Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

ecoTransport — Canada's New Government Delivers Over $100M to Promote Clean, Sustainable Transportation Choices for Canadians

ecoTransport Strategy

February 16, 2007

Transportation is a key element of the government's environmental agenda. Transportation is also vital to economic activity and critical to Canada's prosperity. However, the movement of people and goods has significant environmental consequences, such as air and water pollution. These environmental impacts create social and economic costs, and affect the health and quality of life of Canadians. Through fuel combustion, transportation activities generate both greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change, and air pollutants, which contribute to smog and acid rain. That is why it is so important to reduce the amount of fuel consumed, improve transportation efficiency and introduce cleaner transportation technologies.

As part of its environmental agenda, Canada's New Government launched the ecoTransport Strategy. This strategy features the ecoMobility program; the ecoTechnology for Vehicles Program and the ecoENERGY for Personal Vehicles Program; and the ecoFreight program.

ecoMOBILITY - Making the right transportation choices for a clean, healthy environment

With an investment of up to $10 million, the ecoMobility program seeks to work with municipalities to help cut urban-passenger transportation emissions by encouraging commuters to choose public transit or other sustainable transportation options. Working with cities across Canada, this initiative will help develop programs, services and products to improve choice and quality of life for Canadians in urban areas.

ecoTECHNOLOGY for vehicles and ecoENERGY for personal vehicles - Steer in the direction of an environmentally friendly tomorrow

With up to $15 million in funding, the ecoTechnology for Vehicles Program will include in-depth testing and publishing of results on a range of emerging, environmentally friendly technologies for use in light-duty vehicles. Showcasing the vehicles will raise awareness and help provide Canadians with the facts they need on vehicle purchases now and into the future. The program will also foster important new partnerships with the automotive industry and encourage the introduction of a broader range of environmental technologies in Canada.

With up to $21 million in funding, the ecoENERGY for Personal Vehicles Program, delivered by Natural Resources Canada, will provide fuel consumption information and decision-making tools to encourage consumers to purchase fuel-efficient vehicles that are currently available in the market.

ecoFREIGHT - Meeting the challenge of sustaining a clean, healthy freight transportation system

With an investment of up to $61 million, the ecoFreight program features new steps to reduce the environmental and health effects of freight transportation through technology and will be delivered by Transport Canada and Natural Resources Canada. These steps include addressing regulatory barriers, reducing fuel use and emissions, establishing a Freight Technology Demonstration Fund, providing cost-shared funding for the purchase and installation of proven technologies, building industry partnerships, and supporting up to four pilot projects to demonstrate the installation and use of shore-based power for marine vessels in Canadian ports.

To learn more about the Government of Canada's environmental agenda and the ecoTransport Strategy, visit