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Fisheries and Oceans - Government of Canada
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Canadian Coast Guard

<% else %> <% end if %> USQUE AD MARE
A History of the Canadian Coast Guard and Marine Services
by Thomas E. Appleton

The Lights of Canada in 1867 with Dates of Establishment

Note: Lights marked * are no longer in existence although, in some cases, new ones may have been built nearby since 1867. Full particulars of existing aids to navigation will be found in the current List of Lights, Buoys and Fog Signals, published annually by the Department of Transport, obtainable from the Queen's Printer or from any

Lights in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Lights Date of Establishement
N.E. Point, St. Paul Island 1839
S.W. Point, St. Paul Island 1831
Heath Point, Anticosti Island 1835
S.W. Point, Anticosti Island 1831
West Point, Anticosti Island 1858
Cap des Rosiers 1858
Gaspe Bay 1867*
Pointe des Monts 1830

Lights in New Brunswick
Lights Date of Establishement
Machias Seal Island 1832
Gannet Rock 1831
Swallowtail 1860
West Quoddy Head 1808
Head Harbour 1829
St. Andrews 1833
Lepreau 1831
Partridge Island 1791
Saint John Harbour 1828*
Reeds Point 1850*
Quaco 1835
Cape Enrage 1840
Grindstone 1854
Shediac Harbour 1860
Richibucto Head 1864
Escuminac 1841
Miscou Island 1856

Lights in Nova Scotia
Lights Date of Establishement
Parrsboro or Partridge Island 1852
Spencer Point 1863
Burntcoat 1859
Horton 1851
Black Rock 1848
Margaretsville 1859
Port Lome 1859
Port Williams or Marshall Cove 1859
Point Prim or Digby Gut 1817
Boars Head 1864
Brier Island 1809
Peter Island 1850
Westport 1850*
Yarmouth or Cape Fourchu 1839
Seal Island 1830
Tusket River 1864
Pubnico Harbour 1854
Cape Sable 1861
Baccaro 1850
Cape Roseway 1788
Ragged Island Harbour 1853*
Little Hope 1865
Fort Point 1855
Coffin Island 1812
Medway Head 1851
West Ironbound Island 1855
Battery Point (Lunenburg) 1864*
Cross Island 1832
Sambro 1758
Maugher Beach 1815
Devil's Island 1852*
Egg Island 1865
Beaver Island 1846
Whitehead Island 1854
Cranberry Island 1815
Guysborough Harbour 1846
Eddy Point 1851
Arichat 1851
Green Island 1865
Louisburg, original French light 1733
Louisburg 1842
Scatarie 1839
Flint Island 1856
Ciboux Island 1863
Low Point 1832*
Bird Island 1863*
Margaree 1854
Port Hood 1854*
North Canso 1842
Havre Boucher 1842
Cape George 1861
Pictou Island (East end) 1853
Pictou Bar 1834

Lights in the St. Lawrence River (Father Point to Lake St. Louis)
Lights Date of Establishement
Father Point 1859
Bicquette Island 1844
Green Island 1809
Red Islet 1848
Brandy Pots 1862
Long Pilgrim 1862
Grande Ile, Kamouraska 1862
South Traverse Light Vessel 1836*
Stone Pillar 1843
Crane Island 1862*
Bellechasse 1862
St. Antoine 1858*
Ste. Croix 1842
Portneuf 1842
Platon 1816*
Richelieu 1816*
Langlois Point 1844
Cape Charles 1856*
Grondines 1857*
St. Pierre les Becquets 1844
Batiscan 1844
Champlain, Lower 1844
Cap de la Madeleine 1843
Port St. Francois 1849
Pointe du Lac 1843
East Lightship, Lake St. Peter *
Centre Range, Upstream 1816
Centre Lightship, Lake St. Peter 1816*
West Lightship, Lake St. Peter 1828*
Ile aux Raisins, Lake St. Peter 1843
Stone Island or Ile à la Pierre 1867*
Sorel 1863*
Lavaltrie 1831
Contrecoeur Traverse 1857
Iles aux Prunes 1866*
Repentigny 1843
Ile à la Bague 1831*
Ile Ste Thérèse 1855
Pointe aux Trembles 1846*
Montreal 1830*
Lachine 1849*
Lightship No.1, Lake St. Louis 1849*
Lightship No.2, Lake St. Louis 1850*

