goes: Hey, are you Tariq? And I go: Yeah. And he says: Cool. My name's Tarik (but he pronounces it more like Tar-eek) and I play music too.

Well, any idea I had about being the only musician named Tariq in Southern Alberta or all of the prairies for that matter, was suddenly shattered right then and there. I said: Nice to meet you.

And it was. Weeks later, Teekay brought his sampler over to my place so we could try some musical collaboration. I was very intrigued by his skills on that sampler. He could isolate and sample a drum part from any CD and then edit it down to make a loop with lightning speed.

Yes, there are many reasons to get into DFE in addition to Teekay's mad sampling skills like the fact that they play a unique style of ultra positive hip hop music. No spoilers here.

In this session, you'll hear some fabulous DFE material embellished at times by their very special studio guest as well. Curious to know who that was...? Well, you know what to do.

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