Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Chemical Substances
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Chemical Substances in Canada
Canada's approach on chemical substances
The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
What is categorization?
How were substances categorized?
Risk Assessment
What is Risk assessment?
Existing Substances Guidance Documents
Risk Management
What is risk management?
What substances is Canada already managing?
Proactive Disclosure


B:   Short form for Bioaccumulative
BiT: Short form for Bioaccumulative and Inherently Toxic.
CAS: Chemical Abstract Service
CEPA or CEPA 1999: Canadian Environmental Protection Act, or the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.
DSL: Domestic Substances List
EPA: Environmental Performance Agreement
GPE: Greatest Potential for Exposure
HPV: High Production Volume
iT: Inherently Toxic
PBiT: Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Inherently Toxic
PiT: Persistent and Inherently Toxic
P2: Pollution Prevention
P2 Plans: Pollution prevention plans
PSL: Priority Substances List

Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals.

SNAcs: Significant New Activity notices


Last Updated: 2007-04-20  Top
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