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                            Gordon Peters Says Sovereignty Critical  
TORONTO, ONT. - Gordon Peters, the Executive Director of the Centre for Indigenous Sovereignty, says that sovereignty is critical to the survival of the coming generations of Aboriginal children throughout Canada. "Governments in the Americas have demonstrated that they do not have the solutions required for Indigenous peoples to reinvigorate their communities so that children grow up in healthy environments." Peters says that, contrary to stereotypes, Aboriginal peoples lived in stable, loving and healthy communities for centuries thoughout the Americas. "Governments in North and South America should understand that it is in their best interest to allow Aboriginal peoples to restore political and economic self-reliance to their societies." 

The Centre for Indigenous Sovereignty is an organization that works to restore Indigenous solutions, practices and ways of life to Indigenous communities.

The CFIS focuses on facilitating the process of Aboriginal nation building. Nation building leads to stable and just self-governance, economic self-reliance and cultural strength. The CFIS assists peoples in coming together to create and implement nation building solutions.

Our Mission Is To:

Facilitate, foster, promote, and encourage the social, economic and cultural sovereignty of Indigenous nations.

Provide quality culturally based services in the fields of education,training and research for the continuing development and empowerment of Indigenous nations.

Bring together academics, lawyers, engineers, economists and other professional people for problem solving and development in relation to Indigenous individuals, communities, institutions, businesses and governments.

Develop and produce publications setting out standards of achievement and practices that incorporate the values of sovereign Indigenous nations.

And network with organizations with similar goals and visions which can offer services and products for the benefit of Indigenous peoples.

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