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We need you!  The CRRF is always looking for passionate and dedicated volunteers who are ready and willing to help with the fight against racism.  A variety of projects require volunteer help including special events, research, communications, committee work, fundraising activities, general office assistance, and more!  Volunteering at the CRRF is a great opportunity to meet people who share similar concerns, interest and ideologies.  The CRRF's various volunteer positions provide opportunities to learn more about anti-racism in Canada, computers, fundraising, events, and communications skills.  Both short term and long term volunteer opportunities are available, consequently most schedules can be accommodated.

Most volunteer opportunities are available in Toronto, where the CRRF office is located.  Volunteer opportunities throughout the country will be available in the future.

If you are able to contribute to the fight against racism by offering some of your time and skills please complete the Volunteer Application Form and forward your Curriculum Vitae to Sandie M. Arunachalam.









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 Volunteering at the CRRF

Nomination Notice - Board of Directors / Yukon, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador and Quebec

Nomination Notice - Board of Directors - North West Territories and Nunavut
NEWS Thank You test2

Copyright © 2007, Canadian Race Relations Foundation