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The Canadian Studies Program Applicants' Guide -- Updated Summer, 2005

Catalogue no.: 0-662-40985-X
ISBN: CH36-1/1-2005E-HTML

[PDF Version]


The Canadian Studies Program (CSP) encourages Canadians to gain a better understanding of their country, its history, stories, people and systems of government. Specifically, the Program supports the development of learning materials and activities that contribute to increasing young Canadians' knowledge about Canada, thus building an informed and engaged citizenry.

This guide outlines the objectives of the Canadian Studies Program, defines the types of applicants, proposals and expenses that are eligible and those that are not eligible for funding, explains the main features of the funding components, and assists applicants in preparing a submission.

For information on other activities of the Canadian Studies Program please contact us at:

The Canadian Studies Program
Department of Canadian Heritage
12 York Street, 12-2-A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0M5
Telephone: (613) 998-9030
Toll free: 1-877-392-4243
Fax: (613) 998-9008
Web site:

Before proceeding with the application process, we strongly advise you to discuss your project with a Canadian Studies Program officer.

Program Mandate and Objectives

The Canadian Studies Program (CSP) encourages Canadians to gain a better understanding of their country, its history, stories, people and systems of government. Specifically, the Program supports the development of learning materials and activities that contribute to increasing young Canadians' knowledge about Canada.

To achieve this mandate, the CSP has the objectives of:

  1. Ensuring the availability and accessibility of new quality learning materials and activities for use by educators and young Canadians;

  2. Building partnerships in the area of learning materials and activities on Canada through coordination of the federal government's efforts; and

  3. Promoting the development of knowledge on current trends and public policy related to learning about Canada.

The CSP Funding Competition is designed to meet the first objective of the program for the development of quality learning materials.

In addition to the Funding Competition, the CSP initiates a limited number of learning activities for educators and young Canadians.

The Program also chairs an Interdepartmental Working Group to coordinate learning materials and activities produced and/or supported by the Government of Canada.

The CSP Funding Competition

The Canadian Studies Program can support the development of learning materials through its Funding Competition. We strongly recommend that you discuss your proposal with a Canadian Studies Program officer before preparing your application. The Program officer will also advise on the appropriate levels of funding to be requested for your proposal.

A maximum of one proposal from one applicant will be considered for a Funding Competition.

Projects submitted to the Funding Competition will be judged on a competitive basis; not all proposals that meet all the conditions of eligibility will receive funding. Financial support can be offered for projects that are stand-alone, discrete, components of a series. However, applicants should not assume ongoing support for the development of a series of learning materials.

Priority areas

The priority areas for the Funding Competition are as follows:

  • Aboriginal Studies - projects that support the development of quality learning materials to help Canadians gain a greater understanding and knowledge of Canada's First Nations, Métis and Inuit.

  • Governance and Citizenship - projects that support the development of quality learning materials to help us gain a greater understanding of the processes and institutions involved in Canadian democracy, and to encourage greater civic participation and engagement by Canadians.

  • Canada's Official Languages - projects that encourage the development of innovative and quality learning materials on the evolution and place of official languages and official-language communities within Canada.

  • Canadian History Interpretation Skills - Projects using innovative approaches to help students and learners develop critical skills in interpreting our history and society. The learning materials should provide users with the opportunity to study different historical interpretations and/or participate actively in the learning process.

  • Diversity and Multiculturalism in Canada - projects that support the development of quality learning materials to encourage a greater understanding of, and respect for, cross-cultural differences and diversity in the Canadian context.

Only projects that meet one or more of the priority areas will be eligible for consideration under the Funding Competition.

Funding Competition Components

There are three main components to the Funding Competition. In addition, funding is also available to develop learning/teachers' guides (please see page 7 of the Guide).

  1. Print Learning Materials Development
    Specific conditions:

    Funding is available to support up to 50% of the research and development costs relating to the content/preparation of a manuscript for print learning materials. Financial support for this type of project has normally ranged from $8,000 to $15,000.

