Census >

Census consultation

Before each census, Statistics Canada consults data users and interested parties across Canada for their views on the type and extent of information they believe should be available from the census.

The process has been successful and Statistics Canada encourages continued discussions on any aspect of the census including questionnaire content, products and services, geography or census communications.

The Canadian public is invited to contribute their ideas and comments at any time during the census cycle.

2006 Census

2006 Census consultations began in 2002. Please click here for more information on the 2006 Census consultation.

2011 Census

The 2011 Census content consultation process is underway. The 2011 Census Content Consultation Guide gives you the opportunity to provide input.

Contact the Census consultation team

E-mail: censusconsultation@statcan.ca

Mailing address:
Census Consultation Team
Statistics Canada
9th Floor, R.H. Coats Building
100 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6
Fax: 613-951-1134

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