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2006 Census identifier

2006 Census: Corrections and updates

This tool will help users locate corrections and updates by topic/subject that may be found in various 2006 Census products, after being released, due to errors, whether related to data or metadata, in a very simple and user-friendly manner.

List of release corrections and updates

2 of 2 records displayed

Revision date
Revision date: Sort in descending orderRevision date: Sort in ascending order
Census product(s) affected
Census product(s) affected: Sort in descending orderCensus product(s) affected: Sort in ascending order
Level: Sort in descending orderLevel: Sort in ascending order
October 31, 2007 All products which contain geographic areas with amendments to the 2006 population and dwelling counts High
August 27, 2007 Portrait of the Canadian Population in 2006 (Analysis Series) Low


  1. Search by census topic is only available for data products and Analysis series

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