    Applicants must submit a letter from a bona fide publisher showing intent to produce and distribute the manuscript (Bona fide publisher is defined as a publishing company owned and controlled by Canadians or by permanent residents of Canada, with a minimum level of Canadian ownership of 51%.) Vanity or subsidy presses are not considered bona fide publishers in the context of the Funding Competition.

    Funding is only available for costs associated with the research and development of a manuscript for publication. Funds will not be provided for editing, design, layout, typesetting, artwork, printing, binding, distribution or promotion.

  2. Audio, Film and Audio-Visual Learning Materials Development
    Specific conditions:

    Funding is available to support up to 50% of the preparation and production costs for the development of film, audio, or audio-visual learning materials. Post-production, promotion and distribution costs are not eligible for funding. Funding for this type of project has normally ranged from $25,000 to $40,000.

  3. New Media Learning Materials Development
    Specific conditions:

    Funding is available to support up to 50% of the preparation and production costs for the development of new media learning materials. Post-production, promotion and distribution costs are not eligible for funding. Transfers of information to digital form (i.e., digitization) are also ineligible unless substantial new content is being added, such as a new editorial framework or learning exercises. Funding for this type of project has normally ranged from $20,000 to $50,000.

    The learning material(s) must be shown to be compatible with equipment in general use in educational institutions in Canada. For Web site projects, the applicant must demonstrate that the content of the Web site will be made available for a period of at least three years after completion of the project.

Learning/Teachers' Guides:
Specific conditions:

In addition to requesting funding for up to 50% of the research and development cost for print learning materials or up to 50% of the preparation and production costs for audio, audio-visual, film and new media learning materials, applicants may also include in their proposal a learning/teachers' guide to accompany the learning materials. Funds are available for up to 75% of the research and development costs to prepare the guide, but not to cover any production and distribution costs.

Applicants must describe how the learning/teachers' guide will be tested by the target audience(s) prior to finalizing the product, and how the learning/teachers' guide will address curricula requirements for different regions of the country. Elements of the guide may include, but are not limited to, lesson plans, learning activities, pedagogical approaches and student assessment strategies.

Applicant Eligibility

Who can apply

  • Legally incorporated Canadian voluntary organizations, non-governmental organizations and Canadian private-sector companies or organizations (e.g., Canadian film, computer software or print publishers);

  • Individual Canadian citizens and landed immigrants; and

  • Public and private schools, school boards and other educational institutions such as colleges and universities, when permitted by applicable laws.

Who cannot apply

  • Government (federal, provincial, regional, or municipal) departments and agencies are ineligible to apply for funding through the Canadian Studies Program's funding components. The Program does, however, co-operate with different levels of government; for additional information contact the Program directly.

  • Companies incorporated outside Canada and persons living outside Canada who do not have Canadian citizenship are ineligible for funding.

To be eligible for funding, please indicate clearly in your application how you meet the applicant eligibility criteria.

Conditions of eligibility and required documentation

What information must be included in a complete application?

The following overall conditions apply to all proposals submitted to the Canadian Studies Program (CSP) Funding Competition. To be eligible, a proposal must be complete in order for the Canadian Studies Program to process the funding application. The proposal must:

  • include a copy of the signed and completed Application Form (available on the CSP Web site at [] or from a CSP Program Officer);

  • include a description of the applicant's eligibility (please see page 7 of the Guide);

  • relate to the creation of new materials only;

  • include a detailed description of the project, its intended users, objectives, scope, methodology and expected results (impact and reach);

  • result in materials that have a pan-Canada focus - that is, they should not be regionally restrictive in scope; if a topic is regionally based, its Canada-wide application or importance must be clearly set out;

  • include a description of how the project directly meets the first objective of the CSP (please see page 4 of the Guide) and one or more of the priority areas set for the current Funding Competition (please see page 5 of the Guide);

  • show the potential general educational and/or pedagogical applications of the project; proposals must provide a detailed explanation of how the project will be developed to meet the needs of educators and young Canadians;

