Census > 2006 Census: Geography >

Designated Place Boundary Files ($)

The Designated Place Boundary Files portray the designated place boundaries for which 2006 Census data are disseminated. A designated place is normally a small community or settlement that does not meet the criteria established by Statistics Canada to be a census subdivision (an area with municipal status) or an urban area. Designated places are created by provinces and territories, in cooperation with Statistics Canada, to provide data for sub-municipal areas. The files contain the boundaries the designated places defined for the 2006 Census.

A reference guide is available for the 2006 Boundary Files (92-160-GWE).

To purchase this file online, please select the geography below. To purchase a file for a custom area (user defined areas), please contact us.

Step 1: Please select a geography


1. Please note that this product can only be opened if you have software that can read these files installed on your machine. If you do not have such software, you can download software that can read these files. Alternatively, you can also convert these files to other formats that could be read by other software. These file formats may not be accessible by some devices. For more information, please contact us for assistance.

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About this product

Catalogue number: 92-165-XWE

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