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Procurement Services

Selling to the Manitoba Government

What We Buy

The key to selling to the Manitoba Government is to first understand what the government buys. The range of goods and services required by departments and their programs in the Manitoba Government are extensive and varied. This information is available as follows:

Procurement Services Branch

For information on the goods and services purchased centrally by the Procurement Services Branch check out the listing of Commodities & Services. PDF File


Information on goods or services handled by departmental buyers may be obtained by contacting the Departmental Purchasing Coordinators


The Open Warehouse component of the Manitoba Marketplace will also provide suppliers with information on the goods or services purchased across government by a variety of buyers and departments. This useful tool will allow you to search for selective goods or services, the estimated annual dollar value, and a contact name in Procurement Services Branch to obtain additional information.


Purchases are handled by a number of buyers in government who are either contracting for goods or services corporately on behalf of other client departments, as in the case of the Procurement Services Branch, or are buying groups or individuals in the departments who purchase on behalf of their own programs. Check out the buyers as follows:

Procurement Services Branch

Government Buyer Groups

Departmental Purchasing Coordinators

Electronic Tendering

The Manitoba Government tenders goods greater than $5,000 & services and construction greater than $100,000 on Merx, an electronic tendering service owned and operated by Mediagrif Interactive Technologies located in Longuevil, Quebec.  Merx is an excellent source to access current tender opportunities as well as research former tender activity.  Contact Merx at 1-800-964-6379, or search for Manitoba tender opportunities at


In addition to understanding what goods and services are required by the Manitoba Government, and knowing what individual or group handles the buying, suppliers are encouraged to market their goods or services to end users in the department or programs. Presentation of literature, catalogues, advertising or supplier profiles are appropriate and welcome. If you need help to identify the appropriate programs or buyers please contact the Procurement Services Branch staff who will assist you.

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