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Fisheries and Oceans - Government of Canada
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Canadian Coast Guard

<% else %> <% end if %> USQUE AD MARE
A History of the Canadian Coast Guard and Marine Services
by Thomas E. Appleton

The Canals of Canada
Dates of Opening and of Deepening

Canals in Nova Scotia
Canal Date Depth Over Lock (Ft.) Length of Lock (Ft.) Remarks
St. Peters 1869 13 122
1880 18 200
1918 18 300 Admits 17 ft. draft 1967
Canso 1955 Admits 10 ft. draft
1957 28 820 Admits 28 ft. draft

Canals in the St. Lawrence River
Canal Date Depth Over Lock (Ft.) Length of Lock (Ft.) Remarks
Ship Channel 1844 Dredged 10 ft. minimum
1854 Dredged 16 ft. minimum
1860 Dredged 17.25 ft. minimum
1865 Dredged 20 ft. minimum
1882 Dredged 25 ft. minimum
1888 Dredged 27.5 ft. minimum
1907 Dredged 30 ft. minimum
1952 Dredged 35 ft. minimum

St. Lawrence Canals
Canal Date Depth Over Lock (Ft.) Length of Lock (Ft.) Remarks
Casson Canal 1733 2.5 20 Canoe lock
Lachine 1824 5 100
1848 9 200
1882 14 270 Navigable depth 12 ft.
1898 14 270 Navigable depth 14 ft.
1959 Closed for through traffic
Cascades 1783 2.5 20
1817 3.5 20
1845 Closed
Split Rock 1783 2.5 20 Canoe lock
1817 3.5 20 Canoe lock
1845 Closed
Côteau du Lac 1783 2.5 20 Canoe lock
1817 3.5 20 Canoe lock
1845 Closed
Beauharnois 1845 9 200 Replaced Cascades, Split Rock, and Côteau du Lac
Soulanges 1900 15 280 Replaced Beauharnois
1959 Closed
Cornwall 1843 9 200
1895 14 270
1967 Navigable depth 14 ft.
Farran's Point 1847 9 200
1899 16 800
Rapide Plat 1847 9 200
1896 14 270
Galops 1846 9 200
1856 9 200 Include former Galops, Iroquois and Junction
1897 14 200
1898 14 270
1959 Farran's Point, Rapide Plat and Galops canals inundated by St. Lawrence Seaway

Welland System Canals
Canal Date Depth Over Lock (Ft.) Length of Lock (Ft.) Remarks
Welland 1829 8 110  
1833 7.5 110 Completed to Port Colbourne.
1848 9 150 Feeder to Dunneville and Maitland completed.
1855 10
1883 12 270
1887 14 270
Welland Ship Canal 1930 30 859 Navigable depth 18 ft.
1932 Navigable depth 22 ft.
1933 Navigable depth 23.5 ft.
1935 Navigable depth 25 ft.
1959 Navigable depth 27 ft. From 1959 under jurisdiction of St. Lawrence Seaway

Canals in Saul Ste. Marie
Canal Date Depth Over Lock (Ft.) Length of Lock (Ft.) Remarks
Sault 1798 1.5 38 Built by Northwest Fur Company. Partially destroyed by U.S. troops in 1814
1895 18.25 900  
1959 Under jurisdiction of St. Lawrence Seaway Authority

Ottawa River System Canals
Canal Date Depth Over Lock (Ft.) Length of Lock (Ft.) Remarks
Ste. Anne 1843 6 190
1882 9 200
1967 Navigable depth 9 ft.
Chute A Blondeau 1834 6
1867 6 130.5
1882 Became unnecessary when Carillon dam built
Grenville 1834 6
1867 6 106.5
1879 6 128
1882 9 200
1963 Replaced by Carillon
Carillon 1834 6 126.25
1882 9 200
1963 9 188 Replaced the old Carillon and Grenville Canals
Rideau 1832 6 134
1967 Navigable depth 5.5 ft.
Tay 1834 4 101 Branch of Rideau Canal
1889 5 134
1967 Navigable depth 5.5 ft.

Richelieu System Canals
Canal Date Depth Over Lock (Ft.) Length of Lock (Ft.) Remarks
St. Ours 1849 200
1867 7 200
1932 12 339
1967 Navigable depth 12 ft.
Chambly 1843 7 120.5
1967 Navigable depth 6.5 ft.

Trent Murray System Canals
Canal Date Depth Over Lock (Ft.) Length of Lock (Ft.) Remarks
Murray 1890 12.5 No locks
Trent 1833 Built in stages. Draft varies, at present 8 ft. from Lake Ontario to Peterborough 6 ft. from
Peterborough to Big Chute, and Big Chute to Georgian Bay. Big Chute has 4 ft.

St. Lawrence Seaway
Canal Date Depth Over Lock (Ft.) Length of Lock (Ft.) Remarks
St. Lawrence Seaway 1959 27 766 Operated by St. Lawrence Seaway Authority
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Updated: 2007-11-07

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