  • include a written description of how any learning/teachers' guide to be developed will be tested by the target audience prior to finalizing the product and how the learning/teachers' guide will address curricula requirements for different regions of the country;

  • include a description of how the final product will be developed in both official languages where appropriate and be applicable to both official language groups whenever possible (note that the translation of existing materials is not eligible for funding);

  • include a statement that the online content developed will be available for a minimum period of three years after completion of the project (for Web-based projects only);

  • include a detailed budget that shows a breakdown and description of expenditures for the entire project and all anticipated and confirmed funding sources (including anticipated project sales if applicable):
    • This budget must include expenditures by budget item and be presented as a monthly or quarterly cash-flow forecast for the entire length of the project.
    • Applicants must identify for which budget items CSP funding is requested.
    • If any in-kind contributions are to be received for the project, they must be included in the budget and the applicant must ensure measures are in place to properly report these contributions (e.g., timesheets, records, accounts, etc.).
    • The total for funding sources must match the total for expenditures.
    • For confirmed funding sources, applications must include a written confirmation on official letterhead from the foundation(s) and/or corporations or government programs indicating that financial support has been provided and stating the amount awarded (a copy of the official letter is acceptable).

Please refer to the sample budget on page 14 of this Guide for more information;

  • include a detailed timeline that includes key milestones in the development of the project and clear links to the proposal's expenditures (i.e., to the cash flow) for the entire project;

  • include a clear marketing and distribution strategy, particularly a means of implementing this strategy to ensure delivery of the final product to educators and young Canadians;

  • include a letter from a bona fide Canadian publisher showing intent to produce and distribute the manuscript (for print learning materials only);

  • include an appropriate follow-up strategy that will help measure the results (impact and reach) of the project for a minimum period of three years following the completion of the project. This may include, but is not limited to, a user questionnaire, tools to measure and gather distribution figures, viewership statistics, usage statistics, reviews, press coverage, etc.;

  • include a signed certification of agreement to the follow-up requirements (please see page 13 of the Guide);

  • indicate support by qualified experts in the field of the project (i.e., scholars, experts, community leaders, etc.) with at least two letters of support from these references; These individuals should not be involved in the development of the project nor be close relatives of the applicants.

  • include a copy of the CVs of the principal project personnel and authors;

  • include proof of the legal status of the organization if applicable - for example, copies of not-for-profit registration and incorporation papers - or proof of pending status;

  • include a list of the current Board of Directors or Council members if applicable;

  • include, should the contact person for the project not be the President or the responsible member of the Board of Directors of the applying organization, proof that this contact person has legal signing authority for the project, such as a letter from the Board of Directors or President to this effect; and

  • indicate that any former public office holder or public servant who is in the employment of the applicant for the purpose of the project is in compliance with the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service.

Eligible proposals that demonstrate funding from the private sector, third-party foundations or corporations, or other federal or provincial government programs not directly connected in carrying out the project may be given greater consideration. (Note: funding may come from more than one source).

Eligible proposals that demonstrate wide potential reach for educators and young Canadians may also be given greater consideration.

Ineligible Proposals

What cannot be considered for funding under the CSP funding competition?

The following materials and activities are ineligible for funding under the Canadian Studies Program Funding Competition:

  • projects that have already received funding from the Canadian Studies Program (program officers will be pleased to discuss other funding options in the private and public sectors);

  • projects that have previously been deemed ineligible and/or previously have been rejected for funding by the Canadian Studies Program (this does not disqualify applicants from applying to the Program with a different project);

  • activities and expenditures that have already been completed at the time of submission;

  • translations, revisions, minor expansions, repackaging of existing materials, or the transfer of materials from one medium to another (including digitization); any proposal considered must demonstrate substantial new content in order to be considered;

  • capital expenditures such as the purchase of equipment;

  • reference tools, directories, periodicals, conferences, conference papers, seminars, travelling exhibitions, general operating costs, conservation projects, archive-building projects, scholarship or endowment programs, educational visits, educational games for commercial distribution, educational posters, study grants and grants for pure research;

  • projects designed to fill the curriculum needs of one specific province (note, however, that materials with applications to curricula in different regions of the country may be eligible; please contact the program for additional information);

  • courses or materials designed for the specific needs of a particular institution or course;

  • funding for those individuals already receiving payment for the work being done on the project (salary, honoraria, stipend); and

  • faculty replacement or leave costs.

