<% 'Dim myObj, myFile, reqx reqx = Request.ServerVariables("URL") Set myObj= Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set myFile= myObj.GetFile(Server.MapPath(reqx)) %> <% Dim bc Set bc = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")%> <%if bc.ccgCss then %>
Fisheries and Oceans - Government of Canada
<% end if %> MCTS


RAMN 2007

ο»Ώ<%if bc.ccgCss then %>

Canadian Coast Guard

<% else %> <% end if %> Marine Communications and Traffic Services

Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulatory Specifications

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This document is referenced in the Vessel Traffic Services Zones Regulations (VTS Regulations). It describes geographically the VTS zones and sectors which correspond to the VTS Regulations, the calling-in points, and radio channels and frequencies to be used in communication with specified MCTS Centres. For convenience, a copy of the VTS Regulations (SOR/89-98) is included.

The specifications document is divided into two tables: Table I and Table II, which are subdivided into rows

Based on the Placentia Bay example included below, a description is provided of the method of using the specifications document in conjunction with the VTS Regulations.


Table I

NAME OF VTS ZONE/ IDENTIFIER: Placentia Bay/ Placentia Traffic
DESCRIPTION OF VTS ZONE: Placentia Bay VTS Zone comprises all Canadian waters between a line bearing 180° True from Bass Point, 46°55’05”N 55°15’55”W; and a line bearing 180° True from Cape St. Mary's light, 46°49’22”N 54°11’49”W.
NAME OF VTS ZONE SECTOR: Placentia Bay Sector 1
DESCRIPTION OF VTS SECTOR: The seaward limit of the zone and a line drawn in a 101° - 281° True direction through position 47°08’05N 54°30’00”W, and extended to the shore.

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NAME OF VTS ZONE/ IDENTIFIER: Placentia Bay/ Placentia Traffic
DESCRIPTION OF VTS ZONE: Placentia Bay VTS Zone comprises all Canadian waters between a line bearing 180° True from Bass Point, 46°55’05”N 55°15’55”W; and a line bearing 180° True from Cape St. Mary's light, 46°49’22”N 54°11’49”W.
NAME OF VTS ZONE SECTOR: Placentia Bay Sector 2
DESCRIPTION OF VTS  SECTOR: The inner limit of sector 1, and the shoreline north of the zone.

VTS Zone Identification:
A Schedule of - “Vessel Traffic Services Zones” - under the VTS Regulations promulgates the VTS zones described in DESCRIPTION OF VTS ZONE of Table I.

By referring to DESCRIPTION OF VTS ZONE of Table I, a ship inbound to Placentia Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador would be able to determine the boundaries of the Placentia Bay VTS zone, and therefore would know at what point, based on its position and route, that it would be required to comply with the VTS Regulations.

Radio Communications:
Section 5 - Communications - of the Regulations requires a ship entering a zone sector described in DESCRIPTION OF VTS SECTOR of Table I to be able to communicate on the radio channel and the radio frequency set out in CHANNEL/FREQUENCY (MHZ).

Therefore, the ship approaching Placentia Bay, after determining that it will be entering the VTS zone described in DESCRIPTION OF VTS ZONE must further refer to DESCRIPTION OF VTS SECTOR to determine that it will be entering the geographical area of sector 2 will be required to communicate on radio channel 12, 156.600MHz.


Table II

Item 1
Name of VTS zone Sector Placentia Bay / Sector 1
Name of CIP
Number of CIP 1A
Geographic Description of CIP A point at 46°45’25”N 54°37’44”W.
Item 2
Name of VTS zone Sector Placentia Bay / Sector 1
Name of CIP
Number of CIP 1B
Geographic Description of CIP A point at 46°49’18”N 54°46’15”W.
Item 3
Name of VTS zone Sector Placentia Bay / Sector 1
Name of CIP
Number of CIP 1W
Geographic Description of CIP A line bearing 180° True from Bass Point, 46°55’05”N 55°15’55”W, to the limit of Canadian waters.

Radio reports:
Section 6 - “Reports” - of the Regulations requires ships to report at calling-in points. These calling-in points are described in Geographic Description of CIP in Table II.

By referring to Table II, a ship entering Placentia Bay, for example, would know at what calling-in point to make reports. Name of VTS zone Sector indicates the zone sector which cross references to GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF CIP of the Table I, so that the ship would make the reports on the channel and frequency set out in CHANNEL/FREQUENCY (MHZ) of Table I.