Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Chemical Substances
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Chemical Substances in Canada
Canada's approach on chemical substances
The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
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Existing Substances Guidance Documents
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What substances is Canada already managing?
Proactive Disclosure

What substances is Canada already managing?

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The Government of Canada has been doing risk assessment and management for many years. During this time, there has been regulatory activity, voluntary actions and public engagement on a number of current and emerging pollution issues.

The List of Toxic Substances currently contains 85 individual or families of substances, representing over 1000 discrete chemical substances. There are some 60 different tools in place to manage these. For instance, there are regulations for polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), guidelines for the release of ammonia dissolved in water, and a pollution prevention planning requirement for certain pollutants in wastewater effluents.

The Government of Canada also has four Environmental Performance Agreements in place with industry sectors and companies. These negotiated agreements commit industry to reduce releases of a range of toxic substances.  These agreements also encourage innovation through implementing programs such as environmental management systems and product stewardship.

For more information on chemical substances currently being managed in Canada under CEPA 1999, please visit the Next link will open in a new window Management of Toxic Substances Website at Environment Canada

Last Updated: 2007-04-20  Top
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