For clarification of eligibility requirements or ineligible projects, please contact the Canadian Studies Program to consult with a program officer.

Assessment Process

How are proposals evaluated?

The CSP receives many quality applications in a context of limited funding. As projects submitted to the Funding Competition are judged on a competitive basis, funds are not granted automatically. Proposals that meet eligibility criteria and substantive requirements of the component may not necessarily receive funding.

The concept of peer review is a key element in the Program's assessment process; the overall assessment process involves three steps:

Step 1: Applications are first reviewed to determine if they are eligible for funding using the Program's criteria;

Step 2: Program staff then refer applications to outside expert assessors who assist in evaluating eligible proposals;

Step 3: Finally, eligible proposals will be selected by an internal committee based on their compatibility with departmental/governmental priorities.

Deadlines and Time Frame

When should I apply?

Please contact the Program or visit the CSP's Web site at: [] for more information on Funding Competition submission deadlines as well as the eligible period in which funding awarded can be spent.

When will I know if my proposal is approved for funding?

The Program aims to announce all funding decisions within six months from the submission deadline to ensure complete compliance with the overall assessment process.

Conditions of Funding

If my proposal is approved for support, how will I receive funding?

Financial support is awarded by means of a grant or a contribution agreement. Successful applicants will receive a letter of approval indicating that a grant or contribution has been approved for their project. On average, a large part of the funding awarded through the Funding Competition is done through contribution agreements.

When a contribution agreement is approved, recipients are required to sign this legal document that outlines the responsibilities of both the Department and the recipient. The contribution agreement includes requirements such as project updates, interim activity and financial reports and final activity and financial reports for the project. Applicants are also required to keep all records related to the project and contribution agreement and make them available to the Department for a five-year period following the agreement's completion.

Changes During the Life of the Project:

After an applicant has signed a contribution agreement, no modifications can be made to the project without authorization; applicants must receive written approval from the CSP for any modifications before making them.

Recipients who do not comply with the terms and conditions of the contribution agreement shall be required to repay all or part of the contribution, as well as the interest prescribed by Treasury Board regulations. Any funding not used in the appropriate period specified by the Program and the contribution agreement must also be returned to the Department.

Monitoring and Follow-up

What must be done when the project is completed?

The Canadian Studies Program monitors all successful projects funded in compliance with Government of Canada policy. Applicants must assist the Program by developing an appropriate follow-up strategy to measure the results of their project and to ensure this strategy is put into place. This information will benefit both the applicant and the Canadian Studies Program. In submitting a proposal, applicants agree to comply with the following follow-up requirements in addition to any other requirement outlined in a contribution agreement:

  • provide written financial and activity reports and an evaluation of the project's success at the end of the project; financial reporting must include all sources of revenue and expenditures;

  • publicly acknowledge the federal government's support by indicating that "This project has been supported by the Canadian Studies Program, Canadian Heritage; the opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada";

  • provide the Program with at least two copies of the final product or free Web access to the Department of Canadian Heritage in the case of New Media online projects;

  • provide the Program with up-to-date ordering and contact information to allow public access to the final product; and

  • for the relevant period following completion of the project (a minimum of three years), provide the Program with regular updates on the impact and reach of the project. This may include, but is not limited to, feedback from a user questionnaire, distribution figures, viewership statistics, usage statistics, reviews, press coverage, etc.

A signed certification of agreement to these requirements must be included in your application.

