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Submitting R&D Proposals

Research and development (R&D) proposal forms should be completed as fully as possible. An Executive Officer must sign the form (Chief of Police, Commanding Officer, or equivalent). You may keep the original and submit a copy to us. The focus of the CPRC is research, development, or evaluation of police equipment.

If you need an application form for submitted a research proposal you can download it here .

Guidelines for Acceptance and Establishing Priorities

How does it make a difference?

The priority assigned to each project proposal will be based on a review of the following factors:

Risk factor:
frequency of potential use or occurrence.
Operational impact:
how widespread is the need in the community?
Dollar implications:
resource saving potential/dollar cost
operational effectiveness and innovation
technical risks and costs (adapt or create)
potential for risk and cost sharing, degree of commercial viability

A project must also fit one of the following three categories.

Health and safety: protecting the police in hazardous situations
Operational effectiveness: fighting crime, gathering information, intelligence and evidence
Protecting the public: traffic, custody, crime prevention

For example, a category B project that will save significant resources, be applicable throughout the community, and has a high chance of success may be given the same or higher priority than a project that may protect a police officer in a hazardous situation that occurs infrequently. Similarly, protecting the public with a device that controls high speed chases simply and safely may score first overall in the reviews. Our goal in prioritizing project proposals is to effectively and objectively reflect the priorities of the overall police community and its clients. The results of the review will be retained on the project file for reference.

Last 5 Articles

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