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Nov 14, 2007

October 2007:

Atlantic Meeting Well Received

About 40 people gathered in person or participated via teleconference during the CITIG Atlantic Meeting on Wednesday, October 24 in St. John's. Thanks to the RCMP for supplying the room, to the speakers for the engaging presentations and to all participants for getting involved. The presentations made during the meeting can now be found on the member portion of the site. Check back soon for information on the next CITIG meeting (we are trying to schedule something around the 700 MHz issue for late November).

October 2007:

Atlantic Meeting Updates.

The time for the Atlantic Meeting is from 9:00 a.m. to noon N.D.T. (Newfoundland and Labrador Daylight Saving Time or GMT minus 2.5hr) on Wednesday, October 24. The location remains the RCMP Headquarters Bldg located at 100 East White Hills Road in St. John's. Those attending in person should arrive a little early to sign in at security.

Those participating by teleconference will receive detailed participation instructions by October 19. Again, please send an e-mail to stating your interest and indicating how you wish to participate (live or via teleconference).

October 2007:


Inaugural CITIG Meeting a Success!.

The first ever Canadian Interoperability Forum was held in Toronto on October 11. It brought together more than 60 people from across Canada (and a few from the U.S.), and featured guest speakers, special presentations and provided the opportunity to announce that both the EMS Chiefs of Canada and Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs have pledged to participate in this worthwhile endeavour. Thanks to all who participated! The presentations made during the meeting can now be found on the member portion of the site.

October 2007:

CITIG Meeting Updates.

If you registered for the Oct. 11 CITIG Forum, you should have received additional details by e-mail on Thursday, October 4, including detailed log-in information for those who indicated they were participating via teleconference. For those attending in person, the meeting will be held in the Thornhill Room. If you did not receive a notification e-mail, please check your SPAM filters. Of course, contact to report any errors or omissions.

The location of the Oct. 24 Atlantic Meeting will be the RCMP Headquarters Bldg located at 100 East White Hills Road in St. John's, NL from 9:00 a.m. to noon A.S.T. (those attending in person will need to sign in via security at the front door, so please arrive a little early). Again, please send an e-mail to stating your interest and indicating how you wish to participate (live or via teleconference).

September 2007:

CITIG Atlantic Meeting tentatively set for October 24.

An information meeting on the CITIG is tentatively set for Wednesday, October 24, 2007 9:00 a.m. to noon (A.S.T.) in St. Johns, Newfoundland (the morning after the CACP Informatics Committee meeting). Please send an e-mail to stating your interest. Also please indicate if you would be interested in participating live or via teleconference. Like the forum, there will be no cost to participants associated with the meeting itself (participants are responsible for travel and/or accommodation). Additional details and confirmation will follow shortly.


A printable fact sheet about CITIG

Interoperability Continuim
A one-page view of the critical elements of interoperability.

Proposed Area of Research and/or Development SUBMISSION Form

Proposed Area of Research and/or Development EVALUATION Criteria