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Fisheries and Oceans - Government of Canada
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Canadian Coast Guard

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Information Sheet
Number Twenty Two
May 11, 2007

This bulletin is provided to inform the greater marine community on developments affecting the Canadian Coast Guard’s Marine Services Fees (MSF) initiative. It is our intention that the bulletin will be issued as progress and developments warrant. Additions (or deletions) to the mailing list are invited.

A Future Approach to Marine Services Fees

The Canadian Coast Guard and the commercial marine transportation industry are discussing a future approach to the Marine Services Fees. The goal is to arrive at a long-term solution that addresses industry concerns on the fees, while respecting government practice on user fees.
An agreement between industry and Coast Guard to work together on a future approach for Marine Services Fees was reached following a meeting earlier this year between the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and senior representatives of the commercial marine transportation industry. These ongoing national discussions are underway. A range of options will be developed to assist in reaching that decision.

Coast Guard is committed to consultations with those that pay the Marine Services Fees; they are an important element in the successful development of a future approach. Canada’s Marine Industry Alliance (CMIA) has accepted to represent all commercial shipping interests during the future-approach discussions, and to act as the point of contact for commercial shipping interests. The CMIA is also an important participant at the National Marine Advisory Board (NMAB), a key advisory council for the Commissioner of the Coast Guard to consider Coast Guard services provided to external clients and stakeholders from all regions across Canada.

Drawing from the expertise of the National Marine Advisory Board, a joint industry-Coast Guard working group has been created to develop the future approach on Marine Services Fees. All regions, including the Arctic, will be represented on this working group. Invitations will also be extended as needed to key stakeholders outside the group to discuss particular issues arising from the Marine Services Fees.

The CMIA representative and point of contact is Mr. Ray Johnston, President of the Chamber of Maritime Commerce. Mr. Johnston can be reached at the Chamber’s office located at 350 Sparks Street, Suite 704A, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 7S8, as well as by telephone at (613) 233-8779, fax at (613) 233-3743, or email at info@cmc-ccm.com. The Chamber’s website is located at http://www.cmc-ccm.com/contact.html.

Stakeholders also interested in making representations directly to Coast Guard can contact Ms. Claudine Gagnon, Director General, Integrated Business Management Services, who is responsible for this initiative. Ms. Gagnon can be reached at Coast Guard’s office located at Centennial Towers, 200 Kent Street, Suite 6S049, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E6, as well as by telephone at (613) 998-1440, fax at (613) 990-3480, or email at gagnonc@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.  The Canadian Coast Guard’s website is located at http://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/msf-dsm/main_e.htm.

About Canada’s Marine Industry Alliance (CMIA)

CMIA consists of nine marine associations that represent Canada’s commercial marine industry. Its membership base includes over 800 companies from coast to coast, including Canada’s largest mining, manufacturing, and agricultural companies that rely on marine transport; ship owners, operators, and agents of marine carriers; port authorities, terminal facilities, and grain elevator companies; and a wide range of firms that provide services to the marine industry such as ship repair and equipment suppliers, stevedoring companies, brokers, agents, law firms, consultants, and petroleum product suppliers.

The nine industry associations which make up CMIA are:

The Marine Services Fees Information Sheet provides interpretations of fee schedules imposed under the Oceans Act. These interpretations are not binding and, where a discrepancy between the two documents arises, the fee schedule will always take precedence.

For more information please contact Jaime Caceres, Senior Advisory Manager, Marine Services Fees.

Canadian Coast Guard
Stn. 5S014, 200 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E6.
Telephone: (613) 990-5668
Fax: (613) 998-3255
Email: caceresj@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
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Updated: 2007-11-07

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