<% 'Dim myObj, myFile, reqx reqx = Request.ServerVariables("URL") Set myObj= Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set myFile= myObj.GetFile(Server.MapPath(reqx)) %> <% Dim bc Set bc = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")%> <%if bc.ccgCss then %>
Fisheries and Oceans - Government of Canada
<% end if %> Main Sidebar Menu


Headquarters Team

Levels of Service



Cost Recovery

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Reporting a Marine Pollution Incident

For more information

<%if bc.ccgCss then %>

Canadian Coast Guard

<% else %> <% end if %> Environmental Response

Welcome to the Environmental Response internet home page.

The objectives of the Environmental Response program of the Canadian Coast Guard are to:

The Canadian Cost Guard maintains a level of its own preparedness capacity, monitors and investigates all reports of marine pollution incidents and ensures an appropriate response to all marine pollution incidents in waters under Canadian jurisdiction.


(Environmental Response personnel respond to all types of situations, from sinking oil tankers to grounded bulk carriers.)

Environmental Response personnel have extensive expertise in identifying, analyzing and developing the preparedness and response activities essential to an efficient and dependable response system.

They are dedicated, highly trained people with many years of experience in all aspects of spills response. They are innovative and proud of what they do and must continually cope with the challenges of Canada's geography and climate - yet bring a practical common sense approach to marine pollution response.


(From planning to actual physical cleanup, Environmental Response personnel are involved with all aspects of marine pollution response.)


<%if bc.ccgCss then %>

Updated: 2007-11-07

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<% end if %><%Set bc = Nothing %>