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Nov 20, 2007

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The Hour's Show

Tonight, we're looking back at a great show.

Canada's favourite, Rick Mercer, discusses his latest book of rants.

Jane Goodall talks about the 30th anniversary of , 'The Jane Goodall Institute'.

George St. Pierre, Canadian fighter from the UFC, is on the show.

Plus Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins, from the famous band, Foo Fighters.

All this and more on The Hour.

The Hour is the best Canadian produced show in Canada.  I would also say it is the best talk show in North America.  I have never seen anyone be able to get guests to open up the way George does.  George, your a Canadian Treasure and we're lucky to have ya.  Keep up the great work!
11/17/2007 1:07:46 AM Don

Thanks for the info.  It's about time that there's a program for someone like me.  As a constant thinker my mind is always roaming.  At the end of the day it's nice to learn about something a little less commercial. Thank you!
11/16/2007 11:41:32 PM Paulie

George is great,smart and a lot of fun. I enjoy the show and can't wait to see3 what ya got in store for the future.
Peace and love hommies
11/16/2007 4:27:05 PM Lillian

I started watching The Hour once I read the story in Toronto Life. George is so smart,  entertaining and can relate to almost anyone. It is my favourite show. I am telling everyone to watch it.  Keep up the good work George.
11/16/2007 10:18:35 AM Josie

Just want to say that when we are home in Canada on our yearly visit, we love to watch the show! Now, I'm happy to hear it on the pc everyday!! Keep up the good work!
11/14/2007 1:32:09 PM

Hi George, I`m taking the time to write a note about the hour.This program is truly great.It is to the point with great questions and great guests.People you would not normally get to see on other shows and that is so bad for them.I have discovered so many new people ,I pay attention to and what is happening to them,I am so pleased for George as he is very deserving of any attention he gets without him it would not be the same.He is so down to earth and HONEST which is what alot of shows miss out on.I am now a true fan of the show and look for it to watch and I have surprised myself.I tune in because of the the great quests.I love the music it starts with,the bio on each quest is very informative and great, just a plain good job.This is one of the best shows and I hope the reward is there for George for getting people interested with something differant and great.Please keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!George you have done a good job to keep a baby boomer and the young interested in the same show I just love it.Please reply
11/13/2007 9:31:45 PM Letty

Hilary Doyle is fantastic.  Her sense of humour is refreshing, her wit is sharp.  She's a keeper
11/9/2007 9:13:48 AM Karen

I haven't completely figured out yet exactly how, but your show has some of the best interviews on TV. George can be a little goofy, but he shows such genuine interest in his guests that they open up and talk SO frankly! It is apparent that great preparation is done and good questions are asked and guests appreciate that. I think they know right away that it's not a fluff bit, so they relax and the result is as if the viewer is there in this frank and sincere conversation. Félicitations!
11/8/2007 11:37:53 PM Brian

I wanted to compliment George on his exceptional interview style.  I really appreciate that he doesn't ask "canned" questions and appears intelligent and well read.  The enthusiasm for your guests is fantastic and creates an intimacy with them that makes the viewer want to know more.  The news is constantly bombarded with the same information everyday - it is refreshing to be introduced and challenged as a viewer of The Hour.  I appreciate your work George and look forward to many more great interviews.
11/6/2007 10:36:30 PM Shari

I like that you said that you were my boyfriend, I ALWAYS say that you're my boyfriend.  But my feedback for you is....DUDE!! Don't snub the east coast with your radioshow.  We love you down here and I am a sad girl that your radio show is not being officially played on our beautiful coast.  Think bout that darlin.  You don't want to piss us off, we're liable to rush you
with our hunters orange and maple syrup.
11/2/2007 10:11:58 PM

i love your show, watched the body builder segment with my son and no fall out (he missed the big bottle of rum by the rocker)... i was disapointed in your inability to say the "n****r word" (maybe it's CBC).  an artist is using this title as a challenge.   you can give the homey shake to Wyclef Jean but not pronounce the title of Noz's new album?? Whatsup? the challenge: is "n****r" part of  the english lexicon?  or a taboo word that only certain people can use? Could MIA or Osama bin Laden call Wyclef a "n****r" and they all be okay?   Will I walk into a store an yell "Sell me that 'N****r!'" (not likely)  Use of "N****r" implies acceptance that a whole bunch of white people (not Greeks) stole people from africa for centuries and held them as property, and debase them today.  The word "n****r" has been wrestled from red necks. that's good. It's a term of self possesion, and whitey is afraid to use it.  i enjoy watching the sinuous writhings as good people who don't want to be hateful struggle to request the new album by "N****s With Attitude", but easily manage "Highland Bagpipe Tunes by the Rothesay Sheep F*cking Association (New Brunswick Division)" mostly, we vote we love your show
(son joined the convo...)
10/30/2007 11:28:01 PM Sandy

Hi, Love the show.  I have moved outside of the country and I am so happy to still be able to watch the show online, thanks.  I do however miss the news and mile a minute.  I wish that you could include these features on your webfeed so that I could keep current quickly like I used to.
10/30/2007 3:48:01 PM rebecca

I love the way your web site navigates and catches your eye.  I would love to know how much it cost to develop and how long it took.  I have a web site myself and I am looking for a programmer who is affordable and dependable.
10/27/2007 6:50:59 PM karen

Just wanted to say the wife and i love your show.  we make sure we are home at 11pm local.  We lay in bed and watch. Keep up the great work and having awesome guests. Hopefully you'll pass by the peg city sometime.  We make awesome lasagna and tiramasu.  CHEERS!!!
10/24/2007 1:27:35 PM

I just want to express my love of your program.It is truly a great news program and I promote it to all my friends.Its informative,has interesting topics and great guests.But most importantly,the reason for all these things to work so well,is the host.George is great at his job!!!I love his own ideas about all the topics and i love the format of the program.What else can I say...I love The Hour!!!Now I'm thinking a trip to beautiful Cape Breton should be on the agenda soon!!!!
10/23/2007 7:53:53 PM ruth

You do a really great job...i dont watch regularly but I always think its cool to be canadian when i see the show and i have spent much time in the U.S. and Canada ...can you get someone from Led Zeppelin on the show or tell me if you already have
10/22/2007 10:54:06 PM Saleem

I wish the SRC (Société Radio-Canada) would adapt The Hour’s format for Quebec.I think Quebec’s youth needs a “George”, someone who could get them(more) interested in current events and get them to pay (more) attentionto politics. (I’m a 42 year old dinosaur but I include myself I that group that needs to be shaken a little…) The show’s format is especially efficient in doing that (I love the bios…) but George gives it all such a special energy. Of course, I have no idea who that “French George” could be… Strombo is so unique… and so damn cute ;-) Love your show!
Une admiratrice de Québec
10/19/2007 10:18:20 PM Julie Lévis (Québec)

Loved your Top 10 list a few nights ago, Odd/Funny Names.  Keep up the great work..... the CBC needs more personalities like George!!  Oh yah, my co-worker's name is Randy Bush.  One more for the list!
10/19/2007 4:16:38 AM Paul

Hello George and Staff;I love this show.You people put on an intelligent,diverse and interesting program.I can hardly wait sometimes to see who's up next.Thankyou for such good T.V.   Regards Lisa
10/18/2007 4:34:26 PM Lisa

Last night was my first time viewing your show and it was awsome!  The host is such a regular guy that it was like listening to a friend that I've know for years.  Keep up the great work, I'll be watching.
10/18/2007 11:58:29 AM Bob Detroit

Congrats George and the Hour for your well deserved Gemini's !!! NICE!!!  I would vote for you guys even if you were up against Stewart and Colbert, YOU ROCK !!!     PS Who were you up against?"Living in Toronto?"
10/17/2007 11:04:56 PM southpaw

I am absolutely thrilled that the BEST show on television with the BEST (and smartest) interviewer in the WORLD won a Gemini. Those who don't watch The Hour just don't have a clue about what's going on in the world.  The "real" story is the story George tells, no matter the subject.  Congratulations everyone!
10/17/2007 12:29:46 PM Patti

10/17/2007 7:46:10 AM CHRIS

I've got to give my hearty thanks to both George and the producers of this show for, primarily, choosing fascinating guests and, secondly, avoiding the inane, "Tiger Beat"-style questions during interviews.  I find the variety of guests to be engaging, as well. (Example: Tonight's show included Henry Morgentaler, KT Tunstall, and some commentary from the great GSP.)  Thank you for not pandering to the "What are the Olsen twins wearing tonight?" crowd.  George, thank you for continuing to ask relevant questions and for bringing out the best in your guests.
10/11/2007 2:21:09 AM Leah

As usual, I am impressed by your show.  The guests, commentaries, & venue is, as usual, " great views on the world".  Keep up the great work on an informative show. Having the "great Dr. M" was enlightening.
10/11/2007 12:24:25 AM Kathy

hello George, darling- You made mention of recent the Nobel prizes- but,  (I'm writing from Saskatchewan), the farmer who took on Monsanto (genetic seed case) just received an award there too ! (I think humanitarian?) portion of awards- very interesting case- put him on!!! See you at the Geminis- (you might need your mittens)!
10/10/2007 3:15:58 PM

Just wanted to let you guys know how much we appreciate the show. It's about time Canada put something out that's informative, relevant, and accessible to the younger generations--the ones who tend to spend their time IGNORING the news and issues that are going on in the world. Look forward to watching it regularly, and love all the features. Fabulous job, and George for Prime Minister!
10/9/2007 7:50:14 PM Ashley

the writing on your show sucks
10/9/2007 8:27:44 PM Elcid

I was at the recording on 26th September and had a great time and was able to speak to George. I was on holiday in Toronto and you fixed it for me to come to a recording which was brilliant. Can you please say thanks to  George. Many thanks.
10/8/2007 6:11:20 PM Watson

Tonight, for the first time, I was able to see the guests in my cable listing for The Hour! You have NO IDEA how happy this makes me! I don't know what changed, CBC or Cogeco Cable, but I did the Snoopy Dance of Joy around the coffee table. You rawk, love the show, go Habs!
10/3/2007 11:16:22 PM Stephanie

Hi George:  As you can see my home town and province don't jive, it's just that my home town is Sydney, NS but I've lived in Toronto for 22 years, yet Sydney to me will always be my home town.  Just wanted to tell you I think you are amazing.  I love watching your show.  You seem so down to earth and real in a world where there are so many phonies.  I love watching you interview people. You ask intelligent questions and have a very inviting and approachable personality.  I really enjoyed your interview with Rick Mercer. He is one of my favorite Cdn comics.  No matter who you interview you seem to sincerely enjoy chatting with them and they with you.  I totally agree with your comments tonight about being happy for Canadians who make it big outside of Cda.  I was disappointed for you last year when the US show you were chosen to host didn't last but so happy for us that we get to continue seeing you on "The Hour".  All the best!  Keep doing what you are doing!!!!
10/3/2007 9:30:18 PM Karen

We REALLY enjoy the show!!! To George and all your team, keep up the great work.
10/3/2007 9:00:41 AM Alison & Denis

Hi - this is actually a request regarding graphics. Could you please take off that pop-up, spam-like,graphic that informs the viewer of an upcoming guest. It is really annoying, distracting and unnecessary. We do not all have ADD and those who do should not be indulged. This is Television, not the Internet. I do not need to be reminded that Andrew Lloyd Webber will be on in 12 minutes while Phil Donahue is discussing the US invaision of Iraq. There is ample promotional time on this show as it is. Infact, it feels a bit like filler a la Entertainment Tonight. Content-wise,the show would be substantially shorter without it. There are many of us who have an attention span of more than one minute.  We don't need the reminder and irritating graphic, thank you.  This is the CBC not MTV. Create and lead your audience.Thanks and I do enjoy the show.
10/2/2007 11:28:17 PM Georgia

Hey I love what you have done with the site and the show.  Making a majority of the content available on the web is definitely a forward thinking thing.  Do you have any plans to migrate to flash?  I do a bit of blogging and find flash a much easier format to embed.  I want to pimp you guys.  Keep up the good work.
10/2/2007 1:14:11 AM Jim

Way to go George, for recognizing Patti Smith as #1 in the Top 5 Women who 
built Rock n Roll!  You are so right.  She is a punkpoetrockgoddess, and 
deserves/earned #1.  Many thanks.  Her soul shines thru everything she 
touches, she is so intelligent and a beautiful and articulate poet, 
writer, musician, and fine outstanding compassionate citizen of the 
10/2/2007 12:58:28 AM Lorelei.

