2011 Census Content Consultation Guide

Purpose of this guide

This consultation guide presents the 2011 Census context, proposed content directions and key milestones. It serves to:

  • explain the factors influencing 2011 Census content determination;
  • apprise you of activities related to content determination;
  • introduce the 2011 Census content changes currently being contemplated;
  • assist you in contributing your suggestions to Statistics Canada.

Consultations are an essential component in the census planning process. Your feedback helps to inform Statistics Canada of emerging social and economic issues and is considered during the development of the 2011 Census questionnaires and beyond.


The 2011 Census consultation process has been launched. Discussions on the 2011 Census content are underway.

The content determination planning stage of the 2011 Census of Population marks the beginning of the census cycle. The questionnaire you fill out in May 2011 will be the result of four years of effort dedicated to user consultations, testing, questionnaire development and more testing.

As Canada’s population thrives and becomes more diverse, Statistics Canada is charged with keeping the census current. Remaining socially relevant while striving to meet the interests of data users is an ever-present challenge.

The 2011 Census content consultation objectives are threefold:

  • present content changes currently being explored;
  • receive your opinions on the proposed modifications;
  • gather insight into emerging data requirements.

Although the focus of this wave of consultations is the 2011 Census content, we welcome your comments on any aspect of the census, including the products and services line, geography concepts or census communications.

Did you know?

Statistics Canada conducts comprehensive consultations on census content and dissemination strategies with:

  • federal government departments and agencies
  • provincial and territorial government departments
  • local governments
  • the general public
  • libraries
  • academia
  • special interest groups
  • the private sector
  • licensed distributors of census data

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