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Co-operative Development Initiative

General Information

What is the Co-operative Development Initiative?
What are co-operatives, and what do they do for Canada?
How does CDI work?
   • Advisory Services
   • Innovation and Research
Tell me more about Advisory Services.
Tell me more about CDI Innovation and Research projects.
Are there priority areas for CDI Innovation and Research funding?
What is the funding range for Innovation and Research projects?
What will the CDI funding pay for?
What contribution do you expect from applicants?
How will projects be selected?
Who can apply for CDI Innovation and Research?
Is there an application deadline?
What if we need help developing a proposal?

What is the Co-operative Development Initiative?

The Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI) is the Government of Canada's new program to help people develop co-ops, and to research and test innovative ways of using the co-operative model. CDI will make the co-op option more readily available to Canadians, to respond to their present-day challenges.

What are co-operatives, and what do they do for Canada?

Co-operatives are jointly owned enterprises formed by people coming together to meet their needs. They are based on ethical values and principles including self-help, democracy, equality, and concern for community. The 10,000 co-operatives in Canada engage 70,000 volunteers and employ 150,000 people. They empower individuals, and encourage healthier and stronger communities by enabling people to pool their resources, share risks and achieve common goals. Co-ops provide such vital services as affordable housing, child care and financial services, and contribute to local economic development and job creation.

How does CDI work?

CDI has two main components:

  1. Advisory Services, to provide expert assistance to groups who want to start new co-ops, or who need help to manage existing ones. This component is managed jointly by the Canadian Co-operative Association and the Conseil Canadien de la Coopération.
  2. Innovation and Research projects, to study and demonstrate how co-ops can be used successfully in new ways. This component is managed by the federal Co-operatives Secretariat.

Tell me more about Advisory Services.

If you or your group or community need assistance in starting or running a co-op, CDI Advisory Services might be able to help. A co-op is a particular type of enterprise, requiring specialized knowledge and skills in diverse areas such as co-op business development, financing options, legal aspects of incorporation, and governance structures. CDI Advisory Services are delivered directly by co-op sector organizations throughout Canada, who have the expertise to help people with co-op start up or co-op management. For more information about Advisory Services, please contact the Co-operatives Secretariat at 1 888 781-2222.

Tell me more about CDI Innovation and Research projects.

Innovation Projects will test and demonstrate innovative uses of the co-op model. Projects might be innovative in any number of ways; for example through operating in an area new to co-ops, or through innovative financing or partnership arrangements. An existing co-op might see an opportunity to expand its role to new opportunities or challenges, or to adapt its operations to a new region or community.

Research Projects will research innovative and successful uses of co-operatives. We will be able to find out what works, what does not, and what differentiates co-ops from other models of enterprise. Research results will be of value both to grass roots organizations seeking to use the co-op model, and to co-op developers wanting to provide the most useful advice and assistance to people interested in starting co-ops. It is possible for one project to combine both innovations and research activities, or for one type of project to lead to another.

Are there priority areas for CDI Innovation and Research funding?

Building on the recognized strengths of co-ops, we are interested in learning more about how co-operatives can contribute to economic and social development, community capacity building, and service delivery for disadvantaged or hard-to-reach Canadians. Within this context, we are particularly looking for projects that can assist in the following areas:

  • adding value to agriculture
  • access to health care and home care
  • economic development in rural, remote or Northern communities
  • development of aboriginal communities
  • integration of immigrants into Canadian communities
  • community solutions to environmental challenges

What is the funding range for Innovation and Research projects?

The expected funding range for projects is between $5,000 and $75,000 per project per year. Multi-year projects are allowable (up to five years), but must be completed by the time the program ends on March 31, 2008.

What will the CDI funding pay for?

CDI funds will help pay for the additional costs that a proponent will have to incur to successfully implement a project, including expenses such as office rental, labour costs, and materials and supplies. CDI does not pay for regular ongoing expenses of an organization, for most capital costs, or for legal fees associated with the incorporation of an organization.

What contribution do you expect from applicants?

Applicants or their partners are expected to contribute at least 25% of total project costs. The partner contribution can be from other federal sources; however, total federal government contributions (including CDI) cannot exceed 75% of project costs. Partnership building is an important element of CDI, and priority will be given to projects that engage partners, either financially or through other means.

How will projects be selected?

Proposals will be assessed and selected for funding on their merits in accordance with program criteria, including the innovativeness of the activities, links to federal priorities, expected results, and level of partnership commitment.

Who can apply for CDI Innovation and Research?

The program is open to individuals, groups and communities who wish to study or demonstrate innovative uses of the co-op model. Expected applicants include individual co-operatives and co-operative associations and federations; community economic development groups; aboriginal communities; social development groups; and research and learning institutes engaged in co-operative research.

Is there an application deadline?

There is no specific deadline; however, proponents are advised to submit applications as soon as possible once they are complete. Once you submit your application, you will be contacted by a Co-operatives Secretariat official who will confirm receipt of the submission, clarify any outstanding issues or questions, and provide information on the review and approval process.

What if we need help developing a proposal?

Contact the Co-operatives Secretariat by calling 1 888 781-2222. Officials will be pleased to answer your questions and suggest sources of assistance.

Date Modified: 2007-10-11
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