I just tried watching a couple interview segments (second attempt today - first was at 3:00 p.m. MDT) and it was simply unbearable. Every 10 seconds the video stops to 'buffer' some more video. I just tested my broadband connection and I have 4.7 Mbps download so the problem must be with the CBC website lacking a large enough pipe to ship this stuff out. If you are not going to buy adequate bandwidth to serve up the videos can I suggest not including videos on your site because it is just plain frustrating.Thanks,
9/30/2007 11:15:56 PM Mark

I just watched  a segment with Rick Mercer, followed later by Jane Goodall.  I am so impressed with how George ran the interview.  He adapts to the guests and interacts exactly the right amount, and at the right moments, with these guests.  This interview with Jane Goodall is one of the most enjoyable ones I've seen on any show, period, in a very long time.  It helps when you have a guest that fabulous, but as of tonight, I'm converted.  I now trust The Hour to deliver.
9/29/2007 2:37:41 AM Jamie

I'd like to see an entire show dedicated to the war on Iran with prominent guests. This show has the power to change the world! I'd like to see issues like the Kyle/lieberman bill discussed, to the propaghanda being shoved down our throats about Iran. I'd also like you to see this link which is the reason I'm emailing you today, which could be a usefull source for questions on the topic
9/29/2007 12:02:24 AM

Loved when you interviewed Lewis Black at the Bookstore - Last night show was another great mix  Jane Goodall and Dave Grohl -both interesting and quite honest (a rarity) in their own right.And the opening bit was so funny - was that guy really a writer for theshow - love to see his act live or on TV. I normally just leave the TV on BBC or TVO (and then not watch it) but 11:00 o'clock is THE HOUR for me. I point to your show as one of thosethings that define what differentiates  Canadians from their Americanneighbours.   Keep up the great work - it is even getting better which is hard tobelieve.
9/27/2007 8:47:17 AM Rick

It pretty sums up what I wan't to let you know: THANKS.  I wished I could let you know how much I appreciate the show, it's content, the work behind it and of course the ''hosting'' in the same way you let it through on screen, for me. But my talent is not that. So let me say instead that the subjects that you choose, the way you treat them, the humanity that emanes with self confidence and most of all the great emotional intelligence of George, don't go unoticed and surely not only by me since you have a ''compliment-section'' in the email section of your Contact Us... I particularely insisted on leaving my comment tonight, since tomorrow, you are joined by Roy Dupuis and Romeo Dallaire both known by Quebec-ers, and emails will be pourring in saying the same thing: Genius = The show... and most probably the interview too, tomorrow.  But for me, The Hour is a must since last year. A late must , 11pm, but I try not to miss one, even if  I go on line check out the interviews I missed. So Thank you (the team) for putting something intelligent on tv. For your good work, entertaining, passionate about essential subject that really matters and even when it's lighter tone, George (and probably his reserchers and so forth) makes it so Good. The visual, the music, the camera mooves, let's face it, it's Very Good Television and I know good televison caus i'm a watcher, mostly in french at Télé-Quebec. So thank you all, and good night ;-)
9/27/2007 1:09:20 AM Michèle-

I have been meaning to drop a line to tell you how much I enjoy your show.  You have had some of the most interesting guests.  I was hooked after watching Bill Clinton's spiritual advisor and not long after Christopher Hitchens.  I also love George!  What a great host.  I had no idea that this was the third season.  I only wish I had been watching from the beginning.  Good Luck!
9/25/2007 12:11:09 PM Barbara

I have recently started watching the show when I am up late.I have to say the George S. has it all over every talk show host out there. He actually listens to his guests and does not turn it into an ego fest. And even more astounding, he allows them the time to finish a sentence,a thought or an opinion. George has a gift that at least this viewer appreciates. Thanks for being there. I hope more American viewers discover this gem of a show. They will because I tell everyone!!!
9/20/2007 1:04:55 AM Shannon

My teen aged daughter got me hooked on The Hour over the summer.Back to work after holidaysand much to my dismay, I can't stay up late enough now to watch.I am desolated about that.My thanks to all of you at the show for covering such timely relevant material with the totally no B.S format, I wish you all many years on air, but would love to see the hour at a more"sleep" friendly time.Peace and much respect,
9/22/2007 10:07:30 AM Holly

hey, i enjoy this show alot. DON'T CANCEL IT.  it seems to be a habit of the t.v. gods to smite those shows that i become attached to.
9/22/2007 3:12:14 AM sumeet

All I have to say that The Hour keeps me sane!  Since finishing university 5 years ago and having 2 kids, I have so little opportunities to learn and discuss the issues of the day, the arts, and all the other topics that keep my mind buzzing.  The Hour is perfect, a great mix of all things interesting and current; a great way to keep up on todays news without becoming totally depressed.
9/21/2007 12:13:24 AM Abby Paterson

Hey there, I have recenty watch a few shows at the 10pm slot of the hour.  I personally hate T.V now days, I enjoy informative interesting talkshows, History, etc. Can't stand reality T.V.  Oprah okay, I am intranced withThe

This is the most real and, by far, the most interesting show on TV.
9/20/2007 12:22:01 PM A. Corcoran

Wow! I cant believe I'm just finding this tv show now. This is the best show I've seen years. I love that it blends current issues with wit and humour. Love the mix of ecletic people and topics. I find it amazing that I can actually learn something and laugh every show. I've now pu George and his team on my "List" of top 10 people to have dinner with....I really cant say enough good stuff about the show. This is the first time I have ever written in to a show ....The Hour is the only reason I still watch tv. Thank you!
9/19/2007 10:12:49 PM Christine

George,  the show is GREAT.  I'm an Australian living in Singapore and found your show by accident, surfing the net one night.  Your interview style rates only second to Andrew Denton and thats high praise from this homesick Aussie :)  Thanks so much for making it all available online.
9/16/2007 9:47:03 AM

Good show george keep it up
8/28/2007 12:34:06 PM Evan

I'm an Alberta man, born and raised living in Portland, OR. I both love and miss this show. Thanks for something edgy enough to keep me coming back...and making quite the effort to do so!
8/28/2007 12:47:37 AM Steve 

The show is fabulous, but the topper for me is the inclusion of Luciano in the opening of the show. In my younger days, he taught 3 of the Improv courses I attended at Second City and left a lasting impression. I now am in the 20th year of working in the general insurance industry. Thanks Luch! Keep up the good work.
8/21/2007 2:57:34 PM James
I just discovered your show this summer thanks to all the other reruns and WOW I'm so glad I did cause now YOU'RE MY FAVORITE show. Love the way your show is set up, love the way you do the bio, and I especially love the way YOU interview. Please keep doin what your doin. You're GREAT!!!
8/22/2007 11:11:34 AM Connie

I absolutely love that you interview interesting characters such as PJ O'Rourke and June Callwood.  These people are the voices of experience and have real stories to tell,  unlike some celebs that are interviewed on other entertainment shows.  Who cares who did or did not wear underwear to cette club or who was arrested for driving drunk while chasing tailing assistant.  To George and all the others at The Hour; you rock my socks ;o)
8/22/2007 5:10:22 PM Tanya

Is this the best the CBC can offer?
8/23/2007 3:50:30 PM

Excellent work with the show. I'd love to contribute to the show some time. If there are any interesting upcoming topics for the show that I can help research, let me know. I'd love to help. thanks.
8/24/2007 12:57:06 AM Rob

hello,  I love your show. Diversity, creativity are the simple words I have to describe your work. I would like to suggest a guess. We  are fans of hockey. Sydney Crosby would be interesting interview. thank you and keep the good work
8/13/2007 11:56:22 PM maria

\Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you! I was dreading my move to the US and the prospect of missing out on the next two seasons of your show.  But I just learned that I can watch it all online! Life just got a whole lot rosier :)
8/12/2007 10:54:52 AM Effie

super show - Yahoo - Canada needs an edgy take on entertainment and world news.  Have told both my 20+ daughters and friends to watch - but stop with the switching around of time slots.
8/9/2007 4:57:51 PM y wilson

Everyone time I catch this show on T.V. I am blown away by the insightful and intelligent interviewing and the fascinating guests. You have managed to attract a wide ranging audience with a combination of edginess, innovative ideas and a sincerity and honesty in what you chose to explore vis a vis guests and quirky presentations in an artful form - George you got it all. Thank you for bringing to our attention some fascinating people and their perspectives. Loved the interview with Alexandre Trudeau - you have such an intelligent and respectful way of interviewing and presenting innovative ideas and information even when they are a little crass and silly i.e. your top ten lists esp. on unusual names of towns. thank you.
8/10/2007 12:49:11 AM Mary

This for me is an excellent hour spent.  From the diversity of the topics, the excellent guests and a great host.  I can relate to this show and for me it is the best Canadian show I have ever seen. Quality all around.
8/8/2007 8:25:44 PM Craig

 first of all great show and great host.  I love the variety of guests you have and I especially liked the segment about political or religious suicide bombers or terrorists.  it's great to create awareness about different identities and worldviews.  In North America it seems very few people would consider suicide in the same way the people discussed on your segment do.  It's always important to understand the context of a situation before our own moral values and worldviews can be impressed upon people with such different cultures and identities.
8/8/2007 8:40:52 PM Maeghan

George, Thank you so much for having John Zaritzky on your show to discuss his new film "The Suicide Tourist" (BTW, there's a typo on your website, left out a "t" in documentary.)  Yes, it's uncomfortable to talk about death and dying in our culture and I so applaud you for breaking through that boundary and doing it anyways.  I so love the environment you create on the show and the way in which you talk to both us, the audience, and to your guests.  You truly speak to our shared humanity in a considerate and compassionate way. And so I say, Thank you, George.
8/9/2007 2:49:42 AM Ayela

I happened upon the show for the first time when George had on June Callwood and I was sold.  If I happen to miss the 11:00 (our time) show I can always catch it at 5:00 the next morning. I have become addicted to the personality of George. He seems so unassuming and thoroughly interested in his guests.  The show moves at a very nice, brisk, rate and the format is totally unique. I especially like the bios done before a guest appears.  The one thing that I might suggest is that George explain to the guests that they are seated so as to promote the conversation between himself and his guest and not to promote an audience self-recognition. So many times I see a guest moving into position towards some part of the audience in order to have a facial exposure with that audience. I feel sorry for them in their attempt at being recognized. It is also obvious that those that are not so inclined toward this self-promotion or recognition feel very comfortable with just facing George and getting on with the interview.  Do keep up the good work - it is very refreshing television.
8/3/2007 9:23:39 AM W L

Hi! I just wanted to let you guys know that I think you are doing a fantastic job. I have never been one to send e-mails out like this, and i know that your show must get thousands of these, but I figure one more drop in the bucket cant hurt. I have grown up with cbc all around me as a child. my dad is an avid national watcher, but i always had a hard time connecting to it. i dont know if it is the fact that i'm older and can now appreciate canadian news as opposed to, um, 'other sensationalized' news, but over the past year i have really enjoyed your show. it has the great unbiased opinion of cbc that i have become to be incredibly proud of, and it is also appealing to youth, which is awesome and has been needed in the newsworld. I can't get over the quality of guests you have. Everyone is extremely interesting and relevant to society, and the interviews are top knotch. Keep up the great work, and I'll keep watching! Thanks.
7/26/2007 5:52:22 AM ben

George,  I had to write and tell you I think your show is awesome. I am a 4th year Political Science student at Memorial University of Newfoundland.  The Hour is my favorite show because i find it youthful fresh, yet intelligent and interesting.  I can't belive some of the people you manage to get on your show!  Besides the fact that it is refreshingly smart and interesting for young people like myself, I think it is good because it puts Canada on the map for alot of your guests.  It shows them that the youth in Canada too, are interested in world events, politics and important people and events in our civilizations history.  I also think you do a great job at making guests comfortable and by making the enviroment less formal it makes the interview far better because your are able to really see your guests as the real people they really are.  Also, please dont take offense to this, but I think you need to lose the addidas sneakers and put on somedress shoes.  LikeI said comfortable and young is good, but sneakers might be too much-I respect you have your own style but sneakers are too much.  Anyway, I think this show is doing a great job, I bet your mother is very proud of you, as a young Canadian I am proud of The Hour!  And one last thing, can you send me mailing information for the guy who invented apple?  Like a real address so I know he will get and my letter?
7/13/2007 12:06:28 AM Anna

George; You are great. You make Canadians proud. Know this to be true. I hope you get this message. Canadian T.V. Bores me, But you make it exciting.  And may I also say your hot!!!!!!! But Don't take away that your respected @ your capabilities as an interviewer.
Love & Recept; 
7/17/2007 6:14:09 AM Tania

Just a quick note to say i love the show....its so very imformative and covers such a wide variety of subject matter. Of course, George makes it enjoyable to watch with his great personality and personal flare. Thanks so much and keep up the good work.
7/11/2007 11:10:25 AM Tiffany

I just caught tonights episode and George's interviews with James Bartleman and June Callwood. June is right....George is VERY good at his job! He caught my attention from the very first (or maybe second?) episode. It's fresh, interesting, and the topics are a good mix of interests for all ages. I give George and the producers especially huge credit for interviewing James Bartleman and highlighting important issues like the plight of our native communities in northern Ontario. It's an ongoing issue in our country that does not get near enough attention in our mainstream media. Maybe our "third world" communities would be a lot different if Canadians were more aware of what's really going on in their own backyard instead of just criticizing apartheid in other parts of the world!  PS The interview with June was a treat. She is truly a Canadian treasure.
7/12/2007 5:18:27 AM Connie

The show is great, any further interviews with Stephan Jones will be watched with interest and understanding thanks. An avid watcher now.
7/6/2007 11:02:39 PM Elly

