Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada



Ottawa, (October 25, 2007) - The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, today announced Ottawa as the thirteenth city to become part of the Urban Aboriginal Strategy (UAS).

“The Urban Aboriginal Strategy plays an important role in increasing the urban Aboriginal community’s participation in the local economy,” said Minister Strahl. “Our Government will continue to work with the Ottawa’s Aboriginal Community, the Province of Ontario and the city of Ottawa to make the Urban Aboriginal Strategy a success.”

In May 2007, the Government of Canada announced a refocused strategy and a five-year investment of $68.5 million, which was earmarked to ensure Aboriginal peoples can integrate successfully and take full advantage of the economic and community opportunities that exist in cities. Ottawa, as the thirteenth site of the Urban Aboriginal Strategy, will receive $1.75 million over five years.

From 2003 to 2007, the Urban Aboriginal Strategy has supported 308 local projects in the designated 12 communities, including:

  • Edmonton’s Rainy Day Project – a project that supported Edmonton’s Aboriginal community in improving their money management skills and quality of life;
  • The Aboriginal Teacher Assistant Pilot Project with Urban Circle Training Inc. in Winnipeg – a project that addresses the lack of Aboriginal teachers in the education system by linking mentors with teachers to facilitate a supportive learning environment for both students and teachers; and
  • The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority’s Drug Use Prevention Training and Outreach – a project that provides culturally-specific, peer-driven training, workshops, in-reach and drop-in activities for Aboriginal youth at risk.

The funding under the Urban Aboriginal Strategy will be used to support projects like those funded in other communities, with a particular emphasis on improving access to services and inter-agency coordination to promote job training, skills development and entrepreneurship for Aboriginal people living in urban areas. It will also support Aboriginal women, children and families.  By focusing on these specific areas and continuing to work closely with communities, the UAS provides opportunities for urban Aboriginal people to fully contribute to the future vitality of cities in Canada.

The Urban Aboriginal Strategy is a partnership with various federal, provincial and municipal partners, local Aboriginal and community organizations, and the private sector.


For further information please contact:

Minister's Office
Philippe Mailhot
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Chuck Strahl

Media Relations
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada