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Email Bulletin - Week of 2007 August 13

Monthly Bulletins
The countdown is on. Cernavoda Unit 2 connects to the Romanian grid. Final reactor tests to culminate in start-up late next month. Learn more
AECL awarded five-year preventative maintenance contract with Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Company, turning out first commercial sale of AECL-designed SYSTMS software tool. Read more
Delivering More gets answers to tough questions about CANDU and nuclear energy in the first of a multi-part series of interviews with AECL’s Chief Operating Officer. Check it out
It’s a cut! First use of fully automated and remote equipment helps AECL’s Retube team meet major pressure tube severing milestone. Read more
Fresh new faces at Point Lepreau. More than a dozen local college grads join AECL’s expanding refurbishment team. Take a closer look

Talking the talk. Walking the walk. AECL employees hit the Relay For Life track to help fight cancer. More


Did you know
CANDU nuclear power plants are considered very safe. The many safety systems of the CANDU nuclear plant take into account human error, equipment failure, natural risks such as earthquakes, and even the threat of a terrorist attack. In the event that an accident should occur, CANDU power plants have three means of shutdown, including the normal regulating system and, unique to CANDU, two independent, fast-acting safety shutdown systems that are designed to contain radioactive emissions within multiple containment barriers.

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