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Artists and Community Collaboration Program (ACCP), 2007-08 -- Guidelines for Applicants

Program Description

The Artists and Community Collaboration Program (ACCP) is now a permanently funded program of the Canada Council for the Arts. ACCP funding is delivered through participating programs in all sections of the Canada Council.

The ACCP supports diverse artistic activities that bring together professional artists and the broader community.

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Artists and community collaboration is an arts process that actively involves the work of professional artists and non-arts community members in creative and collaborative relationships.

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To be eligible, applicants must meet the eligibility requirements of the ACCP in the appropriate section of the Canada Council.

Potential applicants are strongly advised to speak to the appropriate program officer to confirm their eligibility before submitting their request.

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Assessment of Applications

Assessment Process

Applications are assessed by peer assessment committees. These committees are composed of artists and arts professionals chosen for their knowledge and experience in their discipline.

Specific Assessment Criteria

In addition to the regular assessment criteria published for participating programs, peer assessment committees will refer to the following assessment criteria in their evaluation:

  • The merit of the proposed collaboration process (where clear and appropriate strategies and processes must be outlined to ensure a successful collaborative relationship).
  • The relevance of the project for participating community members and for the artists involved, in particular the relevance for youth, Aboriginal communities and culturally diverse communities.
  • The artistic merit of the company or artists involved and their proven ability to carry out such a project, as demonstrated by their resources, expertise and past performance.
  • The public impact of the project.
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Additional Support Material

In addition to the required support material for the participating program, applicants must provide the following information:

  • letters or other proof of intent from the artistic and non-artistic partners
  • written authorizations or assurances that copyright clearances will be obtained or cultural protocols will be followed, if this applies, and
  • a description of the self-assessment and external evaluation processes that the applicant will use to determine how well the project meets its objectives.
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Deadlines for ACCP Applications in All Sections

Aboriginal Arts

  • Aboriginal Peoples Collaborative Exchange – Project Grants Over $2,500: 15 May and 15 November 2007

For more information, contact Louise Profeit-LeBlanc, ext. 5212.

Note: This component is intended to support collaborations with non-Aboriginal communities. Aboriginal artists or organizations must take the lead in the collaboration.


  • Production Project Grants in Dance: 15 March 2007

For more information, contact a Dance Section Officer, ext. 4578.

  • Creation/Production in Dance – Annual Funding: 15 November 2007

For more information, contact the Dance Section Officer responsible for your file, ext. 4501.

  • Annual Support to Aboriginal Peoples Dance Companies, Organizations and Collectives: 1 November 2007
  • Aboriginal Peoples Production Project Grants in Dance
    - Short-Term Production Grants: 1 November 2007
    - Long-Term Production Grants: 1 November 2007

For more information, contact the Dance Section Officer, ext. 5501.


  • Integrated Arts Program for Organizations: 15 November 2007
  • Integrated Arts Program for Artists: 1 May 2008

For more information, contact Claude Schryer, ext. 4204.

Media Arts

  • Assistance to Media Arts Production Organizations – Development Project Grants: 1 May and 1 November 2007

For more information, contact Ian Reid, ext. 5203.


  • Music Project Grants – Artists and Community Collaboration Program: 1 February 2008

For more information, contact Gerri Trimble, ext. 4103.


  • Theatre Production Project Grants - Artists and Community Collaboration Program (Development/ Production): 1 March and 15 September 2007
  • Support to Theatre Service Organizations – Project Grants: 15 September 2007
  • Developmental Support to Aboriginal Theatre Organizations: 15 September 2007

For more information, contact Bruce Sinclair, ext. 5022.

Visual Arts

  • Artists and Community Collaboration Program for Visual Arts: 15 April and 15 September 2007

For more information, contact Pao Quang Yeh, ext. 5094.

Writing and Publishing

  • Co-operative Projects in Writing and Publishing: 15 March and 15 September 2007

For more information, contact Catherine Montgomery, ext. 5574.

  • Spoken Word and Storytelling Program: 15 April 2007
  • Grants to Aboriginal Writers, Storytellers and Publishers: 1 June 2007

For more information, contact Paul Seesequasis, ext. 5482.

  • Literary Readings, Literary Festivals and Author Residencies: 1 March 2007

For more information, contact Diane Miljours, ext. 4016.

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Further Information

For further information on the ACCP, please contact the program officer listed for each of the participating programs. Use the toll-free number     1-800-263-5588 or 613-566-4414, and choose the extension number of the officer you wish to reach. Since programs are subject to change, please contact the program officer for up-to-date information.

Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON  K1P 5V8


Fax: 613-566-4390

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: 613-565-5194

July 2007