Census > 2006 Census: Geography >

Census Tract Reference Maps, by Census Metropolitan Areas or Census Agglomerations

The Census Tract Reference Maps, by Census Metropolitan Areas or Census Agglomerations cover all 33 census metropolitan areas and the 15 census agglomerations in the Census Tract Program. The maps show the boundaries and names of census tracts and census subdivisions, designated places and their names, as well as urban core, secondary urban core, urban fringe and rural fringe within the census metropolitan areas or census agglomerations, with one to ten maps covering each area. There are 131 maps in the series and inset maps were created to show detail for the more concentrated areas.

The maps also display census subdivision boundaries with street network and other visible features such as railroads, rivers and lakes. The maps vary in scale and size; the maximum dimensions are 86 cm by 61 cm (34 inches by 24 inches).

A reference guide is available (92-146-GWE).

Reference maps are available free on the Internet (www.statcan.ca), or they can be purchased through the enquiries line in electronic format (PDF on CD-ROM) or paper format, please contact us.

To download this free product to your computer, please follow the steps below:

Note to users: Census Tract Reference Maps, by Census Metropolitan Areas or Census Agglomerations PDF files contain embedded links. These links will be active as long as they are logged on to the Internet. Should the files be saved on a hard drive and viewed offline, the link will be broken and the user will receive an error message.

Step 1: Please select the province

Step 2: Please select CMA/CA (file size shown in MB)

The maximum dimensions for any Census Tracts by Census Metropolitan Area or Census Agglomeration map are 86 cm by 61 cm (34 inches by 24 inches).

You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the maps. For more information, visit Troubleshooting PDFs.

Contact us to order a copy of these maps on paper or on CD-ROM.

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