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Access to Information

As of September 1, 2007, AECL will be subject to the Access to Information Act with respect to information relating to:

(a) its general administration; or

(b) its operation of any nuclear facility within the meaning of section 2 of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act that is subject to regulation by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission established under section 8 of that Act.

This form is being offered to you as an on-line service and is available to you in Rich Text (RTF) and Portable Document (PDF) formats. More detailed instructions will also be offered on the form.

If you choose the RTF format, you can fill in the form on-screen and then print it for submission by mail.

If you choose the PDF format, you must print the form and fill in the fields by hand for submission by mail.

  1. To apply for information under the Access to Information Act, complete the Access to Information Request Form. Describe the information being sought and provide any relevant details necessary to help AECL find it. If you require assistance, please contact Corporate Communications at AECL (see below).

  1. Forward the access request to the AECL office listed below. Enclose a $5.00 money order or cheque. Note: Cheques and money orders are payable to the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.

Access to Information Forms:

AECL will also be subject to the Privacy Act as of September 1, 2007.

Contact Us – Access to Information and Privacy:

Corporate Communications
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
2251 Speakman Drive
Mississauga, ON
L5K 1B2

Telephone: 905-823-9040 ext. 7439

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