Sample Budget, List of Funding Sources and Cash Flow

  • The total project budget must be included in the application and not only the budget items for which CSP funding is requested.
  • Please add columns or rows as needed. However, the Program will not provide funding for any activities outside the eligible funding period.
  • The total for planned expenditures must match the total for funding sources.
  • The total for in-kind expenditures and revenues must match.
  • Project cash flows and financial reports must identify when the expenditures were or are to be incurred, not when they were or are paid out.
Expenses April 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006 July 1, 2006 to September 30, 2006 October 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006 January 1, 2007 to March 31, 2007 Total
B. Etc.          
AA. Etc.          
Total - Expenses          
Revenues April 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006 July 1, 2006 to September 30, 2006 October 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006 January 1, 2007 to March 31, 2007 Total
Y. Etc.          
AA. Etc.          
Total - Revenues          

Detailed description of expenditures:

Expense A involves... at X$ per hour for XX hours...
Expense B involves...

Funding requested from the Canadian Studies Program will be used to cover expenses A, B, etc.


Before Applying

  1. Carefully read the Canadian Studies Program Applicants' Guide.
  2. Discuss your project with a Canadian Studies Program Officer.

When Applying
The documents required for a funding application to be considered complete are listed below. More detailed information on required documentation can be found on pages 8 to 10 of this Guide.

Required documents, information or descriptions (4 copies are required) Included
1. Signed and completed Application Form.  
2. An explanation of the applicant's eligibility.  
3. A statement that only new content is being created.  
4. A detailed description of the project, its intended users, objectives, scope, methodology and expected results.  
5. An explanation of the pan-Canada focus, application or importance of the project.  
6. A description of how the project meets the first objective of the CSP (p. 4 of the Guide) and one or more priority areas of the current Funding Competition (p. 5 of the Guide).  
7. An explanation of potential general educational and/or pedagogical applications of the project, including a description of how the project will be developed to meet the needs of educators and young Canadians.  
8. A description of how the learning/teachers' guide, if applicable, will be tested by the target audience(s) prior to completion and how the Guide will address curricula requirements for different regions of the country.  
9. A description of how the final product will be developed in both official languages where appropriate and be applicable to both official language groups whenever possible.  
10. A statement that the online content developed will be available for a minimum period of three years (for Web-based projects only).  
11. A detailed budget of expenditures and sources of funding (including anticipated sales and in-kind contributions if applicable), with a monthly or quarterly cash-flow forecast for the entire project, proof of confirmed funding sources, a description of each budget item and a description of the budget items for which CSP funding is requested.  
12. A detailed project development timeline with key milestones for the entire project.  
13. A clear marketing and distribution strategy for the final product to reach educators and young Canadians.  
14. A letter from a bona fide Canadian publisher showing intent to produce and distribute the manuscript (for print learning materials only).  
15. An appropriate follow-up strategy to measure the results (impact and reach) of the project for a minimum period of three years after the project's completion.  
16. A signed certification of agreement to the follow-up requirements (p. 13 of the Guide).  
17. A minimum of two letters of support from experts in the field of the project.  
18. The CVs of the principal project personnel and authors.  
19. Proof of the legal status of the organization.  
20. A list of the Board of Directors or Council members if applicable.  
21. Proof of the signing authority of the contact individual if applicable.  
22. An explanation that any former public office holder or public servant who is in the employment of the applicant for the purposes of the project is in compliance with the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service, if applicable.  
23. Copies of any examples of previous work done and/or reference materials if applicable.  

How to reach us

Please submit four copies of the signed and completed Application Form, required application documentation and all additional materials to:

Mailing address
Canadian Studies Program
Department of Canadian Heritage
12 York Street, 2nd Floor, 12-2-A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0M5

Contact information
Telephone: (613) 998-9030
Toll free : 1-877-392-4243
Fax: (613) 998-9008

Parts of your funding application may be copied for administrative purposes. Please do not use staples, spiral or cerlox binding, or any other similar form of fastening system. We recommend the use of large paper clips or three-ring binders to keep your materials together.

Date modified: 2007-05-15 Important Notices