Just had to tell you how much i love your show!!! it is (very) fast paced and topical ...enjoy all the 'famous' people you get on, and also those i have never heard of before.  I really am impressed at the WIDE variety of topics...i just started watching the show a few months ago as a friend was adamant that i check it out, and i am so glad i did. ALAS, i cannot see it listed anywhere this week on Star Choice, usually i get a wide variety of times to choose from  (8 or 9 pm is great for me!) Keep up the great work...if you are not already, you should be on the national treasure list!!
7/5/2007 11:41:28 PM NancMike

Honestly one of the best shows on TV. I am so proud to be a Canadian with a great show like the Hour.  keep it comin!
6/30/2007 1:41:14 AM Shari

Dear Sirs, I'm impressed with the range of guest. As well the range of topics your show has. For what info one has is important in forming discriminating  judgements. I know this show is popular with the youth. Thank you for bringing people who are active and concern to the canadian viewer. Helping give a well rounded view.   I was hoping in the news the crisis of the First Nations didn't gets lost in the Via blockade news. Image one goverment department's policy result in another's department policy that allowed children to be removed from mothers at hospital. Because the condistions that the 1st department policy helped create. Policies of rights to water and housing that are so bad it puts the infant at risk. Yet they return the mother to live in it. This is Canadian (and American) stlye of genicide.Continueng a slow annihilation of a people. A black mark on this civilization.  Peace & good day.
6/29/2007 10:34:00 AM Cathy

Love the it everday!  I really enjoyed several interviews; Dee Snider was fun, Tony Bennett is a legend, Alex Trudeau was interesting, even Neil Sedaka was an eye-opener.  KEEP IT UP!
6/29/2007 8:57:48 AM Susa

This is the 2nd full show I have watched and I am HOOKED.  What an entertaining way to discuss current critical issues.  Love ya George
6/27/2007 1:04:15 AM Gloria

I stumbled upon your show one night and watched a few moments and then switched.  This happened a few times before I watched the whole thing.  Typical Canadian programing can be...informative but boring.  This you are not!  I just love your show and after the first full HOUR I am now hooked. Who knew Canadian content could kick J. Stewart's butt.  Thanks so much (now add another time slot pls)
6/23/2007 3:46:21 AM c

George, You are my boyfriend from 9-10 on most week nights - I love your show and I think you're sweet!  P.S The scientist you had on last night (I never forget a name but for some reason I can't remember hers) please don't invite her back! Thanks. God Bless!
6/22/2007 9:15:01 PM Marylou

YOU MUST INTERVIEW CONNIE FOGAL OF THE CANADIAN ACTION PARTY  the unification of north america ie Canada US Mexico is being made right now by the Global corporate elite of the big US and Canadian corporations with complete disregard for the libertys of the people let alone the fundamental concept of democracy.
6/22/2007 3:15:49 PM

Sir:  CBC hosts should not let these war propagandists project such a false impression that Iraq and Afghan governments  "invited" us in ,  but  challenge them  that foreign  invaders put those corrupt and undemocratic governments into power in the first place.
6/18/2007 8:28:48 PM JJ

I am a Mac user.  I try to watch the clips on the Web using Safari and/or Firefox.  The clip begins with The Hour advert and then stops. Go to black. Dragging the scroll bar puts me in the middle of the interview.  Yes I have Flip4Mac.  Please fix this.  It is beyond f#*cking annoying.
6/18/2007 3:39:41 AM CLint

Went to the Wednesay June 14th show...was (initially) a little disappointed that there were no live interviews, but because George is a dynamic, interesting, intelligent and quite humourous host (can you tell I like him)it all turned out well! It was also very interesting to see how a TV show is produced. I'm looking forward to going to another taping in the fall...
6/14/2007 3:13:58 PM Christine

Love the show guys, I dont always get a change to watch it - but its great. Keep up the great work, and I LOVE the style/taste of the show. Thanks!
6/13/2007 3:09:02 AM Robb

Hi, I want to commend the show and most importantly George's interview style.  His engaged, passionate, attentive yet casual style is entertaining and informative to watch and must be a kick for those being interviewed.  On a personal note, I find that when I am trying to fully engage in a conversation with someone especially someone new to my world, I thinnk of George and his interest in people, his singular focus and humour.  It's a great point of reference.  "What would Jesus do?"  Well - George is hardly an icon (and quite happy not to be one I'm sure) but I do relate to his interview style. I'm a new viewer of The Hour and a "young middle aged" one at that.  I am fascinated at the new direction that CBC television and radio is headed.  I think that The Hour is good for the world, at least good for Canada and certainly good for me.  Thanks for entertaining and informing.
6/13/2007 1:18:20 AM Jill

I'm not sure what that was all about (the opening credits of tonight's show), but I nearly choked with laughter on my dinner.
Never thought I'd ever have anything in common with Dubya. Cheers!
6/12/2007 8:05:21 PM Olivier

I love the Friday night Best-Of show. I don't get to see the show every weeknight, but I won't miss the Friday night show.
6/8/2007 8:37:15 PM Bill

hi george,  I really your show and you are great! I learn soooo much. keep up the good work.
6/8/2007 12:45:57 AM sue

For most of my adult life I have avoided watching the CBC, there has never really been anything of any interest to me on the station. Then in the past 6 months I have been getting up early in the morning to get the household ready for work and my boyfriend and I eat breakfast together while watching news. However at 5 am there is not much on television besides infomercials, so we turned to CBC and caught a replay of the Hour. It honestly did not take long before we were both hooked. To make sure we don't miss it (incase we sleep in) we even tape the episodes. I have learned more from the interviews that George does, and he has sparked more conversation in the house and with the family than any other "news" show out there. The show keeps me interested by interviewing different people than you see in the mainstream media, and talking about controversial subjects like religion from all points of view.  I just want to say "keep up the good job" because you have turned a generally apathetic person about humanity to someone who cares about where we are going as Canadians, and as the world.
6/8/2007 9:12:11 AM Laura

George and the rest of the Hour team:  Just wanted to drop a quick line to say that you currently have the best talk show on TV today. I enjoy the unique mix of News magazine and Entertainment show that you are doing.  It is truly unique and a much needed breath of fresh air on Canadian Television. Thank you.
6/7/2007 10:52:41 AM Matt

doing a great job......ive always loved the cbc and its free........what a dealwho needs
6/6/2007 11:28:11 PM mark

why hasnt a free press reported on the cure for cancer found in little forks nova scotia
6/6/2007 11:27:09 PM

I think you have the best show on the CBC.  George is intelligent, edgy and relevant.  I never miss an episode.  You make me proud to be a Canadian.
6/5/2007 10:09:12 PM Marc

Super show George even if you are a Habbbber
6/5/2007 11:55:39 PM Richard

The Hour is the best program of it's genre on TV anytime...anywhere. George is an outstanding host/interviewer.
6/5/2007 1:17:30 AM Brian

Loving The Hour!  When you first changed the show time it did cramp my style a bit. No problem as you have it all so
beautifully available on-line. I'm out of the country for a little while and this keeps me in touch. When George is with you, being far from home is not so bad! :D now I download the podcasts and listen to them on my way to work.  Good job! No, GREAT job!  I ALSO wanted to congratulate you on your guests - WAY interesting! Such a wonderful eclectic mix. Two thumbs up!
5/30/2007 3:59:53 PM Mia

Just wanted to let you know that you are watched alot here in Labrador.You do a remarkable job and the hour goes by so fast.Keep up the good work!!  If you ever decide to visit you would be most welcomed....
5/29/2007 6:55:11 PM Ann

i recently attended a taping of your show and just wanted to say thank you to all of you for at least pretending that you like your jobs.... if it had turned out that the show was put on by a bunch of arrogant asses it would have made it a lot harder to enjoy the show each night.... so thank you i guess for not being asses. I will continue to watch and enjoy.
5/28/2007 4:00:25 AM marina

Lookey here,  The Hour is quite possibly the greatest program of its kind in the history of the world. Hyperbole? **** that. I've been watching it since I can remember and I can't get enough.   And hey, CBC, you cancel that shit, I fight you. Try me
5/22/2007 12:02:06 AM Nick

Sir/ Madam,  I find Mr.Stroumboulopoulos to be a very fine host who provides domestic, and international news, in a manner that reflects my taste almost to a fault. The diverse content is presented to all Canadians with humour, tact, and a little cheek thrown in for good measure.  Nurture this talented fellow and please allow him to grow within the CBC family and I am sure you will continue to be rewarded with a compelling, insightful reporter.  The Hour is a tremendous program and keep up the good work.  Best regards,
5/19/2007 3:46:07 PM John

Great show. I discovered it when it aired at 9pm ( I think) a few months back...
5/19/2007 3:50:58 AM KP

Hey, love the show, But I never catch it on TV, I get the feeds from itunes.  I was wondering, what is stopping you guys from putting the whole show on itunes everyday.It's one of the most popular video podcasts as it is now and I'm sure people would love to subscribe to the full show...or at least the weeks end highlight show.  I am completely uninterested in the television these days and prefer watching my media content of my geek box.Besides hockey, all the shows I like I get off of bit torrent'd be nice if the donks at the CRTC would gimme a legit and easy option of getting what I want from the internet(ie itunes).  anyways...thanks keep up it up
5/19/2007 3:50:58 AM nathan

Just a note to say what a great job Paul Bates did last night on his segment concerning "nationhood".  He's a very talented young man and I'd like to see more of him.
5/18/2007 11:16:24 AM G

I woke up this morning and thought about turning on the TV but decided to listen to an old EVE6 CD instead. Just listening to the music got me thinking about THE HOUR (but be the muscial influences on the show) I can't believe how much tripe is on TV these days. I'm very active with sports in the evenings and THE HOUR is my only salvation when I get home at 10:00. I'm so sick on hearing the usual rhetoric on the news about how 'so and so died' and 'this is corrupt' bla bla bla. It's all so very taxing to the human brain!  Therefore, I'd like to thank the producer, George and the staff at THE HOUR for putting together a show with the perfect balance of News, Celeb Gossip, humour and the most amazing guests & (dare I say it) commercials (not too many of 'em). The only TV show that doesn't burn me up! George is an amazing interviewer... keep up the good work prodding the minds of the willing! Cheers,
5/12/2007 8:50:53 AM Bruce

LOVED tonight's one yet...I have watched it 5 times and I can't stop laughing.......The Hour is the best thing on television...nothing comes close to it...keep up the great work !
5/11/2007 3:57:05 AM

Congratulations!!! Just wanted to drop a note to say that I enjoyed the comments of George Stroumboulopoulos on Talk Sex With Sue Johanson. Keep up the good job and I wish you continued success in your career.
5/7/2007 1:38:19 PM Terrance

Excellent work. My favourite piece on television in the genre of I never know what you're gonna do or who you'll interview - the broadest spectrum is a great brand. It takes a great team to do brilliant work.  Congratulations to you all.  Website is great.
5/7/2007 2:48:06 AM Susanna

Hi there... first time emailer, but I've been to the show twice.  A couple of things I wanted to throw your way...1. I really appreciate that you have the early morning reruns.  I have a dish so often if I miss the show the night before I'll flip it on in the morning before I go to work.  2. I was very thrilled to hear that you're going to have Phil Koeghan (from the Amazing Race) on the show.  I'm just wondering if that will be done "on location" or in the studio in front of an audience.  If you're able to pass along any more information that would be super!  Again, thanks for a very informative and entertaining show.  Keep up the great work.
5/3/2007 10:28:02 AM Ryan

Wow!  I hestitate to tell your crew how much your show makes a difference to me.  I'm one of those (believe it or not) peasant TV families....antennae.....and CBC's signal is AWESOME!  I loved the Kreskin show...even before it happened...believe it or not.  Callwood Uncut EXQUISTE... what a country we live in!  Excellent interview with ex spy guy.  As a 40 something I appreciate your energy and your approach to news. Keep it raw and honest. A view from Southern, Alberta... Ciao!
4/27/2007 9:36:28 PM GL

I just read a number of your feedback responses to see who is responding and what they have to say about this new style of show.  I'm glad to see that you are offering worthwhile, interesting infotainment that is actually able to engage the GenX viewer.  For years I have been appalled at the number of younger people who know so little about national and world affairs and therefore could care less what is going on outside their own limited sphere of knowledge.  I suspect this is because, just as they have genetically changed in appearance, they also now truly need a more high energy, fast paced programming to keep their attention.  Lots of little zaps of stimulating information so to speak.  After all, most were raised on TV sitters, video games, and fast paced entertainment.  That poses a real challenge for an up to date news program;.  incorporate the fast-paced format with stimulating information about the world around them.  George Strombo-etc. is just the man to deliver!  Keep up the good work, George!  You could be the next generation's Peter Mansbridge et al.  You are a very capable interviewer and certainly have the pulse of your audience as far as content goes.  I will continue to watch your career with interest, George, but I'm afraid us old guys still need an additional dose of our Peter Mansbridges et al.  After all, that is _our_ comfort zone.
4/30/2007 2:20:47 AM

Love this show.  George (I call him Georgie! - as a grandma I can) has replaced Vickie Gabereau as the best talk show host.  Glad I can catch it earlier on Newsworld.  He's great! Make's US talk shows look infantile.  Advertise his show more to broaden the audience.
4/27/2007 3:09:17 PM Eleanor

