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Bank of Canada

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Publications and Research

Books and Monographs

The Art and Design of Canadian Bank Notes

Bank notes are the most tangible connection between the central bank and the public it serves. A bank note is a medium of exchange, a cultural artifact, a national symbol, and a communications vehicle. It must be readily accepted and secure against counterfeiting. Thus, the design and production of a bank note is a formidable challenge.

The Art and Design of Canadian Bank Notes is the second in a series of books about the Bank of Canada. It is a journey behind the scenes to explore the demanding world of bank note design, highlighting the beauty of Canada's bank notes and celebrating the engraver's art. Purchase your copy at the Currency Museum, or by contacting Publications Distribution.

You can download the above pages from this publication in PDF format (734 kb).

Now available for purchase

The Art and Design of Canadian Bank Notes makes a unique keepsake or gift.

Soft cover, 124 pages.
Cost: $25 tax included (+$5 shipping outside of headquarters in Canada/+$10 US/INTL destinations.)

Purchase your copy at the Currency Museum, or by contacting:

Publications Distribution
Communications Department
Bank of Canada
West Tower, 9th Floor
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G9
613 782-8248

All mail orders must be prepaid. Remittance in Canadian dollars should be made payable to the Bank of Canada.