Lights in the Ottawa River
Lights Date of Establishement
Pointe Claire 1860
Pointe Claire Lightship 1860*
Green Shoal 1860

Lights in the St. Lawrence River (Chateauguay to Lake Ontario)
Lights Date of Establishement
Chateauguay Lightship 1849*
Beauharnois 1850*
Knight Point 1848*
Grosse Point 1846*
Coteau Landing 1848*
McKie Point 1847*
Cherry Island 1847*
Cherry Light Vessel 1849*
Lancaster Range 1844
Cornwall Canal 1865*
Cole Shoal 1856*
Grenadier Island 1856
Lynedock Island 1856
Gananoque Narrows 1856
Jackstraw Shoal 1856
Spectacles Shoal 1856
Red Horse Rock 1856
Burnt Island 1856
Wolfe Island 1861

Lights in the Lake Ontario
Lights Date of Establishement
Kingston 1844*
Snake Island 1858*
Nine Mile or Gage Point 1833
Outer Drake or False Ducks 1828
Point Pleasant or Indian Point 1866
Salt Point 1851*
Point Peter 1833
Scotch Bonnet or Egg Island 1856
Presqu'ile 1840
Cobourg 1844*
Peter Rock or Gull Island 1840
Newcastle 1847*
Oshawa, outer end, East Pier 1844
Whitby 1844
Frenchmans Bay or Pickering 1863*
Gibraltar Point 1808
Toronto Harbour, West Entrance 1838
Port Credit 1863*
Oakville 1863
Burlington Bay, South Tower, Railway Bridge 1838
Burlington Bay, South Pier 1845
Port Dalhousie 1852

Lights in the Lake Erie
Lights Date of Establishement
Port Colborne 1852*
Mohawk Island 1848
Port Maitland 1846
Port Dover, West Pier 1846*
Long Point or North Foreland 1843
Port Burwell or Big Otter Creek 1840*
Port Stanley 1844
Point Pelee Reef 1861*
Pelee Island 1833*

Lights in the Detroit River
Lights Date of Establishement
Bois Blanc 1837*

Lights in the Lake St. Clair
Lights Date of Establishement
Thames River 1837

Lights in the Lake Huron
Lights Date of Establishement
Goderich main light 1847
Point Clark 1859
Chantry Island 1859
Cove Island 1859*
Griffith Island 1859
Nottawasaga Island 1859
Collingwood 1858*
Christian Island 1859
Killarney East Or Red Rock Point 1866
Killarney West or Partridge Island 1866
Little Current 1866*
Clapperton Island 1866
Spider Island 1866

Lights in the Lake Superior
Lights Date of Establishement
St. Ignace 1866*

Lights in Prince Edawrd Island
Lights Date of Establishement
East Point 1867
Panmure Head 1853
Point Prim 1846
Blockhouse Point 1851
Sea Cow Head 1863
Summerside 1856
North Point 1866
St. Peters 1865
Fish Island 1856
Cascumpec 1856

Lights in British Columbia
Lights Date of Establishement
Race Rocks 1861
Fisgard 1861
Fraser River, lightship 1866*

Lights in Newfoundland
Lights Date of Establishement
Belle Isle, South 1858
Amour Point 1858
Gallantry Head 1862
Dodding Head 1858
Cape St. Mary 1860
Cape Pine 1821
Cape Race 1856
Brunet Island 1865
Offer Wadham Island 1858
Green Island 1857
Baccalieu Island 1859
Harbour Grace 1836
Harbour Grace Islands 1836
Fort Amherst (St. John's) 1813
Cape Spear 1835
Cape Bonavista 1843
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Updated: 2007-11-07

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