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Bank of Canada

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About the Bank

Management and administration

Board of Directors

The Bank's Board is responsible for the governance of the Bank and has specific duties related to finance, human resources, and administration.

The Board is composed of 12 Directors from outside the Bank, plus the Governor and the Senior Deputy Governor. The Deputy Minister of Finance sits on the Board as a non-voting member. The outside Directors come from across Canada and provide an important link to the various regions of the country. Directors are appointed for three-year terms by the Minister of Finance and may be reappointed at the end of their terms. If an appointment decision is delayed, Directors continue to fulfill their responsibilities as Board members until a new Director is named.

David A. Dodge1

W. Paul Jenkins1
Senior Deputy Governor

William Black
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Philip Deck
Toronto, Ontario

Jean-Guy Desjardins1
Montréal, Quebec

Paul D. Dicks
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Bonnie DuPont
Calgary, Alberta

Douglas Emsley
Regina, Saskatchewan

Jock Finlayson
Vancouver, Bristish Columbia

Carol Hansell1
Toronto, Ontario

David Laidley
Montréal, Quebec

Gilles Lepage
Caraquet, New Brunswick

Michael O'Brien
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Thomas Rice
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Member Ex Officio:
Robert A. Wright1
Deputy Minister of Finance

1 Member of the Executive Committee