Hello George, about 6 months ago I wrote a complaint to The Hour about a tasteless segment you had on your show.  Since then, I have watched your show on and off after the National, and I must say I have to give you a lot of credit. You cover a lot of current events, as well as pop culture mixed in, and it makes it very interesting to watch.  The best part of the show is your personality, and your ad hoc delivery, never missing a beat. Thanks for opening up young peoples minds to world events, and for making news not so boring anymore.  Keep up the great work, we need more people like you in the media.
4/27/2007 4:11:31 AM Ravi

I just wanted to write in to say that I really like The Hour. As a 20-something, it's difficult to find shows that are smart and entertaining at the same time. Most late-night shows are full of fluff- which is all right sometimes, but I prefer this much more. I especially like the fact that George is respectful to everyone- there aren't any jokes that downgrade women. I appreciate it. Plus it's Canadian!
4/27/2007 11:03:14 AM Helen

Hi George,   I have just learned of your show “The Hour” by just randomly flipping channels on the remote a few weeks ago...before that, I never knew this show even existed...I must say I am very impressed with the whole idea of “The Hour”.  It’s not just entertainment gossip, it pretty much covers every area of interest whether it is Music, Movies, Politics, Sports etc etc .. by etc I mean .... just a whole variety of topics possible for any viewer to want to stay in tune.....I enjoy listening to your opinions, but I must say, some opinions are debatable :-) ... but yet, interestingly enough to keep the viewers thinking... I like that !!!... just awesome T.V. .... great idea/concept.... Good work !!  This is the type of show you would not want CBC to cancel. I may just have to take a drive to T.O. to watch this show live, it certainly would be worth the trip.  Much success to you & to the show.  Ciao,  
4/25/2007 5:25:35 PM Josie

Hey... You guys have an awesome show goin'. Can't think of any other Canadian TV talk show that gets so many celebrities. Keep up the good work.
4/25/2007 11:34:01 PM Andrew

Great host, guests, content. I watch faithfully at 9 pm, (11 too late). I want you to know that although you,(CBC), are aiming for the younger crowd to "revolutionize" the CBC, there are many of us boomers from the sixties that are so happy to hear an intelligent and challenging take on culture and the news. Thank you George, I wouldn't miss it.
4/23/2007 9:11:18 PM glori

The hour is the 2nd best show on TV, after Daily Planet. George is the best interviewer I have ever seen.
Keep up the good work!
4/24/2007 3:06:08 PM David

Love the Show George,.... but.....Is it just me or in the past couple of weeks has there been re-run after re-run. Are you  on holidays or what?  If not I'd rather see more news and less re-runs interviews.
4/18/2007 12:03:05 PM Tanya

My hubby and I are quite taken by the show, George is fantastic.  I admit we don't always know many of the guests he has on the show.  However, one interview really sticks out, and thats the one with June Callwood. Many of my friends were equally impressed with that interview.  Good going there George.  Keep up the good work. Thank-you C.B.C., your part of our daily lives be it C.B.C. radio or Television.
4/12/2007 1:49:56 AM Molly

Ok first off I love the show. I mean I really love it.. I've always been a fan of current events and newsbroadcasting but you have all hit the mark here.  What I really wanted to compliment you on specifically are your comedic and original intros.  Specifically the one that aired on Easter Monday (though I think that was a re-run) with everyone from Mansbridge to ET Canada. Whoever came up with it deserves a beer at the very least. I would greatly appreciate it if you were to post it on your website so I can spread the love.
4/11/2007 4:59:46 PM Meagan

If you can make me laugh out loud while I sit in my classroom marking Math Test - you're doing something right!  Your "News" segment was quite funny - great writing and delivery.
4/11/2007 8:46:45 AM Mer

Hello, probably sounds like a broken record by now but here's yet another person who loves the show!  I would like to thank you for having Nuruddin Farah on the show. Your interview with him intrigued me and prompted me to go and get one of his books which I am nearly finished now, "Maps." It's a fantastic and truly unique read that I would otherwise have not had the chance to know about.  Thank you for having such distinguished guests on your show, as well as your thought-provoking interviews which keep me coming back.
4/10/2007 11:41:01 AM Graham

great show
4/10/2007 11:24:09 AM daniele talbot

Amazing show on all fronts. I am a student in political science and love to see real issues being approached on T.V. The first step to any sort of action is education, since not all are political science graduates, a program like The Hour is an amazing tool. An original approach to news that appeals to people who are hungry for information without news anchors. Any eventual cancellation of this show would be a shame.
4/10/2007 12:16:22 AM Joel

like your show George, like how natural you are, how you interview
4/10/2007 12:01:42 AM maya

A reaction for the Hour about the modern state of the performing arts

CBC’s the Hour is lost in a sea of televised pollutants which do not promote the progression of today’s mainstream culture.  Mainstream culture is not our modern mass-media in all its glory but rather the vessel of its nemesis for those who produce the gems of culture do not form their art with the intent of making it for the exploitation; they write or sing a message who’s impressions and undertones are more important to them than the final products appeal itself and many such artist do not gain the deserved recognition because of the state of the medium.    

The musician is the greatest conveyor of emotion that exists in the performing arts.  Their main goal is to pick up the mood of the people and turn it back upon them.  In classic days the guitar player and the fiddler would work the fields with the rest of the peasantry and at certain occasions like the jubilee of the harvest or weekend shindigs would pull out the bow and string and play a romp with friends and neighbours for the enjoyment of the hometown crowd.  Those who excelled in performing would be sent off or would leave not content with simple farming finding a roving band to play with traveling to other towns and might possibly be hired to perform for the nobility.  These were performances true to life, to hear Beethoven himself and pick up the emotional vibrations he commanded, as we listen today only to the recitation of his music off the sheet, played only from the tablature the true beauty and meaning are long lost. 

So the modern era comes to pass, the war is hard and due to suffrage the moral must be increased, the radio has already promoted the stage acts to great fair back home and with the flavour granted of what is out there the theaters are soon packed, but outside the upper classes recordings are not yet in a state of greater distribution until the fifties.  Now we arrive to our modern period, Video has killed the radio star, as true states of bling and extravagance are flaunted on screen and so sought by many.  Many artist start with the truth of the pains and troubles of the small timers life tribulations but the following records after discovery lose the truth of the underground emotions and the artist performs with the revelries of the gained opulence and the emotions praise the intensity and bounty of the revel which spawns from it. It is rare that an artist does not conform and denies wealth and comfort so the art is lost to the masses as the corporations simply match the sound and create better fitting drones for the acolytes of posh suburban lifestyle. 

The sports and recreations which can be enjoyed by all now have high roller players which earn high capitol and yet have lost anything resembling a real life goal.  For recreations throw a dart to open a pub, bowl to build and operate a new alley, or hit a golf ball to earn a name for the right to instruct others.  Recreation suffers in its own way, but pro-sports suffer the greatest.  Media has made a mockery of those games.  The radio broadcaster’s voice now replaced with instant replays, as those who play the game are there to gain a lifestyle and not to promote play.  The doctor who might enjoy a game of ball or a round of golf every once and who with domestic life can never seem to find the time, and so the excuse is to conference on the green the doctors those who deserve but are denied the upper lifestyle.  The ball player gains an enormous salary for the simple abilities proven in a backyard while the medics and healthcare workers make little and were still burdened with intense schooling for nearly a whole decade.  The home town baseball player is known like the community doctor once was.  The doctor now struggles with more than just ailments, maladies, and illnesses, the traumas gained from the bustling modern world now stream in, and the doctor no longer has the renowned when in the village square.  The baseball player might have been a great social worker, a good teacher, or an excelling bar owner but because of the high rate of pay offered for play the game becomes a goal for receiving the high life, and so the game suffers as the earned living or the glory is placed first in the players mind before the simple enjoyments and pleasures of the game itself. 

Those who watch Baseball can sense this, a player there to earn is like the doctor there to earn and the bed side manners are the same.  The doctor that wished to make others well and the player who wants to play and promote other to get involved with the game are the real professional champions.  They are the ones the masses want to go and see, and like the hospital care, baseball isn’t really newsworthy but for the final scores.  So those most concerned can travel to sit in the stands or in the waiting rooms and watch the events firsthand.

For politicians the world is now the stage, and for the researcher the world is always a customer in need.  The politicians are lost in the modern party system and as they attempt to sort out the quandaries between their own factions they often forget about the true purpose of government, the people they are elected to represent.  To get anything done a politician must become like the king or the whole body will quietly admit calamity and turns their true purpose to consultants and political researchers.  The researchers now preoccupied with the nature of social woe, the politicians wasting tax income on the processing of secondary consultants and so cannot afford to promote research into the banes that blight humanity.  Politicians need to deny themselves the stage except on Election Day itself, and that stage of election need only be found as a simple pavilion present in the district of home riding.  It is the researcher needs to be rewarded with greater renowned; this to gain recognition and be offered places to help progress new fields of research with access to ever increasing funds and freedoms.

The poor neglected writer they working for the live stage will gain all the renowned they deserve; the producer of the masterworks known in modern or classical times, but take that writer to the talkies and his name is lost behind the front-man and the blinding lights of the studio.  What happened many live venues or to the weekly matinee serials from the theaters: they moved to television, and now the crime drama shows crooks how to outsmart the officers as the actors uplift and promote the seeder styles of life; even reliving multiple homicidal horrors for a sold thrill but found far too similar to what the real killers once did.  War is glory in the movies and yet famine is never found. 

While the fame and the opulence’s of the actors seem glamorous it is not always a great life; freedom is lost and in leaving the posh surroundings or any attempts to act normal would gains them attention from paparazzi and fans.  They must hide behind the personable curtain of those who do not care to pester them, while those of the curtain think it a privilege to be treated as a thing. If only the police could some how gain the respect of the actor; to travel with that awe like the aspired empiric guardsman or the grander knight but instead the police are below the standards of the publics respect.  The police often receive the opposite of respect gaining distain from the masses when noticed in the environment, while they work and struggle to prevent the doctor from gaining new patients, work as peon enforcers to the political method.

Television is a medium for news-media and other informative programming only.  The dramas and sitcoms need to be brought back to the pictures show and the stages.  The sets of a sitcom can easily be put upon the small stage for public viewing and the stand-up comic and small time actors gain a greater venue for work.  Music is best live, but at the same time to hear a voice from a land of famine, from a place impoverished, or from those farmers plague stricken such sounds are the real world but no one would buy into them so the performer on the walk is the only evidence that such tones exists, and when those musical panhandlers play outside basic recital their cases remain empty of tips and gratuities.  What is the true emotion in the music from a conflict zone where war rages on; it seems in such an environment no one has time to write it. So unheard the politicians dally and the doctors are too busy to ever think of starting a house league.

The Hour itself should be a longer running show nearly a network for musical content but informative as well, not just all interviews countdowns and DJ lists, like a visual radio-station promoting acts and the truth in emotional music all day long, but also following to the places of inspiration for true art.  To be entertained we should need to leave our homes, and that very entertainment would become excellent and free for revolutionarily grandstanding.  Currently the moral booster is only needed because we can not help but witness and for some reason become jealous of the high life those of the entertainment industry seem to enjoy.  Salary cap fame and remove the artist from television but in promotion to prevent the creation of the inevitable downer the public is now forced to swallow.
4/8/2007 12:16:44 PM William

big fan of the banner ads on cbc.cafor the hour. keep them up.they are a piece of art . amazing design.
4/8/2007 9:47:04 AM ljsdal

I've watched your late night show (The Hour , with George Stroumboulopoulos) several times.  Yet,I am not a late night kind of a person.However,I find this show very engaging,for its content - as well as for the enthusiasm of the host.I suspect
that there could be no better person to host this show,since George has a natural ability to connect with his guests and his
audience.He is able to relate himself to people from all walks of life.He is able to create a momentum that lasts for the entire hour.Well,at least to my observation. This is a talent that stands out and I personally admire.  Congratulations to George Stoumboulopoulos and to his management team for hiring him. Keep up the good work - George!Regards,
4/6/2007 9:58:59 PM Teresa

I'm a 50 yr old aging punker who works for a major financial institution (the best one, the green one) and a music and media junkie.  The Hour is the best TV show ever.  My 72 yr old mother loves it (she watches at 8, I watch at 11) she has a problem with the music references, I don't.  George, you cover it all and still remain so cool.  Your guests seem sooooo comfortable, and at ease.  I still love the John Lydon (Rotten) newstand as a fav, being a huge Pistols fan.  Think you'll be able to get Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance on as they tour Canada?  I waw Green Day on the American Idiot tour 2 yrs ago at Barrie, and went to the Warped tour later that yr, but missed MCR, and now think they're the next Green Day ( my teenage kids hate me, cause I listen to the smae music as them). 
4/6/2007 12:14:15 AM Tim the Rockin' Banker.

