<% 'Dim myObj, myFile, reqx reqx = Request.ServerVariables("URL") Set myObj= Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set myFile= myObj.GetFile(Server.MapPath(reqx)) %> <% Dim bc Set bc = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")%> <%if bc.ccgCss then %>
Fisheries and Oceans - Government of Canada
<% end if %>

Marine Programs’ National Performance Report for 2003-2004

Table of Contents

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 ï»¿<%if bc.ccgCss then %>

Canadian Coast Guard

<% else %> <% end if %>Marine Programs

Marine Programs’ National Performance Report for 2003-2004

Table of contents

  1. Message from the Director General
  2. Introduction
  3. Marine programs
  4. Annexes
    1. Awards
    2. Performance Measurement in Marine Programs
    3. Data Validity and Integrity
    4. Abbreviations of Proper Names Used in This Report
    5. Feedback form


<%if bc.ccgCss then %>

Updated: 2007-11-07

Link to Top of Page

Important Notices

<% end if %><%Set bc = Nothing %>