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Fisheries and Oceans - Government of Canada
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Canadian Coast Guard

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A History of the Canadian Coast Guard and Marine Services
by Thomas E. Appleton


I am indebted to Dr. Gordon W. Stead who, on behalf of the Department of Transport, invited me to undertake his work and gave constant encouragement in its preparation. Placing at my disposal the entire catalogue of files and sessional papers relating to Marine Services, he thus ensured access to the main sources of information. The ensuring two years of research and writing have been among the most satisfying of my career.

With willing help from dozens of Departmental colleagues, afloat and ashore, active and retired, it has been possible to reconstruct much which would otherwise have been missed. Too numerous to mention by name, I hope they will accept this acknowledgement of my deep appreciation.

For close co-operation, I must thank John Robbie in statistical research and Miss B.V. Scott in editing and proof-reading.

In a work of this nature, it is desirable to have an informed and critical reader who, independent of the subject, will review the manuscript as it progresses. In this I have been more than fortunate to have the generous assistance of Commander Douglas J. Williams, RCN. His critique by correspondence, often involving weekly mailings, was in the best tradition of the Oxford tutorial he knows so well; no undergraduate could have anticipated the results of his work with more eagerness than I awaited the weekly envelope. Pungent in comment, witty in style, patient and evident shortcomings and un-failingly encouraging, Douglas Williams has earned my heartfelt thanks.

I must also acknowledge the help of many individuals who, from their own store of knowledge and experience, or from professional activities, have contributed to this history. These are:

Georges Ayoub, of Ottawa.
W.H. Barry, Montreal
Father René Baudry, Canadian Archives, Paris
Rear Admiral P.W. Brock RN (ret), Haslemere, England
Rear Admiral V.G. Brodeur RCN (ret), Vancouver
Ivan S. Brookes, Hamilton
Alan P. Brown, Air Canada, Montreal
Canada Steamship Lines Limited, Montreal
Kurt Cardinal, Germany Embassy, Ottawa
P.A.C. Chaplin Directorate of History, DND, Ottawa
Captain William R. Chaplin, Elder Brother, Trinity House, London
Hector Cimon, Quebec
Le Conservateur, Musée de la Marine, Paris
James E. Covey, Saint John, N.B.
Walter D. Cunningham, Saint John, N.B.
A.G. Dempster, Collingwood Shipyards, Ont.
Antonio Drolet, Public Archives, Quebec
Dr. Bruce Fergusson, Archivist, Nova Scotia Archives
Basil Greenhill, Director, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
Howalddswerke - Deutche Werft, Keil
W.E. Ireland, Archivist, British Columbia Archives, Victoria
Neils W. Jannasch, Curator, Maritime Museum, Halifax, N.S.
Dr. W. Kaye Lamb, Dominion Archivist, Public Archives, Ottawa
John Lunn, Superintendent, Fortress of Louisbourg National Park
O.M. Meehan, Canadian Hydrographic Service, Ottawa
Miss. S.J.A. Muir, Royal Geographical Society, London
W. La Nauze, Museum of the Upper Lakes, Penetanguishene, Ont.
The Librarian, Mitchell Library, Glasgow
T.E. Lillywhite, Science Museum, South Kensington, London
P.R. Lindo, New Brunswick Museum, Saint John
Murray MacKay, MD, Nova Scotia Hospital, Dartmouth
K.R. Macpherson, Pubic Records, Toronto
Major J.S. Matthews, City Archivist, Vancouver, B.C.
Lloyd Uri, New Brunswick Museum, Saint John
D.A Page, Davie Shipbuilding Ltd., Lauzon, Que
James M. Packham, Vice President, Canadian Vickers Ltd., Montreal
Rear Admiral H.F. Pullen RCN (ret), Chester, N.S.
Mrs. E.M. Richardson, Barrington, N.S.
E.C. Russell, Directorate of History, DND, Ottawa
R.W. Sandilands, Canadian Hydrographic Service, Victoria, B.C.
Earl D. Simzer, Prescott, Ont.
J.W.D. Symons, Director, Maritime Museum of British Columbia, Victoria, B.C.
Tom Stewart, Lakeland, Fla., USA
P.W. Thomas, the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Glasgow
Stanley G. Triggs, Notman Archives, Redpath Museum, Montreal
T. Veliotis, Davie Shipbuilding Ltd., Lauzon, Quebec
Ian Wallace, Managing Director, Fleming & Ferguson, Paisley
David A. Webber, Historic Resources, Govt. of Newfoundland, St. John's
Bernard Weilbrenner, Archivist, Quebec Archives, Quebec
Miss Barbara Wilson, Public Archives, Ottawa

Thomas E. Appleton
Ottawa, Ontario

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Updated: 2007-11-07

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