George, nice! Eats, shoots, and leaves. You were definitely on. Loved the line up (WWF and grammerical issues) Very funny (props to the humour guys). giant bunnies?! woah. Go Chart Attack team! Keep up the enviro new pleeease :)
4/5/2007 11:12:25 PM kb

Thanks you for being voice for voiceless.  I sleep well after watching your show because I feel that I am not alone. Thanks
4/5/2007 4:07:16 PM Tariq

Please consider adding The Bio to podcast interviews or having the entire epispode as a podcast?   I have an hour on the bus to and from work.  I would love to watch last nights show on my iPod. Right now I only have Global National News.
4/5/2007 4:05:43 PM Sean

Hi George - I just wanted to let you know that my husband and I love watching your show - your hilarious but also you do great interviews and ask questions that are important and have guests that speak to important issues - also I love the fact of a news show that appeals to a younger audience - keep up the awesome work!
4/5/2007 1:31:22 PM Melissa

Hey George, You are too cool!  We got rid of cable tv and found YOU each night. You are so smart and I like your style.  You are young, yet witty.  I've learned more from your show than the local news in Detroit or the world news.  Keep doing what your doing and thanks for the smart talk/news show that you do every week night. 
4/4/2007 11:15:46 PM Kathy, USA, Michigan

Hello I was unable to watch the show live, but caught it on the net. I have to say that hearing Paul speak was really comforting. My fiance is in Afghanistan for a 6 month tour, and if you have ever had to send a loved one overseas you know the fears that go along with a tour. Paul has done so much work for the soldiers, and should be thanked and honoured.  But watching him today, made me realize that life goes on and that regardless of the outcome being positive is the way to live. I don't know how this tour will end... i pray that I will never receive the phone call or knock on the door that many have
gone through...though I know with the help from people like Paul and many others in the Canadian Forces things will be OK.
Thank you CBC and the Hour for showing the "good side" of the Canadian Forces. With shows like this I hope that people will realize what our troops go through daily and how thankful and proud we should all be.
4/2/2007 6:20:50 PM Jenn

We want to send a huge thanks to The Hour staff and George for the personalized posters sent to my Social Studies classes at Brookswood.  They were shocked that they came signed.  I'll post them in the class as a reminder of what we should be watching.  Messages from students:
Caitlyn says: I love you George!
Erin says: Come visit us because we love you
Brandon says: Hi
Melissa says: your name sound like Snufalufagous - we love Snuffy
Thanks again,
4/2/2007 1:46:56 PM Sarah

I would like to know if the Canadian people will ever receive any of this money that the Liberals stoled from us. In this sponsorship scandal. See if you can  find out anything.    Thank You 
4/2/2007 1:00:33 PM Gary

Hey CBC, Episode for 04/30/2007 for The Hour isn't playing on the website. I'm getting bits of CBC News Now instead!
C'mon, this is the second big error this week! I'm in Korea, this is THE only news I watch!
3/31/2007 11:01:58 AM Krista.

hey George, I started to watch your show half a year ago, and I loved how opinionized people could express themselves and really make people think intesivly. I just have one question. WHO MADE THE BOMB THEME SONG? I want this song on my MP3 player. Its really good. Please answer my question. It would really mean a lot to me.
3/30/2007 3:19:54 PM Matt

I really like that "The Hour" has came back to Cbc.   I dont really watch much tv, other than news. But with being so young i enjoy, news, interviews and in general  thought provoking entertainment. Having George on "the hour" is a staple that you cant get rid of!!!! Pay him loads and take good care of him. His loyal fan base proably helps you lots!!! Love the show! Keep up the wonderful work!Thanks for takin the time to read this.
3/31/2007 12:53:31 AM Deirdra

Very much enjoy the news updates but cannot understan what is taking place in IRAN..
4/1/2007 12:45:27 PM VIc

hey I;m watching the hour *right now*  it's probably been the best thing I've seen on TV in a month. ...but i dont get cable so what do I know.
3/29/2007 8:43:38 PM ben

My daughter told me about the show, and I think it's great.  What a concept - inspiring young people to think about current events.  You may recall how excited Marshall McLuhan (wait, how old r u?) about the emergence of mosaic media which induces new forms of consciousness.  Your show is a good example of this.  Program ideas: thinking creatively about youth justice (are we medicating and locking up the leaders we who were supposed to save the world?)  Go on the road - you're a little Toronto-centric.  (I could show you some projects in places like the Sault that you would find very exciting.)  Keep up the good work.
3/29/2007 5:28:05 PM Mark

The Hour continues to get better and better. Tuesday's show with Mark Wahlberg, Paul Franklin, Rick Mercer was the "Best Show Ever"!! This show was worth catching twice on satellite...3 articulate and compelling guests...Paul Franklin's positive attitude amazed and inspired us. Thanks George and staff!
3/28/2007 10:48:44 PM Mary Jane

George- I was pleased and moved, actually, that you were so straight forward about "the Pope" on today's "Hour". So he has confirmed 'Hell' as an on-going project of the Good Lord. A popular idea in many religious orders, however absurd it is. I beg to differ with "His Holiness", though, and am assured by the words of God in Neale Donald Walsch's books, that there simply is no such place, function or detention center. Sadistic humans have to relent of their cruelties subject to the incarcerated one's passing. Best they can hope for is this Vatican sanctioned "Hell". Because you are a brave enough dude, with a colourful nature, I hope you have encounterred these books, which began with "Conversations with God", Books 1, 2, and 3. These are offered as actual communications with the "Head Honcho" and, from a man who has seen the real Jesus, I submit that these works are indeed just that: Conversations with God.  I know you were joking, but there aren't any ex-Nazi Youth in Hell, cause the Pope is mistaken, and there just isn't one. There can be conseqences to actions, but punishment just is not part of the Real God's 'agenda'.   Following Hitler, following Catholicism: blind leading the blind.
You and Rick Mercer are giving life blood to this place called Canada.
3/29/2007 3:49:18 AM Dave

Your program at 9:00 p.m. on March 27th was a pleasure for me. I like your programs but my health does not permit me to stay up for the 11:00 p.m. spot without problems the next day.  If you are testing times,I'd say yes to the earlier spot.  Keep up to the lively coverage.
3/28/2007 10:55:49 AM Myrtle

To the WISE people who finally scheduled The Hour at a time when those who are not nighthawks can see it.  Prime time is a fantastic time for The Hour. I enjoyed last night's show - and I was awake enough to enjoy it - not sitting on the couch half-comatose, sleeping during comercials.  Wise move CBC - do it again!
3/28/2007 6:23:07 AM Kendra

I've been a faithful viewer over the past several months, and have meant to let you know what a stellar show this is, so after the new 9 p.m. time slot this past evening that i of course took in, i thought i had better let you know that i feel that your show is @#$*&^% off the charts!!!  In conversations with friends, i often mention "The Hour" because it deals with issues that my friends & i are concerned or interested about, whether it be about politics, the environment or musicians.  As a singer/songwriter myself, i love to see the passion that George has for music and so strongly believe that the arts are so central to the human condition.
3/28/2007 2:40:02 AM Katherine

Last time I wrote was to complain about a guest and her comments on the Canadians and their role in Afganistan, as well, I mentioned my thoughts on responsible reporting. Tonight I would like to write and compliment you for allowing MCpl Paul Franklin the opportunity to provide the soldiers point of view. I must say he was very well spoken and a credit to the CF, again thank you for allowing all points of views.
3/28/2007 1:47:46 AM Pat

I just wanted to let you know, that this evening's show (Mar27) had an extremely important guest, Master Cpl. Paul Franklin. I believe we should show so much more of the stories of our Canadian Forces men & women. Out of bad comes good. Paul is a hero. There is so much more to know about our heros out there in another country, fighting for us and freedom. I think that makes "the Hour" worth while watching! thank you!  I have found in the last few months I am watching the show more often. why? because it has become interesting, with the choice of guests and the open minded views. well done!
3/28/2007 12:20:40 AM kati

I emailed you maybe 18 mos. go to say how much I enjoyed the show. Don't often get to watch. Pleasantly surprised by the 9 p.m. Tuesday spot.  I was reading when the show began. You immediately had me rivetted with the inerview with Master Cpl Franklin. The questions are hard; the ansewrs harder.  Congratulations to The Hour, and to Paul Franklin. 
3/27/2007 10:26:36 PM Linda Winnipeg

George, love your show!!  You know how there's little details that catch people?  Well, I love your style and your guests and all that, but the phrase that catches me every time that you use it so regularly is, "and this is for the women, and 10% of the men."  I'm proudly part of the 10% ... and your recognition of us on national TV on such a hot show does more than you can imagine to make it all worthwhile!!  Keep on doing a fabulous show!  Make my day and say "Hi" in response to this.  Thanks for the best thing that CBC has produced in decades!!
3/27/2007 10:09:28 PM Lawrence

I have always been a fan of the CBC.  I have to say that, even at my age, I believe "The Hour" is the best show on the CBC
3/27/2007 8:43:45 PM Marc

I have to thank you, and (although I never thought I'd say it in my lifetime,) the CBC, for such a refreshing take on the news.  You cover the information relevant to making independent thinkers with an informed world view.  I also love the fact that you aren't limited to covering the most depressing of stories, I loved listening to Ron Jeremy, who knew he was so bright?!  (I had the same feeling watching interviews with Marilyn Manson, what an intelligent individual).  I hear you’ve been getting a lot of slack for airing Ron Jeremy with Brian Mulroney, hey, the both f%#ked loads of us eh, there’s a theme poppin’ up!  I was glad to see the many ‘facets’ of Ron Jeremy! Thanks again,
3/26/2007 8:50:20 PM  Generation Y

George & Tony,  your Interview was the BEST!!! I was cheering like it was the Stanley Cup!!  It is about time we evangelicals got out of the church buildings to where "church really Happens" Where we see Christ's face in the face of the poor and hurting.  I liked also CBC's (or was it CTV's reporter?, (sorry I don't remember) )  who recently spent 7 days on the street in the shelters of Ottawa to discover that helping the poor is not a glib issue. Not packaged into an easy soundbite. It's a lot of gut wrenching emotional hard work where successes are sometimes brief or not at all. It does take faith to walk there. It takes hope that Jesus can bring.  But those successes and failures give you context for living and purpose for carrying on.  Thanks George and Tony
3/26/2007 10:44:35 PM Byron

George, really enjoy the show. I actually think it is the best show on TV (except the Sopranos of course!). Just a short note to thank you for not biting when Mr. O'Rourke was dissing Angelina Jolie with is little joke. Well done. You were very smooth on that point. GO SENS GO.
3/26/2007 11:34:37 PM Moira

 I'm currently doing my MBA in Europe, and I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that The Hour is available for viewing online.  I became a big fan of the show when it was on CBC Newsworld, but when I moved over to France last August I thought I'd have to give it up. Needless to say I think I'm even more addicted now that I can watch the shows at any time!  Keep up the fantastic work!
3/24/2007 8:23:12 AM

dear george,  i just wanted you to know that i love your show. i have been watching it every sence it has been on the air. the part that i like it the most it the list. but i think that u could do a little better with the guest's that you have on the air.
3/24/2007 1:56:50 AM joe

To George and his Boss(es).  I want to say that this is the best show on the air right now.  I was not a big fan from the get go but I have really warmed up to it to the point where I now find it irresistable.  I am a devout Christian.  I attend Bible Studies and Punk Rock Concerts.  I read History and race bicycles.  I love to hear stories of lives being changed and jokes about poo.  Why am I telling you this?  Normally "secular media" mocks christianity outright by offereing guests that are torn appart on air or afterwards Or even worse, fringie "Christians" who do not represent the way I think or Live. My jaw hit the floor last night after George had on Tony Compollo.  It was a great two way conversation.  Very respectful and entertaining.  I waited for the eye never happened!  I respect the way George does this show because  he will give the same opportunity to Tony or Franklin as he would to any other guest whether they be from P.E.T.A, the sports world, music or even Ron Jeremy.  I can't imagine any guest from any area or walk of life that would turn down a chance to chat with George on the air in his casual, intelligent and entertaining matter.
3/22/2007 3:46:08 PM

: Just want to say love the show, and thank you SO much for featuring the new film, Sharkwater. This is such an important film for the young Canadians to see and gain inspiration from. Keep up the good work!
3/22/2007 11:43:24 PM Nina

: I want to compliment George for his relaxed and unique way of conducting interviews and presenting the forum of the show . The odd comment thrown in to the news which makes me smile and think "yeah,good for you!"(eg: the comment about Justin Timberlake on tonight's show!!!The interview with Jim Cuddy was excellent!!The questions you asked were just the kinds of personable details I was curious to know about this fabulous singer/songwriter! My husband and I went to see Blue Rodeo in a little movie theatre turned into a concert hall called The Old Roxy in Mount Forest,Ont. on probably the coldest night in January of this year. It was a great show and I also admite them for going to small places like that!!I couldn't help feeling a bit concerned for Jim's health. He just looked tired and drawn. I noticed he'd been touring and recording this new great album! It was good to see him on your show... well and rested!!!  I almost hate to admit this, but it has been The Hour which has opened my eyes to the fantastic talent we have in this country an it's about time we celebrate it!!! I also saw Serena Ryder on the show and was blown away because we had seen her perform at a "Fred Eaglesmith Northern Picnic" last summer while on holidays!!!! I went right out and bought her C.D!!!!   I congratulate George and the staff of The Hour for educating, entertaining,and representing us as "CANADIANS".I like the way respect is shown to your guests and yet you hold your own in a discussion!!True Canadian manner!Kind of a "Trudeau" smart-ass attitude too which is very cool!!  
Keep up the good work. We "Moons" think it's a wonderful show!!! Sincerely,
3/23/2007 1:28:50 AM Brenda

