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Fisheries and Oceans - Government of Canada
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Canadian Coast Guard

<% else %> <% end if %> Canada - United States Coast Guard Summit

Canada -  United States Coast Guard Summit
Halifax, Nova Scotia
September 26 - 28, 2006

The annual summit allows the two organizations to discuss their common mission, core values and challenges. These challenges relate to the increasing demand for Coast Guard services, including search and rescue and territorial missions.

This summit was an opportunity to exchange not only objectives and issues of common interest, but also to plan for the future and strengthen the already strong and productive relationship.


  1. Halifax 2006 summit highlights
    • Highlights from the Canada-United States Coast Guard Summit held in Halifax, Nova Scotia on September 26-28, 2006.  Duration: 2:50
  2. Canada - U.S. coast guard relationship:
    • George Da Pont, Commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard and Admiral Thad Allen, Commandant of the United States Coast Guard discuss the strength of the relationship between their two organizations and their vision for the future. Duration: 2:20
  3. USCG tribute to CCG crew:
    • The Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, Admiral Thad Allen, commends the efforts of the crew of the Canadian Coast Guard ship Sir William Alexander, a vessel that sailed to the southern U.S. to assist in disaster relief operations in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Duration: 1:27
  4. CCG Auxiliary bravery awards:
    • Commissioner George Da Pont makes a presentation to the crew of The Four Sisters, a fishing vessel and volunteer member of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary that rescued four crewmembers of the Canadian Forces Cormorant Helicopter that crashed off the coast of Canso, Nova Scotia in July of 2006. The Commissioner and Commandant Allen of the U.S. Coast Guard comment on the value of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Duration : 2:42
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Updated: 2007-11-07

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