Hey every1 at The Hour Even though live in the U.S. in Toledo Ohio I have recently been getting into your show in recent weeks on channel 9 out of Windsor.  I really enjoy the whole show from hearing your point of view of us and our news down here to the guest u have and your segments.  Keep up the good work and I will keep on watching even though if I heard right that George is a Avs fan and to that I say go Red Wings.   Speeking of hockey I was wondering if u ever had Don Cherry on if not or if u have i would love to see him on Go Hockey Night in Canada.
3/23/2007 1:37:46 AM fred

George, Hey there. Was watching your show tonight, and you had porn star extrordinaire, Ron jeremy tell one of his 'best stories ever'. You said something to the affect of, :I know. I know. We get it. No more Ron Jeremy. Did you get a shitload of complaints about him? And if so, why? If your viewers paid any attention to Ron Jeremy the man, they would have realized that he is an intelligent dude whose wicked funny, and is the right type of guy for that industry. He doesn't take himself too seriously, and seems to have respect for woman. I for one, respect the man. Don't judge a man by his penis.  Cheers
3/23/2007 2:02:38 AM George

Hey George and all of the people who make The Hour happen:  I just wanted to say that, as a new dad, the Hour has been a life saver in our home.  We used to watch the news at 11 each night but to be honest I'm too tired and I need to have my mind stimulated a little more when it comes to presenting the day, and its interesting people and stories.  The Hour has been an excellent source of intelligence, humour, pop culture, and information.  You're all appreciated more than you realize, and this program is a shining light at the CBC.  Signed,
3/23/2007 8:52:16 AM Aaron

Just a question, the bracelet on George's right wrist, is it MAKETRADEFAIR.COM?  I have the same one!  God job George, keep up the awesome work you are doing.  I love your sense of humor.
3/21/2007 8:51:40 PM

Do you like ACDC? Do you like parody? Do you like native jokes? Just took a turn didn't it. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Nilesh Patel and I produced a truly Canadian documentary called, "Brocket 99 - Rockin' the Country" that has won awards both nationally and internationally and is about to premiere in Toronto on April 13th.  The film is based on a conversation between non-aboriginals and aboriginals in  Canada around the infamous "Brocket 99" tape that parodied what it would sound like if native people had a radio station.  Some find it funny some find it racist, but for a tape never sold marketed or distributed it found its way all over Canada, many parts of the states, and even europe.  Today the tape is being heard by a new generation as uncles give them to nephews and the internet reaches a "broader" audience.  Needless to say the tape is controversial and just talking about it is also controversial, and so is the film by association.  I am writing in the hope that you would consider viewing the film and having us on to carry on this conversation to the greater Canadian community, a conversation about racism, a conversation about Canada, a conversation about identity.  Welcome to Canada, it is a beautiful place with a lot more to talk about.
3/20/2007 9:26:02 PM Nilesh

Thanks for the show.  Really.  I've been in the tv business for 10 years, and I love the show.  Thanks to all the people who's working on it.  I'm just curious about the generic tough.  Peace
3/19/2007 11:45:10 PM al

I think your show is great! Hit some good topics and was very entertaining.   The only problem was that out here on the wet coast, the feed was choppy and I could barrily hear what some of the guests were saying! Just thought you should know....keep rockin
3/20/2007 3:06:31 AM Anthony

Hi The Hour! I have been away / slow to come back. Last night I finally watched The Hour – the first and the one and only TV program – and I realized how much I missed you!!  When George congratulated Carleton U Raven, have almost jumped off the couch – and he did it like only George can do, George special. And when/how George says “sharks”, my heart skips a beat!   And thanks for inviting Johnny Rotten to the Newsstand – was nicely surprised, the man’s got something to say – or, maybe, George knows what to ask.
3/20/2007 11:41:12 AM Missed you

Hey George,  Wanted to say I just love your show, I love your sense of humour and your choice of guests. Your relax style of interviewing is fresh and entertaining. Keep up the great work !!!!
3/19/2007 7:33:49 AM Stephane

Hi,  I really enjoyed the interview last week with Stephen Jones.  I found him so completely real and honest.  Question:  any thought of taping some shows in Ottawa ?
3/18/2007 10:16:22 PM Rob

 well .. first of all george stroumboulopoulos is amazing !!! (and hott) tehe. we love how your not scared to state your opinion and be unique (and cool) unfortunatly your show is on really late for a fourteen year old .. so we can only watch it on fridays (or whenever mom and dad are already asleep. haha)a different time would be awesome but whatever :D  also , wicked cool last name. p.s. write baaack !!! :D
3/18/2007 1:41:09 PM Rachael and Katherine

I'm sure that you guys get a million of these a day but I just wanted to give you props for putting on a great show  : )
3/17/2007 12:19:33 AM Emily

Hi George and team, I just started watching The Hour again recently now that you've moved to 11pm on CBC.  I'm impressed.  Not only is George utterly adorable, but the programme is interesting, fast-paced, informative and enjoyable to watch.  Congratulations.  I'm impressed.  Go CBC. Cheers,
3/16/2007 6:58:42 PM Shawn

Dear George and all the staff at THE HOUR,  I am writing to tell you that I love, love, love your show and watch it often as possible. Kudos to all of you!  There is so very little I am interested in on television these days and if I do turn my set on, I usually sit with the remote and flip up around to various stations in the hopes of finding something to catch my interest for more than ten minutes.  Not so with THE HOUR, I watch the whole show every time and bonus, I found out today that if I miss it in the evening, I can watch it at 5:00 a.m. as I did this morning when I woke up far too early. I was laughing out loud at the ridiculous cigarette commercials from my generation. Did I really live through watching people waterskiing and smoking - how lame is that? Plus, their hair didn't move).  Keep up the great work!
3/15/2007 4:19:41 PM Phyllis

George et al -  You can be wildly proud of yourselves for consistently producing an awesome show every time out. Your pace runs as quick as my brain - sometimes quicker ;) The stories are always interesting; I'm always left wanting more.   Quick mentions to friends about the show reveal gleeful kindred spirits just happy to hear/see intelligent stuff in their own language.  You guys are setting a formidable standard amongst all the zzzzz news shows out there - is anyone in your league globally?
3/14/2007 9:06:19 PM Kim

Just a quick note to say I love the show. George is one of my favorite TV personalities. He's funny, charming, light-hearted and wonderfully open-minded and inclusive. Canadians need this show. There is still a lot of work to be done in terms of discrimination -- particularly towards gays and lesbians. I love the fact that my tax dollars are going toward educating young Canadians and opening their minds by making news fun. Good work CBC.
3/14/2007 11:32:00 PM Peter

Re :March 12 show - loved the short segment/skit with The Hour's writers coming back after a "300" matinee! Look forward to more "writer antics" on future broadcasts.  And would love if these writers' segments could be posted for viewing somewhere on the website, since the previous day's show is only viewable in its entirely for 24 hours or less.
3/13/2007 4:57:57 PM Lesley

hey...i cant believe i am doing this...i am actually writing in to give my compliments regarding 'the hour" ....i have never been a "george" fan so did not bother watching the program but because i thankfully dont have cable i have "accidently" viewed the show several first without the sound...but became so intriqued that i eventually started listening as well....and my hat is off to the producers and decision-makers that created and developed this show and the researchers that keep churning out the great is the best on television...great work people and i am even getting to admire "george" and will even get tickets to see the show when next in t.o.....keep it up folks!!...:))kat
3/13/2007 10:25:51 AM kat

It seems the stream on your website is of last night's news "The National", instead of The Hour.  Maybe you could check this out? Thanks.
3/13/2007 8:56:54 AM TanyaJ

What an amazing show tonight, Hour crew! David Foster's constant hurled insults juxtaposed against the biggest compliment of all to George (he was right), watching George politely squirm listening to Franklin Graham's racist rhetoric, and hearing June Callwood tell
George he can do anything because he comes from a cozy nest. All 3 interviews were absolutely amazing, and of course that is kudos to George. Other interviewers cannot hold a candle....George pulls candor and sincerity from his guests where others always fall short.
However..... I am truly disgusted and appalled at next week's lineup, in particular Ron Jeremy. The Hour has earned itself a remarkable history of featuring the most intriguing guests, and this man truly cannot have anything useful to say to the world. A porn star!? Come on! Please, please, please George, remember the class and dignity your Mama raised you with and do not invite this excrement on your show. Don't alienate your true fans. You've always been a class act.... don't stop now just for ratings.
3/8/2007 10:12:54 PM Ella

Hi there,  I have recently discovered The Hour  and I am compelled to write and say  that I am an instant fan.  George is great! I probably don't fit the profile of a typical The Hour  fan, being a 'boomer', so I want to congratulate CBC on  this effective and novel show, which obviously has wide appeal.  It's refreshing and it works! George is amazing in many ways: he's down-to-earth, entertaining on so many levels while being  totally himself, and an excellent interviewer. I rarely watch TV due to time constraints and I'm hard to please, so the fact that a few minutes of watching have engaged me and led me to write is remarkable. Congratulations to George and the CBC programmers. Keep up the great work!
3/7/2007 9:18:38 PM Carolyn

Thanks George. Great show.
3/8/2007 10:43:56 AM S.E. Harkin

I have enjoyed your show since its inception and attended the studio today (Mar 7) while on a business trip to Toronto.  A pleasure and a privilege - thank you for your work, especially for showing my teen boys that there is a whole world out there.  They were fans of yours at Much Music and now watch the show daily as do I. Many thanks to you, and of course all of the team who bring us The Hour!!
3/7/2007 9:53:35 PM Jim
Hi George.  My husband Michael and I attended a taping of your show today (Mar. 6, we were the ones who claimed Kevin Bacon was an asshole) and just wanted to tell you how fantastic we both think you are, and how much we love your show.  We were totally prepared to be dissapointed since we both work in film and tv land, and having met many people who appear to be "cool and together" on camera, (or radio when we used to listen to you on the Edge) only to find out, well.... they're not!  That's not everybody of course, and certainly not with you.  It was wonderful to experience your show as live audience member and we loved how you simply hung out and answered questions throughout and after.  Koodos on your success and thanks for the informative entertainment you fill our TiVo's with!!  So what if Alan Thicke was a total dick head when Michael and I worked with him.  At least we found out tonight that his son is interesting, plus we had a little moment remembering the crappy movie where we first met.  See, your show inspires "love" too!   
3/7/2007 12:57:13 AM Jody

George and crew, You guys have taken over the late night for me. Following Stewart and Colbert, The Hour now gets my time. I love the energy, the wit and intelligence, Early on, as I tuned in, I was amazed at the quality of guests booked, but when you watch how George engages the guests, it no longer surprises me that notable guests wouldn't want to sit down and talk in that forum.  Kudos to George and the production staff for the great work and a smart option for late night viewing. Thank you,
3/7/2007 1:17:35 AM George 

I have been watching The Hour for the past few months at some point through the evening thanks to Starchoice satellite TV.  Your List re John Belushi is the very best I have seen in all the time I have watched your show.  Thanxalot George,
3/6/2007 2:17:05 AM Ted Ross

Hi George,  I love, love, love your show. I am a Canadian living in the U.S. and I am so grateful to have your show as a little window to look out of this island called America. I just watched your most recent show with David "the professional manipulator"  Wilkins. I was sick to my stomach watching that interview.  Why the hell is he pushing so hard for a Canadian conservative government? He says that Americans and Canadians share roughly the same values, well the longer I live here the more I realize that Canadians share roughly the same values of the rest of the developed world and Americans tend to believe in an every-man-for-himself  type philosophy (yes, this is a generalization and their are lots of nice Americans too). I hate  how he tries to say that if a person or newspaper is skeptical it means that they are being negative and that is bad for society. He just means it's a society that is harder to fool and more difficult to control. It is much easier to control a society that is under educated and believes everything that a leader says. Unfortunately, the longer I live in the U.S the more I realize that much of the population here is horribly educated and therefore blindly and optimistically follow their leader (obviously this is also a generalization and some Americans are very educated and like fight the man). And I am beginning to believe that the government 
likes it that way.  Oh lord, I could go on and on. Anyway, keep up the excellent work. You and your crew are doing a great job of the show. Thanks for letting me vent. Eat some Timm Hortons and a Coffee Crisp for me.
3/5/2007 2:02:24 PM S

I have watched a lot of crap, but your show rocks... I love how you interview... your smooth, taking the spin outa the subject... and you make Canadians' cool...
3/3/2007 10:28:23 AM charles

Love the show, George is very intense with his interviews.  The guests are great.  He brings a whole new meaning to news and makes it so much more interesting. Love theCoronation Street coverage.  You guys cover a wide range of topics.
3/4/2007 6:19:21 AM Robin

Good morning, I heave been meaning to drop you a line sooner. I thought you might be interested in my comments.  :) I am from Montreal,Toronto & areas and have lived in many of our provinces and 1 USA state.  Originally, I watched part of your first 2 shows and didn't quite 'get it'.  My oldest son said this to me "I guess people of your generation wouldn't like this program?" which caught me by surprise - as I have a huge business and personal 'network' of people of all ages.  So, I took the time and blocked out the hour(s) when I could catch your whole show.   Guess what? I love everything about the program and each day look forward to The Hour! I also like the different hours when I can view the day's program.  I am amazed at the caliber of the invited guests - although I can see why people would be delighted to be on your esteemed program. Talk about an extremely creative, educational, informative, pioneer and trail-blazing production! Way to go - continued success to George and The Hour staff!
3/1/2007 11:02:43 AM Terry

When I began watching the show I had a little difficulty with the "quick/fast" pace change of subject material. Now ? WOW ... there seems so much packed into this hour. Last night I couldn't believe the hour ( and The HOUR ) passed by so quickly ... As "they" say "Time passes quickly when you're having a good time" I want MORE ... ( always leave them wanting more George ) ... Enjoyed your interview with Sheila Fraser, Ed Norton, and the various iterviews on Environmental concerns. ( The clip on that photographer was AMAZING and by the way, have you noticed that the "roll up to win" features a Hybrid car ??? ) Also much appreciated your appreciation expressed last night on how it is that when something is in the news again and again one can too often push it into background "noise" .
3/1/2007 9:24:19 AM Lee

Hey, I tune in each night when I am supposed to be studying for History or Sociology.  I work during the day so I do not watch  t.v.  Watching George and "The Hour" on the net is the best way to end a busy day.  Such a treat and George,  you are so cool!!  Love your show!
2/27/2007 3:10:51 AM Jean, Fort McMurray, AB

Dear CBC guys and gals:  Keep up the good work, or, if that gets too hard, just work eight hours a day and make it a little less flash, we won't mind if you tell us it's for family/personal your show/s...  thanks
2/26/2007 8:24:04 PM  Jenifer

I recently started watching "The Hour" and I love it. Being an American, I still love the not-so-nice, but I'll admit true comments made about my far from perfect country. I watch it on CBC in Michigan. "The Hour" discusses and brings up for debate, topics that need to be brought up more often, especially in the USA. George makes important facts interesting and very thought-provoking. I wish there were shows like "The Hour" on USA channels. If not an entire show, if there were at least a group of people would could pass along your messages, in the brilliant way that you do, here in the USA. But George's zip takes balls and most of the time I don't feel that Americans have them when it comes to important, real-life issues, that affect a generation so profoundly. Keep up the great work.
2/23/2007 12:46:27 AM Lisa

I love this show. I don't think I've ever loved a CBC show in my life so that sounds weird.  The guests are great - kudos to whoever is able to get all these great guests on the show.  George is great - he is my hero.  Someone from my generation who actually has intelligence, and is cool.  You don't find that on any other show on TV today.  Great mix of mindless dribble, entertainment gossip, and stuff you should know about what's going on in the world.  Plus George's quick wit and insightful interview questions.  I feel like I always learn something.  I prefer the guests that actually stand for something rather than the music artists or actors that are just on because of their celebrity status (e.g. Kelly Osbourne)
2/23/2007 3:38:50 AM Charlene


A big hello to the team of The Hour!!  A quick note to let you know that even in Québec, your show is watched by a bunch of people including me.. We love the show, we love George and keep on the good work! En espérant vous voir encore longtemps à l'antenne! Bonne émission ce soir!
2/21/2007 1:37:46 PM Claudine

Hello again! I just wanted to write in (again) to let you know that the Hour is still getting me to tune in - over a year later since I first wrote about how fresh and exciting I found the show. Tonight's show featuring Terri Irwin was especially compelling - as one of the few moms in my age group / social set I was really impressed by her outlook and I felt that the interview was well conceived, engaging and honest. I started with a mild interest in the choices that she has made for her family and came out with a lot of respect for her as a mom and for her dedication to her vision. The Hour always seems to find people you didn't know you needed to hear from! I look forward to how this program introduces me to what I don't know, laughs at life's absurdities, and never condescends. Just when you think the media is becoming a vast wasteland of minutia and hyperbole, you get a quality show like this. It is definitely worth an hour of my time. :) 
2/20/2007 4:00:51 AM Rebeccah

Just want to say, great job George.  Your show has become addictive to me. I have a 3 year old son, and try to get to bed at 11:00 to have ME time, and read and relax.  However, at that time, when all is done, I flick on the boob tube, and there he is.  You always seem to get me to watch the whole program.  Good on ya mate.  I think yur really on ta something.  I am trying to impress your show on everyone i know.  So, keep up the great work.  Your lovely.  Lovely to look at to mind you, but you are a truly lovely guy.  All the best
2/19/2007 10:15:37 PM Lasha

I echo Erin's sentiments re: Paolo Nutini. It would be great to have him on the show at this stage of his career. George it is up to you to save him from the tiresome round of interviews and bring a little intelligence to the process. C
2/20/2007 11:54:49 AM

Thank you for your time, Just wont to tell you how much the program means to me each and every night. Being from Canadian roots, I look to the CBC for truth in the realm of news and information. "The Hour", gives me that and much more!!! Thank you soooo... much!!!
2/20/2007 2:27:02 PM Cher

Hi!  I love the show and watch it all the time because it's informative and enlightening.  I just had to write and tell you how much I enjoyed the interview with Terri Irwin.  I thought it was brilliant. Thanks and keep up the good work!
2/20/2007 2:40:07 PM Lori

Everything else on the internet works, video/audio stream wise, except this site.  After numerous attempts to fix to no avail, I've finally come to the conclusion that it may not be me.  Everything was great and then suddenly, one day, no sound.  Yes, the speakers are on.  I've gone to every "fix it" site I can find.  I have tried every possible reconfiguration imaginable.  No luck.  I'm running Windows XP on a Sempron 3400 + 2GB processor with 512 MB DDR and Windows Media Player 11. Please. When I send the URL to friends in the United States and Finland, it would be nice to, once again, watch with them so I know exactly what was said, in context, when they ask about certain cultural language differences.
2/20/2007 4:42:41 PM Laurie

The Hour is an obvious attempt to get – and hold - the attention of a younger, hipper audience.  At first I was annoyed by my beloved CBC’s offering of this noisy, fast-paced show hosted by George what’s-his-polysyllabic-last name.  I asked myself, could there be anything of substance beyond the dashy graphics?  What sort of intellect lay between George’s ears?  I confess that when I first started to watch The Hour, I had a secret agenda:  I wanted my partner’s teenage son to see me viewing this hip-looking news show in hopes that he might look at me as more than a middle-aged fuddy-duddy.  Maybe George would be a bridge for the generation gap.  Alas, the teenage son could not have cared less about what I watch on TV.  In his estimation, even after seeing me watch The Hour several times, I am still uncool as ever, perhaps even pathetic!  However, by this time George and his show had started to grow on me.  I discovered that there is much substance beyond the dashy graphics.  Indeed, George has an intellect of considerable breadth and depth.  I respect his opinions, though I may not always agree with him.  I am hooked on George and his show. Keep up the great work.
2/20/2007 10:43:02 PM Maria

Hi there, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy "The Hour."  I find you have some of the most interesting people on your show, and look forward to watching it each night. There is quite a lot of crap on TV these days and it is refreshing to sit down and be both entertained and educated. Keep up the good work!
2/20/2007 10:56:41 PM Deborah

Thank you for posting episodes on the internet! I'm from Vancouver, but I'm studying in Australia and I've been keeping up on my Canadian news through The Hour. And seriously, I have never enjoyed the news more!
2/21/2007 3:01:05 AM

Hello at the Hour..Just wanted to compliment you on your show. My spouse (age 36) and I both enjoy it immensely and add it to our PVR list so we can exercise while watching it the next day. Makes the time fly by!!! A quick note that this is the first CBC show I have watched since the Beachcombers (and I quit watching that when I was 10). My wife - she didn't watch Relic and the gang so this is her first EVER!!! Keep up the good work.
2/15/2007 1:55:44 PM Michael

Wow.  Had given up on the CBC.  Great show.  Intelligent writing.  Awseome and relevant guests.  Kepp up the great work.  Keep it coming.
2/14/2007 6:07:02 PM S Walsh

Hey Everyone!  You are all doing a great job.  I love The Hour.  I always have the intro song in my head.  I will be coming in for a show soon.  I just bought a book that I think you willbe interested in.  It is called Cange the World for Ten Bucks.  It has 50 simple actions that everyone can do to change the world.   I think that you would love it.  You could mention an action a day on your show.  Thank you for bringing awareness in a funny and creative way. Blessings Always.
2/6/2007 10:37:18 AM Rachel

Are you going to put up the show from Monday night on the website?  It's still the one from last Thursday right now....  :) Thanks.
2/6/2007 9:28:16 AM TanyaJ

George, EP, Crew: Bravo on The Hour! Keep up the fast cadence in your show of news, arts, culture.  The tempo keeps your program riveting.  I used to fall asleep watching Lloyd on CTV National.  Thank you for reviving the 11pm timeslot!
2/6/2007 9:13:59 AM Karen

I love watching The Hour and will be introducing the show to my Social Studies classes soon through the video clips on your website.  Some of my students watch already, but I'm eager to get more of them hooked. Do you have any posters that can be purchased for the classroom to advertise the show? Thanks!
2/6/2007 1:14:44 AM Sarah

Hay George (and co-workers),  I just caught this clip (a little late I know) but I was wondering if  anything ever came of it.  I wrote in a while ago when 'the Hour' first came on the air wanting the show as a video podcast version as at the time it was only airing on TV at a time that I could not watch.  Hope something eventually comes of it.  Keep up the great work,
2/6/2007 1:16:38 AM Sam

Hi there. I would like to suggest that the Hour interview Scottish-born Singer Paolo Nutini on an upcoming show. He will be performing in Toronto on March 7 at the Mod Club. He just made his American television debut last week and is currently touring the U.S. and Canada (stops in Mtl, T.O. and Van). I believe he would be an excellent guest because he has been named one of the top ten artists to watch in 2007 by Rolling Stone. Please check out his short 30 sec video below to witness his incredible talent for yourself.
Thank you for your time. Sincerely.
2/6/2007 12:56:16 AM Erin

Please please podcast the show!  I'm a busy student and can't stay up to watch the show.  I have a nice commute to school and want to watch the show!  I know there's the money to do this, cause think of all the extra viewers!
2/5/2007 2:10:47 AM Adon

Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy the show.  George is very good.
2/3/2007 5:00:37 PM Mike

Hello.  I've never really kept much following on current events or news, but thanks to The Hour, that's changed. I've developed more of a taste for politics, thanks to the unique (and non-boring) presentation of the show! It's definitely entertaining and George is a great host! I'm wondering if it would be possible to have a signed photo of George? He seems like a very cool guy, and I would appreciate it!
2/4/2007 6:11:53 PM Mat

Love the show.  My sister in Nova Scotia and I and our respective husbands all watch it to unwind at the end of the day.  Intelligent, witty interviews. Never dull. Thank God the CBC finally got it right.
2/4/2007 9:48:58 PM Judy

Hey. LOVE the show.  Love the website. Please add RSS feeds.  Please.  I don't read anything in my just lets me know when interesting stuff gets posted.
2/2/2007 12:04:41 AM Adam

Hey George, I'm an OLD fan from your MM days, I'd be considered an old punk (however the contradictiction is that I'm actually a 50 yr old bank manager).  I'm now a CBC fan due to you.  I historically watch CNBC for business news at lunch and caught some Canadian station at 11 for my news fix. GONE!!!!! I could give a crap about the other stations, I now get the Hour CBC fix.  To give you an idea of my background, I've seen Elvis (Costello) about 5 times, saw the Clash at Heatwave, saw The Strokes this past spring at the JLC in London (with my 17 yr old son who hates that I listen to his music, as I went to The Warped Tour in Barrie the year b4, and can quote most Offspring Lyrics word for word).(countless other concerts including the Who with Moon). You have the sharpest, brightest and hippest people interviews, (ie Pink, I can't stand her music but respect her views) and connect with everyone from Stephen Lewis to Bob Geldof.  Keep on keeping on man.  I love it!!!!!! TTRB  (my local rock radio station 94.5 has nic'd me Tim The Rocking Banker)
2/2/2007 12:44:39 AM Tim

I am soooooooooooooooooooo excited about Johnny Briggs being on the show. I am so jealous of everyone who gets to be in the studio audience for this legend. I have become a avid watcher of the hour since it started to be shown at 11pm on the local CBC network. I this is by far the most exciting guest yet! I feel like the biggest nerd in the world right now, but I do not care. I am so excited, and I wanted to let you all know! Kristy
2/2/2007 1:35:16 AM

Is GOOD journalism not based on objectivity! Featuring a seminarian as an authority on the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses - as you did - was about as objective as recommending a Turk to laud Greek culture or asking Himmler and Hitler for an objective insight into Judaism.    
2/2/2007 2:45:55 AM James 

George, I watched last night's episode, (Feb. 1) of your show "The Hour" with great interest. You see I have something in common with the story you did on the child born in Mexico, "Super Tonio", that weighed in at 14 & 1/2 lbs at birth. When I was born at the Kings County Memorial Hospital, Montague, P.E.I., on June 12/1959, my weight at birth was 16 lbs, 4 1/2 ounces, beating Tonio's weight by nearly two pounds.  I was the yougest of nine children born to James and Florence Shepard.  Although both my parents have passed away, my mother some nine years now, I still hold them very close to my heart.  The story was big news on our tiny Island at the time, covered by the local paper. I still have some clippings of the story placed away somewhere. As a side note, Dr. Preston MacIntyre was the attending physcian who delived me by natural child birth, no cesarean section for my mother. I am sending a photo of Mom and me taken shortly after the birth. If you wish to contact me about the story, I'm leaving my numbe for you. Thanks very much, enjoyed the show.
Bill 2/2/2007 11:22:32 AM
What a great show 'The Hour', I think I might be hooked.  George has great future.....don't even try to replace him, you won't be able to, he's really one of a kind.  Keep it up. 
2/1/2007 12:34:53 PM Pam

I love the hour!  I have just seen it recently and think it's great!  I love the short blurbs about important bits happening in the news!
2/1/2007 12:55:08 AM Samantha

Georgey!!  Dude, I watch this show every night in South Korea, but you REALLY need to get HD camera's. Watching it online and when I in full screen mode, it's not super clear!!!   Thanks bro, keep up the good work!!
2/1/2007 7:13:10 AM Ryan

Love the show, George is great, smart and hip. I've taken to watching it online, but it would be much much more convenient (and watchable) if it were podcast. Please podcast it!
1/31/2007 4:07:38 PM Jeff Matthews

Podcast this show please!!!!!!!! It makes no sense that a current affairs show aimed at young people is not on top of things, technologically speaking. Get with the iTimes!!
1/30/2007 9:56:45 PM

Just love the show!!!!!!! I am addicted. Great energy, freshness and information. Hope to get to a show in the spring.  Cheers........keep up the good work........
1/30/2007 9:57:02 AM A.S.

Can't  view any clips without upgrading my OS or appearing to need to buy a plug in that is designed for more than just viewing. Using a Mac OS X 10.2.8 and browse with Firefox, (other browsers for this OS outdated for some other websites) But still have the current V-9 Windows Media Player and seems to be usable where ever else I go on the web. Bad enough Apple keeps upgrading the OS's so often and so soon after I bought my computer.   Jumping the gun with presumptions about everyone using the latest OS's or a Mac prejudice ? CBC or any radio station works fine as well as just about every other TV station I visit that has streaming .
1/30/2007 4:17:11 AM

Hi, I used to watch videos on the website all the time and lately I haven't been able to because it no longer gives me the option of Quicktime and automatically tries to play the videos in Windows Media Player (which I  don't have because I'm a Mac user).  Just wondering if the QT option is coming back or if it's just a problem on my end or WMP will be the only option from now on? 
1/29/2007 12:24:24 AM Erin

Hi!  Great to have the show online. I'm from Quebec and i've missed some parts of the interview with Henry Rollins. Great interview by the way with a remarquable and versatile guy Henry Rollins. Good to see him on the show, he seemed to enjoy it and some good questions were asked. He's a person with an opinion on US politics and who traveled in the middle-east. He does not support the war on Iraq but he does support the troops that are there. Great lines about Georges W. Bush!
1/17/2007 8:26:10 PM Vince

Strombo / Hilary:  I strongly admire the way you're solaid back even though being in a t v show like "The Hour" is hard work; doing re-takes and also segments you do prior to the show starting. Also I admired the way you fielded questions to the students. You're approachable. A question for Hilary Doyle, how much does being a vegetarian redue my carbon foot-print? I do the recylcing thing granted but I do spend time on the ole 'puter as you see. While I'm on this topic, having six cats, reducing stress but primarily being a life time catlover, again, how much would that also reduce my carbon foot-print?  In regards to this "Dooms-Day" clock, to me that's a load of rubbish! Granted I have my carmudgeons and doubts about humanity and its gross stupidity but even my cynicism goes only so far. I have hope for not only humanity but all living things.  Strombo & Hilary Doyle, Take Care,
1/18/2007 12:52:43 AM Mitch

Hey Strombo, I really like your show and the only chance I have to watch is when I get off work, on your website.  Weds show was simply the National, which would normally be o.k except that I work in Singapore!  Whats up man has all the Gemini buzz made you forget about us western Canadians, working in Singapore?
10/19/2006 8:39:04 AM

Hey George,  what you said about Jesus on Wednesday’s show is offensive in the extreme. There’s coming a day when you will bow before Jesus Christ and confess Him as Lord. I’m praying for you man, that you will bow before it’s too late.
12/27/2006 12:08:30 PM Dave

I think the hour is one of the best shows on television.  Keep up the good work!
12/21/2006 12:06:41 PM Joanne Dressler

comment: You have restored my faith in in the most powerfull medium that this planet has ever seen. Not since FIREFLY have I actually rushed home from work to turn on the TV. Thank you all for bringing GENUINE commentary on our troubled world. Please keep up the good work in saying the unsayable and pushing the envelope of perception and thought. It is only through challenging our fixed ways of thinking that we grow and learn to view a moment in time differently than the sum of our experience and opinion. AGAIN thank you for presenting the issues of today in a REAL MODERN manner that does not instantly piss me off like most U.S.A. TV. Keep it REAL for as long as the universe allows you too, and then push it for at least one more season. Oh and George, your genuine sincerity and uncontrived personality shines through the all too often sad state of affairs that you are far too often commenting on. KEEP IT REAL!!!
12/21/2006 12:32:42 AM Andrew Douglas

Great show...just watched the Dec 14th edition online. When are they going to put you in a primetime spot? I'm not that old...but I'm finding it hard to stay up and watch...well, I'll keep my fingers crossed. I think you
deserve it. Great work.
12/17/2006 7:48:41 PM

This is my absolute favourite show! It seems incredibly balanced and does not self censor itself. You are unafraid of broadcasting information no matter how taboo the subject matter may be. The show is more informative than the real news. The Hour is the opposite of news propaganda. Thanks, I don't feel the need to escape to cable to get more news and I am quite happy at 11pm to watch your show after a long day. The CBC truly rules the airwaves. Bring back Kids in the Hall too!
12/14/2006 1:08:03 PM Ying Ling Lin

I love this show.  I am constantly promoting it to family and friends.  If they consent to watching it they are usually hooked at once. 
Keep up the tremendous work you do George.  And thx for breaking down issues in layman terms for people who don't always get the crux of the problem immediately.  We will be watching you for many years to come on that I would lay odds, unless some big Network South of the Border snatches you up.  I'm sure you have already been approached.
12/10/2006 4:12:03 AM Sammi

Hi, As someone from the States, I just want to think you for putting the previous night's show online.  It is sad that here in the USA we have 3 24 hour news channels and not one hour on any of them can compare to the quality of The Hour.
The only problem is I can't watch the show every single day.  It would be awesome if you put the whole show up as a podcast.
Keep up the good work.
12/7/2006 12:55:22 PM Bryan Young

Brilliant Closer last night of the same-sex marriage debate. BRILLIANT! And Closer was a perfect spot for this because this non-issue is CLOSED.
PS And George, red IS your colour. Just like black is. And white. Absolutes.
PPS The Dakar is too dangerous! I hope your mother will not let you do it!!
12/7/2006 12:44:55 PM Vika

Hi to George and the crew! Thank goodness for internet! I love that I can watch The Hour anytime, anywhere.
After almost 7 years in Canada I'll be leaving the country. Long story short, my work permit is expiring before my Permanent Resident application has even been opened! Really, you'd think Immigration would hire more people, it's been there for over a year and they
say I'll have to possibly wait another 2 years for an answer! You know, for a country who claims to need more people they do make it hard to stay. Canadian 4 year university degree - check. Full time job - check. Place to live - check. Friends, loved ones, and a
complete life set up - check. What more do they want?
So, it breaks my heart but I'm moving to Denmark for the time being. I'll continue to watch The Hour and keep up to date with all that is Canadian. I know I'll be back, I don't give up that easily!
See you all on the flip side!
12/7/2006 2:41:00 AM Mia

i doubt George reads these, but if he does i'd like to thank him for allowing my friends and I into the studio that day, it was by far the greatest day of my life, partially due to meeting them and partially due to the concert later that night.
anyways, if your reading this, thanks George!
12/7/2006 12:54:47 AM Benn

Firstly, I love the show. George is an excellent interviewer and a great personality. The show is fast, informative, and entertaining. 
Keep up the good work. Having everything available on the website is also a godsend. Being  able to watch the shows I missed or re-watch specific interviews is brilliant.
I had almost given up hope for the CBC - but with The Hour (and Dragon's Den and the Passionate Eye and a few others) you are winning 
me back.
12/6/2006 9:07:32 PM Paul B

I can't Imagine what this wonderful country of ours would be like if we didn't have the services of our federal ,provincial and municipal police forces.I can though imagine what it would be like if those police forces stoped high speed chases for auto theft.I would rather see all the auto thieves get away then have one innocent life snuffed out because of this .If the thief gets away,so what,no one gets hurt.If the car gets trashed ,so what,thats why we pay rediculous insurance premiums.Don't get me wrong, I know there has been carnage at the hands of car thieves and loss of innocent life,but there has also been a fair share of carnage and loss of innocent life due directly to the fact that the police were in hot persuit of these criminals.I have nothing but respect for the police as they are doing there jobs.I think it is time to change the rules of engagement,and especially the penalties for failing to stop.This a deadly serious crime!!!Way back in the day,if you stole someones transportation(horse)you were probably hanged.Maybe bringing back the noose is a little harsh for auto theft but  a long prison sentence might be a good deterent for future car thieves.
      I hope I have stirred your thoughts and emotions on this matter.My feelings on this matter haven't changed in thirty years .I don't think anyones life,weather it be an auto thief,an innocent pedestrian,or a police officers,is worth the recovery of  a car ,weather it is the Porsch in downtown Vancouver,(two dead pedestrians)or the Camaro on the Deerfoot trail in Calgary(Constable Sonnenberg and the spike belt)This issue must be adressed and that right soon!          
    I would of wrote this letter to the lawmakers(politicians)but i feel that they are  out of touch with the goings on in this fair land.For instance,Impaired driving,first offence,no previous criminal record,penalty-drivers licence suspension and a fine.did you know there are far more alcohol related automobile deaths in this country than there are murders !!!That alone says a lot about the stateof our laws .
     In closing,I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!Remember when you see those flashing lights,PULL OVER ,it may cost you your life and someone elses!!
   Don't drink and drive,better yet,DON'T DRINK!!!!
     PS my apology this was not discussed on your show but was in the Dec 5 headline column .Please slap your editor.Seems they need it!
S.D.SPEARMAN 12/6/2006 6:30:18 PM

Awesome show last night! Totally smashed the stereotype I had of Dee Snider based on his looks / videos. And Twisted Sister fit so well with the Teacher interview, which was very touching and real. Thanks!
12/6/2006 11:47:29 AM Awesome

Now, this is a fresh and intelligent talk show like tvcast. Stroumboulopoulos is excellent! The format of the show is trendy, the rythm rocks and the graphics support perfectly.
Good job to the makers!
Keep up the good work!
12/6/2006 9:27:06 AM Stephane Poirier

Keep up the good work, I think George is breaking the ground for news, he is the Jon Stewart of Canada. I'm so sick of hearing some comb-overed, dusty, old fart talking all proper, with his hands claspe together, perfect posture...FUCK THEM! George talks to his guest, his audience like we're human! I thank him, and the cbc for allowing him to do that. I'm all for Peter Jennings, and P.J wannabe's, but this show appeals to generation X.
12/6/2006 8:34:13 AM Cheers...

Hey Strombo,
I'm lamer than you. I watched 6 hours of the convention and I'm in Ireland. When Dion won I promptly ran to the pup to celebrate. Love the show, thanks for the web-stream. A happy ex-pat.
12/5/2006 5:14:39 PM Alex

Hi George,
I also watched the WHOLE Liberal Leadership Convention on Saturday. I didn't want to but I couldn't turn it off; the announcers/analysts were all riled up, the delegates were excited, the atmosphere was almost tangible through the TV!  Add me to your list of lame (albeit proud) Canadians.
Kudos to The Hour team and to you, George - you guys really work hard and deliver a great show!
Anik (Ottawa - yeah, East of Toronto, you may have heard of it?)
P.S.  Thanks for interviewing Colm!
12/5/2006 2:57:46 PM

yo George
I love your show but I was pretty disappointed with your coverage of what was going on in canadian politics this weekend. I watched Sunday's recap-nothing and last night-  honestly man you seemed more interested in Spears and Lohan then Dion and Stelmach. I, like you, spent all day watching the elections when I should of been working and I was looking forward to hearing your always honest opinions which I found to be lacking in last night's show. sorry to get harsh on ya but please please don't be turning ET on us. P.S. I would love to cook dinner for you next time you are in Van
12/5/2006 11:31:50 AM

I watched your show this evening and was very moved. I was shocked to hear about Roddy Pipers condition, but it also hit home. I am a mother of a 13 year old who is in the final stages of his battle with brain cancer. I have left my residence indefinately in Alberta to spend what time is left with him in British Columbia with my family. I just want to say that I was moved by the compassion that I saw in your eyes when addressing Roddy Piper during this tough time. I have only just recently began watching your program, but have been impressed as to what I have seen and will continue to enjoy your show. Thank you.
11/30/2006 3:13:39 AM Ricki


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